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Clive McMahon
Clive McMahon
Sydney Institute of Marine Science
utas.edu.au üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Measuring devices on wild animals: what constitutes acceptable practice?
RP Wilson, CR McMahon
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 4 (3), 147-154, 2006
Translating marine animal tracking data into conservation policy and management
GC Hays, H Bailey, SJ Bograd, WD Bowen, C Campagna, RH Carmichael, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 34 (5), 459-473, 2019
Thermal niche, large‐scale movements and implications of climate change for a critically endangered marine vertebrate
Global Change Biology 12 (7), 1330-1338, 2006
Tracking of marine predators to protect Southern Ocean ecosystems
MA Hindell, RR Reisinger, Y Ropert-Coudert, LA Hückstädt, PN Trathan, ...
Nature 580 (7801), 87-92, 2020
The 10 Australian ecosystems most vulnerable to tipping points
WF Laurance, B Dell, SM Turton, MJ Lawes, LB Hutley, H McCallum, ...
Biological Conservation 144 (5), 1472-1480, 2011
Southern Ocean frontal structure and sea-ice formation rates revealed by elephant seals
JB Charrassin, M Hindell, SR Rintoul, F Roquet, S Sokolov, M Biuw, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (33), 11634-11639, 2008
Using short-term measures of behaviour to estimate long-term fitness of southern elephant seals
LF New, JS Clark, DP Costa, E Fleishman, MA Hindell, T Klanjšček, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 496, 99-108, 2014
Antarctic futures: an assessment of climate-driven changes in ecosystem structure, function, and service provisioning in the Southern Ocean
AD Rogers, BAV Frinault, DKA Barnes, NL Bindoff, R Downie, ...
Annual Review of Marine Science 12 (1), 87-120, 2020
Weaning mass and the future survival of juvenile southern elephant seals, Mirounga leonina, at Macquarie Island
CR McMAHON, HR Burton, MN Bester
Antarctic Science 12 (2), 149-153, 2000
The suppression of Antarctic bottom water formation by melting ice shelves in Prydz Bay
GD Williams, L Herraiz-Borreguero, F Roquet, T Tamura, KI Ohshima, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 12577, 2016
All at sea with animal tracks; methodological and analytical solutions for the resolution of movement
RP Wilson, N Liebsch, IM Davies, F Quintana, H Weimerskirch, S Storch, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 54 (3-4), 193-210, 2007
Marine mammals exploring the oceans pole to pole: a review of the MEOP consortium
AM Treasure, F Roquet, IJ Ansorge, MN Bester, L Boehme, H Bornemann, ...
Oceanography 30 (2), 132-138, 2017
Population status, trends and a re‐examination of the hypotheses explaining the recent declines of the southern elephant seal Mirounga leonina
CR McMahon, MN Bester, HR Burton, MA Hindell, CJA Bradshaw
Mammal Review 35 (1), 82-100, 2005
Animal-borne telemetry: an integral component of the ocean observing toolkit
R Harcourt, AMM Sequeira, X Zhang, F Roquet, K Komatsu, M Heupel, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 326, 2019
Global COVID-19 lockdown highlights humans as both threats and custodians of the environment
AE Bates, RB Primack, BS Biggar, TJ Bird, ME Clinton, RJ Command, ...
Biological conservation 263, 109175, 2021
Spatial and temporal movement patterns of a multi-species coastal reef shark aggregation
CW Speed, MG Meekan, IC Field, CR McMahon, JD Stevens, F McGregor, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 429, 261-275, 2011
Integrating research using animal‐borne telemetry with the needs of conservation management
J McGowan, M Beger, RL Lewison, R Harcourt, H Campbell, M Priest, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (2), 423-429, 2017
A Southern Indian Ocean database of hydrographic profiles obtained with instrumented elephant seals
F Roquet, G Williams, MA Hindell, R Harcourt, C McMahon, C Guinet, ...
Scientific data 1 (1), 1-10, 2014
Climate change and seal survival: evidence for environmentally mediated changes in elephant seal, Mirounga leonina, pup survival
CR McMahon, HR Burton
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 272 (1566), 923-928, 2005
Circumpolar habitat use in the southern elephant seal: implications for foraging success and population trajectories
MA Hindell, CR McMahon, MN Bester, L Boehme, D Costa, MA Fedak, ...
Ecosphere 7 (5), e01213, 2016
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