Takip et
George Dafermos
George Dafermos
Researcher, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Doğrulanmış e-posta adresi yok - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Design global, manufacture local: Exploring the contours of an emerging productive model
V Kostakis, V Niaros, G Dafermos, M Bauwens
Futures 73, 126-135, 2015
Management and virtual decentralised networks: The Linux project (originally published in Volume 6, Number 11, November 2001)
GN Dafermos
First Monday, 2005
The hacker movement as a continuation of labour struggle
G Dafermos, J Söderberg
Capital & Class 33 (1), 53-73, 2009
The Catalan Integral Cooperative: an organizational study of a post-capitalist cooperative
G Dafermos
P2P Foundation and Robin Hood Coop https://commonstransi tion. org/the …, 2017
Authority in peer production: The emergence of governance in the FreeBSD project
G Dafermos
Journal of Peer Production 1 (1), 1-12, 2012
Agroalimentación: Sistema agroalimentario abierto y sustentable en Ecuador
G Dafermos, JL Vivero-Pol
Buen Conocer-FLOK Society. Modelos sostenibles y políticas públicas para una …, 2015
Energía: conocimientos libres, energía distribuida y empoderamiento social para un cambio de matriz energética
G Dafermos, P Kotsampopoulos, K Latoufis, I Margaris, FP Washima, ...
Buen Conocer-FLOK Society. Modelos sostenibles y políticas públicas para una …, 2015
Transforming the productive base of the economy through the open design commons and distributed manufacturing
G Dafermos
Journal of Peer Production 7, 1-10, 2015
Biodiversidad: ciencia ciudadana, saberes originarios y biodiversidad aplicada en la economía social del conocimiento
S Golinelli, K Vega-Villa, JF Villa-Romero
Buen Conocer-FLOK Society. Modelos sostenibles y políticas públicas para una …, 2015
Fabricación: diseño abierto y fabricación distribuida
G Dafermos
Buen Conocer-FLOK Society. Modelos sostenibles y políticas públicas para una …, 2015
Governance structures of free/open source software development
G Dafermos
Blogging the market. How weblogs are turning corporate machines into real conversations
GN Dafermos
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Working Paper, Cambridge/Massachusetts, 2003
Fabricación Distribuida y diseño abierto
G Dafermos
Buen conocer-FLOK Society Documento de política pública 2, 2016
Transforming the energy matrix: Transition policies for the development of the distributed energy model
G Dafermos, P Kotsampopoulos, K Latoufis, I Margaris, B Rivela, ...
Journal of Peer Production 7, 1-16, 2015
Images of innovation in discourses of free and open source software
G Dafermos, MJG Van Eeten
The open agri-food system of Ecuador: A commons-based transition towards sustainability and equity to reach a Buen Vivir for all
G Dafermos, JLV Pol
Environ. Sci. Agric. Food Sci. Econ 2, 1-21, 2014
Governance Structures of Free/Open Source Software Development: Examining the role of modular product design as a governance mechanism in the FreeBSD Project
G Dafermos
Next Generation Infrastructures Foundation, 2012
Prophets and advocates of peer production
G Dafermos
The Handbook of Peer Production, 87-100, 2020
Energía distribuida
G Dafermos, P Kotsampopoulos, K Latoufis, I Margaris, B Rivela, ...
documento de política pública, 2015
Blogging the market
GN Dafermos
Retrieved January 26, 2006, 2003
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