Impact of balcony thermal bridges on the overall thermal performance of multi-unit residential buildings: A case study H Ge, VR McClung, S Zhang Energy and Buildings 60, 163-173, 2013 | 155 | 2013 |
Hygrothermal performance of cross-laminated timber wall assemblies with built-in moisture: field measurements and simulations R McClung, H Ge, J Straube, J Wang Building and Environment 71, 95-110, 2014 | 148 | 2014 |
Dynamic effect of thermal bridges on the energy performance of a low-rise residential building H Ge, F Baba Energy and Buildings 105, 106-118, 2015 | 112 | 2015 |
Numerical investigation for thermal performance of exterior walls of residential buildings with moisture transfer in hot summer and cold winter zone of China X Liu, Y Chen, H Ge, P Fazio, G Chen Energy and Buildings 93, 259-268, 2015 | 112 | 2015 |
Two-phase collaborative optimization and operation strategy for a new distributed energy system that combines multi-energy storage for a nearly zero energy community Z Liu, J Guo, D Wu, G Fan, S Zhang, X Yang, H Ge Energy Conversion and Management 230, 113800, 2021 | 97 | 2021 |
Determination of optimum insulation thickness for building walls with moisture transfer in hot summer and cold winter zone of China X Liu, Y Chen, H Ge, P Fazio, G Chen, X Guo Energy and Buildings 109, 361-368, 2015 | 95 | 2015 |
Policy recommendations for the zero energy building promotion towards carbon neutral in Asia-Pacific Region S Zhang, K Wang, W Xu, U Iyer-Raniga, A Athienitis, H Ge, D woo Cho, ... Energy Policy 159, 112661, 2021 | 83 | 2021 |
Nature-based solutions (nbss) to mitigate urban heat island (UHI) effects in Canadian cities AT Hayes, Z Jandaghian, MA Lacasse, A Gaur, H Lu, A Laouadi, H Ge, ... Buildings 12 (7), 925, 2022 | 74 | 2022 |
Hygrothermal performance of cross-laminated timber wall assemblies: A stochastic approach L Wang, H Ge Building and Environment 97, 11-25, 2016 | 73 | 2016 |
Impact of future climates on the durability of typical residential wall assemblies retrofitted to the PassiveHaus for the Eastern Canada region A Sehizadeh, H Ge Building and Environment 97, 111-125, 2016 | 63 | 2016 |
Two-layer co-optimization method for a distributed energy system combining multiple energy storages J Guo, Z Liu, X Wu, D Wu, S Zhang, X Yang, H Ge, P Zhang Applied Energy 322, 119486, 2022 | 62 | 2022 |
Sleep thermal comfort and the energy saving potential due to reduced indoor operative temperature during sleep C Leung, H Ge Building and Environment 59, 91-98, 2013 | 62 | 2013 |
Multi-objective optimization design and multi-attribute decision-making method of a distributed energy system based on nearly zero-energy community load forecasting J Guo, P Zhang, D Wu, Z Liu, X Liu, S Zhang, X Yang, H Ge Energy 239, 122124, 2022 | 61 | 2022 |
Calibration of building model based on indoor temperature for overheating assessment using genetic algorithm: Methodology, evaluation criteria, and case study FM Baba, H Ge, R Zmeureanu, LL Wang Building and Environment 207, 108518, 2022 | 60 | 2022 |
Effects of roof overhangs on wind-driven rain wetting of a low-rise cubic building: A numerical study SSM Foroushani, H Ge, D Naylor Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics 125, 38-51, 2014 | 59 | 2014 |
A review on indoor airborne transmission of COVID-19–modelling and mitigation approaches S Rayegan, C Shu, J Berquist, J Jeon, LG Zhou, LL Wang, H Mbareche, ... Journal of Building Engineering 64, 105599, 2023 | 57 | 2023 |
Influence of moisture load profiles on moisture buffering potential and moisture residuals of three groups of hygroscopic materials H Ge, X Yang, P Fazio, J Rao Building and Environment 81, 162-171, 2014 | 57 | 2014 |
Effect of dynamic modeling of thermal bridges on the energy performance of residential buildings with high thermal mass for cold climates H Ge, F Baba Sustainable Cities and Society 34, 250-263, 2017 | 53 | 2017 |
Do high energy-efficient buildings increase overheating risk in cold climates? Causes and mitigation measures required under recent and future climates FM Baba, H Ge, LL Wang, R Zmeureanu Building and Environment 219, 109230, 2022 | 52 | 2022 |
A new collaborative optimization method for a distributed energy system combining hybrid energy storage J Guo, P Zhang, D Wu, Z Liu, H Ge, S Zhang, X Yang Sustainable Cities and Society 75, 103330, 2021 | 51 | 2021 |