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Juan-Ignacio Martínez-Pastor
Juan-Ignacio Martínez-Pastor
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Divorce risk factors and their variations over time in Spain
F Bernardi, JI Martínez-Pastor
Demographic research 24, 771-800, 2011
Female education and marriage dissolution: Is it a selection effect?
F Bernardi, JI Martínez-Pastor
European Sociological Review 27 (6), 693-707, 2011
Nupcialidad y cambio social en España
JIM Pastor
CIS, 2009
The hidden cost of flexibility: A factorial survey experiment on job promotion
I Fernandez-Lozano, MJ González, T Jurado-Guerrero, JI Martínez-Pastor
European Sociological Review 36 (2), 265-283, 2020
La flexibilidad laboral: significados y consecuencias.
JI Martínez Pastor, F Bernardi
Política y Sociedad 48 (3), 2011
Mapa del abandono educativo temprano en España
A Soler, JI Martínez, R López-Meseguer, MT Valdés, MA Sancho, ...
Informe General. EFSE. Fundación Europea Sociedad y Educación, 2021
Falling at the bottom: Unskilled jobs at entry in the labor market in Spain over time and in a comparative perspective
F Bernardi, JI Martínez-Pastor
International Journal of Comparative Sociology 51 (4), 289-307, 2010
La homogamia educativa de las nuevas mujeres en España
JIM Pastor
Revista Internacional de Sociología 64 (43), 69-94, 2006
Fixed-term contracts: does nationality matter?
JI Martínez-Pastor
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 40 (5), 814-828, 2014
The flexibilization of the Spanish labour market: Meaning and consequences for inequality from a life-course perspective
JI Martínez-Pastor, F Bernardi
Globalized labour markets and social inequality in Europe, 79-107, 2011
Highly educated women marry less: an analysis of female marriage rates in Spain
J Ignacio Martínez Pastor
South European society & politics 13 (3), 283-302, 2008
¿ Es la precariedad igual para todos los trabajadores temporales?: Diferencias y semejanzas entre clases sociales
JM Comet, JIM Pastor
RES. Revista Española de Sociología 26 (2), 169-184, 2017
Cada vez menos y más tarde: un análisis de la nupcialidad masculina durante los últimos treinta años en España
J Pastor
Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas (Reis) 123 (1), 59-86, 2008
Caring fathers in Europe: Toward universal caregiver families?
JI Martínez‐Pastor, T Jurado‐Guerrero, I Fernández‐Lozano, ...
Gender, Work & Organization 31 (5), 1616-1638, 2024
Employability of higher education graduates in Spain: crisis and new challenges
JI Martínez-Pastor
Forum Sociológico. Série II, 2017
How important is physical attractiveness in the marriage market?
JI Martínez-Pastor
Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas (REIS) 159 (159), 91-110, 2017
Employment opportunities at entry into the labor market in Spain since the mid-1970s
JI Martínez-Pastor, F Bernardi, L Garrido
DEU 8, 36, 2006
Increasing employment instability among young people? Labor market entries and early careers in Sapin since the mid-1970s
JIM Pastor, F Bernardi, LJG Medina
Young workers, globalization and the labor market: comparing early working …, 2008
El mercado de trabajo en España
JI Martínez pastor
Política económica en la España democrática. Segunda Edición., 529-578, 2008
España 2015. Situación social
JI Martínez-Pastor
Reis: Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 155-161, 2016
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