Workplace social support and work–family conflict: A meta‐analysis clarifying the influence of general and work–family‐specific supervisor and organizational support EE Kossek, S Pichler, T Bodner, LB Hammer Personnel psychology 64 (2), 289-313, 2011 | 2016 | 2011 |
Development and validation of a multidimensional measure of family supportive supervisor behaviors (FSSB) LB Hammer, EE Kossek, NL Yragui, TE Bodner, GC Hanson Journal of management 35 (4), 837-856, 2009 | 1207 | 2009 |
Clarifying work–family intervention processes: The roles of work–family conflict and family-supportive supervisor behaviors. LB Hammer, EE Kossek, WK Anger, T Bodner, KL Zimmerman Journal of applied psychology 96 (1), 134, 2011 | 884 | 2011 |
Development and validation of a multidimensional scale of perceived work-family positive spillover. GC Hanson, LB Hammer, CL Colton Journal of occupational health psychology 11 (3), 249, 2006 | 801 | 2006 |
Work–family conflict in dual-earner couples: Within-individual and crossover effects of work and family LB Hammer, E Allen, TD Grigsby Journal of vocational behavior 50 (2), 185-203, 1997 | 752 | 1997 |
Work—life initiatives and organizational change: Overcoming mixed messages to move from the margin to the mainstream E Ernst Kossek, S Lewis, LB Hammer Human relations 63 (1), 3-19, 2010 | 749 | 2010 |
7 getting there from here: research on the effects of work–family initiatives on work–family conflict and business outcomes EL Kelly, EE Kossek, LB Hammer, M Durham, J Bray, K Chermack, ... Academy of Management annals 2 (1), 305-349, 2008 | 728 | 2008 |
Changing work and work-family conflict: Evidence from the work, family, and health network EL Kelly, P Moen, JM Oakes, W Fan, C Okechukwu, KD Davis, ... American sociological review 79 (3), 485-516, 2014 | 669 | 2014 |
The longitudinal effects of work-family conflict and positive spillover on depressive symptoms among dual-earner couples. LB Hammer, JC Cullen, MB Neal, RR Sinclair, MV Shafiro Journal of occupational health psychology 10 (2), 138, 2005 | 600 | 2005 |
Work-family conflict and work-related withdrawal behaviors LB Hammer, TN Bauer, AA Grandey Journal of Business and Psychology 17, 419-436, 2003 | 567 | 2003 |
A longitudinal study of the effects of dual-earner couples' utilization of family-friendly workplace supports on work and family outcomes. LB Hammer, MB Neal, JT Newsom, KJ Brockwood, CL Colton Journal of Applied Psychology 90 (4), 799, 2005 | 552 | 2005 |
Supporting the aging workforce: A review and recommendations for workplace intervention research DM Truxillo, DM Cadiz, LB Hammer Annu. Rev. Organ. Psychol. Organ. Behav. 2 (1), 351-381, 2015 | 470 | 2015 |
Measurement development and validation of the family supportive supervisor behavior short-form (FSSB-SF). LB Hammer, E Ernst Kossek, T Bodner, T Crain Journal of occupational health psychology 18 (3), 285, 2013 | 389 | 2013 |
Working couples caring for children and aging parents: Effects on work and well-being MB Neal, LB Hammer Psychology Press, 2017 | 379 | 2017 |
Clarifying the construct of family-supportive supervisory behaviors (FSSB): A multilevel perspective LB Hammer, EE Kossek, K Zimmerman, R Daniels Exploring the work and non-work interface 6, 165-204, 2007 | 348 | 2007 |
Job burnout and couple burnout in dual-earner couples in the sandwiched generation AM Pines, MB Neal, LB Hammer, T Icekson Social Psychology Quarterly 74 (4), 361-386, 2011 | 321 | 2011 |
Occupational health science in the time of COVID-19: Now more than ever RR Sinclair, T Allen, L Barber, M Bergman, T Britt, A Butler, M Ford, ... Occupational health science 4, 1-22, 2020 | 320 | 2020 |
The relationship between work-to-family conflict and family-to-work conflict: A longitudinal study YH Huang, LB Hammer, MB Neal, NA Perrin Journal of Family and Economic Issues 25, 79-100, 2004 | 291 | 2004 |
The conflicting demands of work, family, and school among students at an urban university LB Hammer, TD Grigsby, S Woods The journal of Psychology 132 (2), 220-226, 1998 | 283 | 1998 |
Effectiveness of total worker health interventions. WK Anger, DL Elliot, T Bodner, R Olson, DS Rohlman, DM Truxillo, ... Journal of occupational health psychology 20 (2), 226, 2015 | 269 | 2015 |