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Angelo Camerlenghi
Angelo Camerlenghi
Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale - OGS
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Alıntı yapanlar
The international bathymetric chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) version 3.0
M Jakobsson, L Mayer, B Coakley, JA Dowdeswell, S Forbes, B Fridman, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (12), 2012
The Messinian Salinity Crisis: past and future of a great challenge for marine sciences
M Roveri, R Flecker, W Krijgsman, J Lofi, S Lugli, V Manzi, FJ Sierro, ...
Marine Geology 352, 25-58, 2014
Submarine landslides of the Mediterranean Sea: Trigger mechanisms, dynamics, and frequency‐magnitude distribution
R Urgeles, A Camerlenghi
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 118 (4), 2600-2618, 2013
Historical and pre-historical tsunamis in the Mediterranean and its connected seas: Geological signatures, generation mechanisms and coastal impacts
GA Papadopoulos, E Gràcia, R Urgeles, V Sallares, PM De Martini, ...
Marine Geology 354, 81-109, 2014
Giant sediment drifts on the continental rise west of the Antarctic Peninsula
M Rebesco, RD Larter, A Camerlenghi, PF Barker
Geo-Marine Letters 16, 65-75, 1996
The history of sedimentation on the continental rise west of the Antarctic Peninsula
M Rebesco, RD Larter, PF Barker, A Camerlenghi, LE Vanneste
Geology and seismic stratigraphy of the Antarctic margin, 2 71, 29-49, 1997
Geophysical evidence of mud diapirism on the Mediterranean Ridge accretionary complex
A Camerlenghi, MB Cita, BD Vedova, N Fusi, L Mirabile, G Pellis
Marine Geophysical Researches 17, 115-141, 1995
M Rebesco, A Camerlenghi
Elsevier, 2008
Estimation of gas hydrate concentration from multi-component seismic data at sites on the continental margins of NW Svalbard and the Storegga region of Norway
GK Westbrook, S Chand, G Rossi, C Long, S Bünz, A Camerlenghi, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 25 (8), 744-758, 2008
Geological evidence for mud diapirism on the Mediterranean Ridge accretionary complex
A Camerlenghi, MB Cita, W Hieke, T Ricchiuto
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 109 (3-4), 493-504, 1992
Holocene history of the Larsen-A Ice Shelf constrained by geomagnetic paleointensity dating
S Brachfeld, E Domack, C Kissel, C Laj, A Leventer, S Ishman, R Gilbert, ...
Geology 31 (9), 749-752, 2003
Deep-sea tsunami deposits in the eastern Mediterranean: new evidence and depositional models
MB Cita, A Camerlenghi, B Rimoldi
Sedimentary Geology 104 (1-4), 155-173, 1996
Deep sea bottom-simulating-reflectors: calibration of the base of the hydrate stability field as used for heat flow estimates
RD Hyndman, JP Foucher, M Yamano, A Fisher
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 109 (3-4), 289-301, 1992
The significance of contourites for submarine slope stability
JS Laberg, A Camerlenghi
Developments in sedimentology 60, 537-556, 2008
New constraints on the Messinian sealevel drawdown from 3D seismic data of the Ebro Margin, western Mediterranean
R Urgeles, A Camerlenghi, D Garcia‐Castellanos, B De Mol, M Garcés, ...
Basin Research 23 (2), 123-145, 2011
Glacial–interglacial deposition on a sediment drift on the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula
CJ Pudsey, A Camerlenghi
Antarctic Science 10 (3), 286-308, 1998
10. Relation between pore fluid chemistry and gas hydrates associated with bottom-simulating reflectors at the Cascadia margin, site 889 and 892
M Kastner, KA Kvenvolden, MJ Whiticar, A Camerlenghi, TD Lorenson
Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results 146 (Pt 1), 1995
Mid-late Pleistocene glacimarine sedimentary processes of a high-latitude, deep-sea sediment drift (Antarctic Peninsula Pacific margin)
RG Lucchi, M Rebesco, A Camerlenghi, M Busetti, L Tomadin, G Villa, ...
Marine Geology 189 (3-4), 343-370, 2002
Sediment drifts and deep-sea channel systems, Antarctic Peninsula Pacific Margin
M Rebesco, CJ Pudsey, M Canals, A Camerlenghi, PF Barker, F Estrada, ...
Glacial history of the Antarctic Peninsula from Pacific margin sediments
PF Barker, A Camerlenghi
Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program. Scientific Results 178, 1-40, 2002
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