Takip et
Laszlo Kecskes
Laszlo Kecskes
Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute; Johns Hopkins University
jhu.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Tensile properties of in situ consolidated nanocrystalline Cu
S Cheng, E Ma, YM Wang, LJ Kecskes, KM Youssef, CC Koch, ...
Acta materialia 53 (5), 1521-1533, 2005
Microstructure and mechanical properties of super-strong nanocrystalline tungsten processed by high-pressure torsion
Q Wei, HT Zhang, BE Schuster, KT Ramesh, RZ Valiev, LJ Kecskes, ...
Acta materialia 54 (15), 4079-4089, 2006
Dislocation–twin interactions in nanocrystalline fcc metals
YT Zhu, XL Wu, XZ Liao, J Narayan, LJ Kecskés, SN Mathaudhu
Acta Materialia 59 (2), 812-821, 2011
Adiabatic shear banding in ultrafine-grained Fe processed by severe plastic deformation
Q Wei, L Kecskes, T Jiao, KT Hartwig, KT Ramesh, E Ma
Acta materialia 52 (7), 1859-1869, 2004
Mechanical behavior and dynamic failure of high-strength ultrafine grained tungsten under uniaxial compression
Q Wei, T Jiao, KT Ramesh, E Ma, LJ Kecskes, L Magness, R Dowding, ...
Acta Materialia 54 (1), 77-87, 2006
Generalized stacking fault energy, ideal strength and twinnability of dilute Mg-based alloys: A first-principles study of shear deformation
SL Shang, WY Wang, BC Zhou, Y Wang, KA Darling, LJ Kecskes, ...
Acta materialia 67, 168-180, 2014
Stabilization and strengthening of nanocrystalline copper by alloying with tantalum
T Frolov, KA Darling, LJ Kecskes, Y Mishin
Acta Materialia 60 (5), 2158-2168, 2012
Grain size stabilization of nanocrystalline copper at high temperatures by alloying with tantalum
KA Darling, AJ Roberts, Y Mishin, SN Mathaudhu, LJ Kecskes
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 573, 142-150, 2013
Characterization of uniaxial compressive response of bulk amorphous Zr–Ti–Cu–Ni–Be alloy
G Subhash, RJ Dowding, LJ Kecskes
Materials Science and Engineering: A 334 (1-2), 33-40, 2002
Effect of grain size on prismatic slip in Mg–3Al–1Zn alloy
SM Razavi, DC Foley, I Karaman, KT Hartwig, O Duygulu, LJ Kecskes, ...
Scripta Materialia 67 (5), 439-442, 2012
Effect of low-temperature rolling on the tensile behavior of commercially pure tungsten
Q Wei, LJ Kecskes
Materials Science and Engineering: A 491 (1-2), 62-69, 2008
Stabilized nanocrystalline iron-based alloys: Guiding efforts in alloy selection
KA Darling, BK VanLeeuwen, JE Semones, CC Koch, RO Scattergood, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (13-14), 4365-4371, 2011
Grain size engineering of bcc refractory metals: Top-down and bottom-up—Application to tungsten
LJ Kecskes, KC Cho, RJ Dowding, BE Schuster, RZ Valiev, Q Wei
Materials Science and Engineering: A 467 (1-2), 33-43, 2007
Dynamic precipitation and recrystallization in Mg-9wt.% Al during equal-channel angular extrusion: A comparative study to conventional aging
XL Ma, SE Prameela, P Yi, M Fernandez, NM Krywopusk, LJ Kecskes, ...
Acta Materialia 172, 185-199, 2019
Microstructure and mechanical properties of bulk nanostructured Cu–Ta alloys consolidated by equal channel angular extrusion
KA Darling, MA Tschopp, RK Guduru, WH Yin, Q Wei, LJ Kecskes
Acta materialia 76, 168-185, 2014
Microstructure and mechanical properties at different length scales and strain rates of nanocrystalline tantalum produced by high-pressure torsion
Q Wei, ZL Pan, XL Wu, BE Schuster, LJ Kecskes, RZ Valiev
Acta Materialia 59 (6), 2423-2436, 2011
Twinning partial multiplication at grain boundary in nanocrystalline fcc metals
YT Zhu, XL Wu, XZ Liao, J Narayan, SN Mathaudhu, LJ Kecskes
Applied Physics Letters 95 (3), 2009
Deformation twinning in a nanocrystalline hcp Mg alloy
XL Wu, KM Youssef, CC Koch, SN Mathaudhu, LJ Kecskés, YT Zhu
Scripta Materialia 64 (3), 213-216, 2011
Investigation of shear band evolution in amorphous alloys beneath a Vickers indentation
H Zhang, X Jing, G Subhash, LJ Kecskes, RJ Dowding
Acta materialia 53 (14), 3849-3859, 2005
“Bulk” nanocrystalline metals: review of the current state of the art and future opportunities for copper and copper alloys
MA Tschopp, HA Murdoch, LJ Kecskes, KA Darling
Jom 66, 1000-1019, 2014
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