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Rozita Jalali Farahani
Rozita Jalali Farahani
jhu.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Three-dimensional reversed horseshoe vortex structures under broken solitary waves
RJ Farahani, RA Dalrymple
Coastal Engineering 91, 261-279, 2014
Three-dimensional SPH modeling of a bar/rip channel system
RJ Farahani, RA Dalrymple, A Hérault, G Bilotta
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 140 (1), 82-99, 2014
GPU-accelerated SPH model for water waves and free surface flows
RA Dalrymple, A Herault, G Bilotta, RJ Farahani
Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 9-9, 2011
Tsunami inundation hazard across Japan
J Woessner, RJ Farahani
International journal of disaster risk reduction 49, 101654, 2020
SPH modeling of mean velocity circulation in a rip current system
RJ Farahani, RA Dalrymple, A Hérault, G Bilotta
Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 37-37, 2012
Tsunami risk for insurance portfolios from megathrust earthquakes in Cascadia subduction zone
RJ Farahani, J Woessner, S Bingi, I Charvet, C Williams, M Nyst, ...
16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago de Chile, 2017
Turbulent coherent structures under breaking water waves
RJ Farahani, RA Dalrymple, A Hérault, G Bilotta
Proc. 7th international SPHERIC workshop, 171-178, 2012
Tsunami Risk for insurance protfolios in Japan
J Woessner, RJ Farahani, C Williams, NM Porto, M Masuda, E Dollarhide, ...
16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 1-12, 2018
Flow pattern analysis of linear gradient flow distribution
D Li, X Li, Y Li, RJ Farahani
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 36 (1), 81-106, 2015
A comprehensive probabilistic earthquake and tsunami risk model for Japan
M Masuda, C William, J Sakai, D Fitzenz, E Seyhan, T Ancheta, ...
Conference Proceedings of the 17th WCEE, 2020
Spatial Correlation of Losses in Japan: Impact of Earthquake and Tsunami Source Model Assumptions
DD Fitzenz, S Levy, L Damiao, RJ Farahani, J Woessner
17WCEE, Sendai, Japan, 2020
Modeling the coherent vortices in breaking waves
RJ Farahani, RA Dalrymple, A Hérault, G Bilotta, E Rustico
Proceedings of the 9th Internal SPHERIC Workshop, Paris, France, 3-5, 2014
Deformation and Tsunami Inundation estimates from published slip distributions: How reliable are they?
J Woessner, R Jalali Farahani
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 1613, 2020
Jochen WOESSNER , Rozita FARAHANI , Chesley WILLIAMS , Natanya PORTO ...
16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2018
Sensitivity of Tsunami Waves and Coastal Inundation/Runup to Seabed Displacement Models: Application to the Cascadia Subduction zone
RJ Farahani, DD Fitzenz, M Nyst
2015 AGU Fall Meeting, 2015
Sensitivity of Tsunami Waves and Coastal Inundation/Runup to Seabed Displacement Models: Application to the Cascadia Subduction zone
R Jalali Farahani, DD Fitzenz, M Nyst
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, NH23A-1870, 2015
Tsunami Modeling of Hikurangi Trench M9 Events: Case Study for Napier, New Zealand
CR Williams, M Nyst, R Farahani, J Bryngelson, R Lee, G Molas
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, NH23C-1894, 2015
Numerical Modeling of Six Historical Transoceanic Tsunami Events Using a Robust Finite Volume Method on GPUs
RJ Farahani, S Li, F Mohammed, S Astill, CR Williams, R Lee, PS Wilson, ...
2014 AGU Fall Meeting, 2014
A fast global tsunami modeling suite as a trans-oceanic tsunami hazard prediction and mitigation tool
F Mohammed, S Li, R Jalali Farahani, CR Williams, S Astill, PS Wilson, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2014, S21A-4423, 2014
Numerical Modeling of Six Historical Transoceanic Tsunami Events Using a Robust Finite Volume Method on GPUs
R Jalali Farahani, S Li, F Mohammed, S Astill, CR Williams, R Lee, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2014, NH13A-3717, 2014
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