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Carolina Jiménez Lira
Carolina Jiménez Lira
uach.mx üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Charting the role of the number line in mathematical development
JA LeFevre, C Jimenez Lira, C Sowinski, O Cankaya, D Kamawar, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 4, 641, 2013
The integration of symbolic and non-symbolic representations of exact quantity in preschool children
CJ Lira, M Carver, H Douglas, JA LeFevre
Cognition 166, 382-397, 2017
Home learning environments of children in Mexico in relation to socioeconomic status
MI Susperreguy, C Jimenez Lira, C Xu, JA LeFevre, H Blanco Vega, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 626159, 2021
Relaciones entre autoconcepto y bienestar psicológico en universitarias mexicanas
CJ Lira, JE Peinado, N Solano-Pinto, M Ornelas, HB Vega
Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación-e Avaliação Psicológica 2 …, 2020
Learning to count: Structured practice with spatial cues supports the development of counting sequence knowledge in 3-year-old English-speaking children
K Dunbar, A Ridha, O Cankaya, C Jiménez Lira, JA LeFevre
Early Education and Development 28 (3), 308-322, 2017
Influencia de la insatisfacción corporal y la actividad física en el bienestar psicológico de jóvenes mexicanas.
H Blanco Vega, PJ Jurado García, C Jiménez Lira, SI Aguirre Vásquez, ...
Retos: Nuevas Perspectivas de Educación Física, Deporte y Recreación 45, 2022
Habilidades motrices y su relación con las actividades y creencias parentales en preescolares; comparaciones por nivel socio-económico
C Jiménez Lira, EV Benavides, M Ornelas Contreras, ...
Sportis 6 (1), 122-144, 2020
Cross-cultural comparisons of home numeracy and literacy environments: Canada, Mexico, and Chile
MI Susperreguy, C Jiménez Lira, JA LeFevre
Education Sciences 12 (2), 62, 2022
Quality of life in Mexican older adults: Factor structure of the SF-36 questionnaire
SI Aguirre, M Ornelas, H Blanco, PJ Jurado-García, EV Benavides, ...
Healthcare 10 (2), 200, 2022
Habilidades motrices en preescolares, comparación por género
AL Celia, CJ Lira, EVB Pando, HB Vega, MO Contreras
Revista De Ciencias Del Ejercicio FOD 16 (1), 44-50, 2021
Linguistic and Experiential Factors as Predictors of Young Children's Early Numeracy Skills
JA LeFevre, O Cankaya, C Xu, CJ Lira
Language and culture in mathematical cognition, 49-72, 2018
Relationships between self-concept and psychological well-being in Mexican university women students
C Jimenez Lira, J Enrique Peinado, N Solano-Pinto, M Ornelas, ...
Actividad física en jóvenes con Síndrome de Down..
EV Benavides Pando, C Delgado Valles, M Ornelas Contreras, ...
Retos: Nuevas Perspectivas de Educación Física, Deporte y Recreación 50, 2023
Children's acquisition of the mappings among the number representations
C Jimenez Lira
Carleton University, 2016
Perceived psychological well-Being among university students: A comparative study by gender
PJJ García, LIF Gallegos, CJ Lira, SIA Vásquez
Eur. Sci. J 15, 318-326, 2019
Meta-analyses and narrative review of home-based interventions to improve literacy and mathematics outcomes for children between the ages of 3 and 5 years old
A Cahoon, C Jiménez Lira, N Estévez Pérez, EV Benavides Pando, ...
Review of Educational Research 94 (6), 803-842, 2024
La autoeficacia y el cuidado de la salud física en los adolescentes mexicanos (Self-efficacy and physical health care in Mexican adolescents)
H Blanco, M Ornelas, P Jurado-García, JR Blanco, SI Aguirre, RG Ortega, ...
Retos 45 (0), 154-162, 2022
Validation of a computerized version of the trait subscale of the physical appearance state and trait anxiety scale in mexican preadolescents
JF Aguirre, YS Rangel-Ledezma, PJ Jurado-García, H Blanco, M Ornelas, ...
Children 9 (1), 64, 2022
Early symbolic numeracy and gross, fine, and perceptual-motor skills in Mexican preschool children
EVB Pando, CJ Lira, DSP García, MI Susperreguy, LCP Gardea, ...
Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación, 1452-1462, 2024
Actividad física y autorregulación antes y durante confinamiento por COVID-19 en población Rarámuri.
M Conchas Ramírez, LC Palma Gardea, C Jiménez Lira, ...
Retos: Nuevas Perspectivas de Educación Física, Deporte y Recreación 49, 2023
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