Takip et
Uğur Güvenç
Uğur Güvenç
Prof. Dr. , Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Düzce Üniversitesi
duzce.edu.tr üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Optimal power flow using gravitational search algorithm
S Duman, U Güvenç, Y Sönmez, N Yörükeren
Energy conversion and management 59, 86-95, 2012
Combined economic and emission dispatch solution using gravitational search algorithm
U Güvenc, Y Sönmez, S Duman, N Yörükeren
Scientia Iranica 19 (6), 1754-1762, 2012
Optimal reactive power dispatch using a gravitational search algorithm
S Duman, Y Sonmez, U Guvenc, N Yorukeren
IET generation, transmission & distribution 6 (6), 563-576, 2012
Gravitational search algorithm for economic dispatch with valve-point effects
S Duman, U Güvenç, N Yörükeren
International Review of Electrical Engineering 5 (6), 2890-2895, 2010
Forecasting of future greenhouse gas emission trajectory for India using energy and economic indexes with various metaheuristic algorithms
H Bakır, Ü Ağbulut, AE Gürel, G Yıldız, U Güvenç, MEM Soudagar, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 360, 131946, 2022
Fitness–Distance Balance based adaptive guided differential evolution algorithm for security-constrained optimal power flow problem incorporating renewable energy sources
U Guvenc, S Duman, HT Kahraman, S Aras, M Katı
Applied Soft Computing 108, 107421, 2021
Combined economic emission dispatch solution using genetic algorithm based on similarity crossover
U Güvenç
Scientific Research and Essays 5 (17), 2451-2456, 2010
Performance analysis of biogeography-based optimization for automatic voltage regulator system
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences 24 (3), 1150 …, 2016
A powerful meta-heuristic search algorithm for solving global optimization and real-world solar photovoltaic parameter estimation problems
S Duman, HT Kahraman, Y Sonmez, U Guvenc, M Kati, S Aras
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 111, 104763, 2022
Symbiotic organisms search optimization algorithm for economic/emission dispatch problem in power systems
M Kenan Dosoglu, U Guvenc, S Duman, Y Sonmez, H Tolga Kahraman
Neural Computing and Applications 29, 721-737, 2018
Dynamic FDB selection method and its application: modeling and optimizing of directional overcurrent relays coordination
HT Kahraman, H Bakir, S Duman, M Katı, S Aras, U Guvenc
Applied Intelligence, 1-36, 2022
Optimal power flow with stochastic wind power and FACTS devices: a modified hybrid PSOGSA with chaotic maps approach
S Duman, J Li, L Wu, U Guvenc
Neural Computing and Applications 32, 8463-8492, 2020
Optimal power flow solution with stochastic wind power using the Lévy coyote optimization algorithm
E Kaymaz, S Duman, U Guvenc
Neural Computing and Applications 33 (12), 6775-6804, 2021
Development of a Lévy flight and FDB-based coyote optimization algorithm for global optimization and real-world ACOPF problems
S Duman, HT Kahraman, U Guvenc, S Aras
Soft Computing 25, 6577-6617, 2021
Determination of the PID controller parameters for speed and position control of DC motor using gravitational search algorithm
S Duman, D Maden, U Güvenç
2011 7th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering …, 2011
Improved Lévy flight distribution algorithm with FDB-based guiding mechanism for AVR system optimal design
H Bakir, U Guvenc, HT Kahraman, S Duman
Computers & Industrial Engineering 168, 108032, 2022
Symbiotic organisms search algorithm for dynamic economic dispatch with valve-point effects
Y Sonmez, HT Kahraman, MK Dosoglu, U Guvenc, S Duman
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 29 (3), 495-515, 2017
Application of gravitational search algorithm for optimal reactive power dispatch problem
S Duman, Y Sonmez, U Guvenc, N Yorukeren
2011 International Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and …, 2011
Application of STATCOM-supercapacitor for low-voltage ride-through capability in DFIG-based wind farm
MK Döşoğlu, A Basa Arsoy, U Güvenç
Neural Computing and Applications 28, 2665-2674, 2017
Optimal solution of the combined heat and power economic dispatch problem by adaptive fitness-distance balance based artificial rabbits optimization algorithm
B Ozkaya, S Duman, HT Kahraman, U Guvenc
Expert Systems with Applications 238, 122272, 2024
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