Geometric constraint solver W Bouma, I Fudos, C Hoffmann, J Cai, R Paige
Computer-aided design 27 (6), 487-501, 1995
475 1995 A graph-constructive approach to solving systems of geometric constraints I Fudos, CM Hoffmann
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 16 (2), 179-216, 1997
347 1997 Correctness proof of a geometric constraint solver I Fudos, CM Hoffmann
International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 6 (04), 405-420, 1996
130 1996 Constraint solving for computer-aided design I Fudos
Purdue University, 1995
71 1995 Constraint-based parametric conics for CAD I Fudos, CM Hoffmann
Computer-Aided Design 28 (2), 91-100, 1996
62 1996 An efficient hierarchical scheme for locating highly mobile users E Pitoura, I Fudos
Proceedings of the seventh international conference on Information and …, 1998
55 1998 A parametric feature-based CAD system for reproducing traditional pierced jewellery V Stamati, I Fudos
Computer-Aided Design 37 (4), 431-449, 2005
49 2005 S-buffer: Sparsity-aware Multi-fragment Rendering. A Vasilakis, I Fudos
Eurographics (short papers), 101-104, 2012
39 2012 Editable representations for 2D geometric design I Fudos
Purdue University, 1993
38 1993 3D printing technologies & applications: an overview M Ntousia, I Fudos
Proceedings of the CAD 2020 Conference, Singapore 243, 248, 2019
36 2019 Depth-fighting aware methods for multifragment rendering AA Vasilakis, I Fudos
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 19 (6), 967-977, 2012
30 2012 Feature-based 3D morphing based on geometrically constrained spherical parameterization T Athanasiadis, I Fudos, C Nikou, V Stamati
Computer Aided Geometric Design 29 (1), 2-17, 2012
30 2012 Distributed location databases for tracking highly mobile objects E Pitoura, I Fudos
The Computer Journal 44 (2), 75-91, 2001
30 2001 CAD/CAM Methods for Reverse Engineering: A Case Study of Re-engineering Jewelry I Fudos
Computer-Aided Design and Applications 3 (6), 683-700, 2006
29 2006 k + -buffer: fragment synchronized k-bufferAA Vasilakis, I Fudos
Proceedings of the 18th Meeting of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive …, 2014
28 2014 Figure of image quality and information capacity in digital mammography CM Michail, NE Kalyvas, IG Valais, IP Fudos, GP Fountos, ...
BioMed Research International 2014 (1), 634856, 2014
24 2014 Skeleton-based Rigid Skinning for Character Animation. A Vasilakis, I Fudos
GRAPP 9, 302-308, 2009
24 2009 A parametric feature-based approach to reconstructing traditional filigree jewelry V Stamati, G Antonopoulos, P Azariadis, I Fudos
Computer-Aided Design 43 (12), 1814-1828, 2011
23 2011 -buffer: An Efficient, Memory-Friendly and Dynamic -buffer FrameworkAA Vasilakis, G Papaioannou, I Fudos
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 21 (6), 688-700, 2015
22 2015 Direct rendering of Boolean combinations of self-trimmed surfaces J Rossignac, I Fudos, A Vasilakis
Computer-Aided Design 45 (2), 288-300, 2013
22 2013