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Paula Brough
Paula Brough
griffith.edu.au üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Work–life balance: A Review of the Meaning of the Balance Construct
T Kalliath, P Brough
Journal of management & organization 14 (3), 323-327, 2008
Lazarus and Folkman's psychological stress and coping theory
A Biggs, P Brough, S Drummond
The handbook of stress and health: A guide to research and practice, 349-364, 2017
Cross‐national differences in relationships of work demands, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions with work–family conflict
PE Spector, TD Allen, SAY Poelmans, LM Lapierre, CL Cooper, ...
Personnel Psychology 60 (4), 805-835, 2007
Predicting police job satisfaction and turnover intentions: The role of social support and police organisational variables
P Brough, R Frame
New Zealand journal of psychology 33 (1), 8-18, 2004
Work–life balance: A longitudinal evaluation of a new measure across Australia and New Zealand workers
P Brough, C Timms, MP O'Driscoll, T Kalliath, OL Siu, C Sit, D Lo
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 25 (19), 2724-2744, 2014
Role resources and work–family enrichment: The role of work engagement
O Siu, J Lu, P Brough, C Lu, AB Bakker, T Kalliath, M O'Driscoll, ...
Journal of Vocational Behavior 77 (3), 470-480, 2010
Family-supportive organization perceptions, multiple dimensions of work–family conflict, and employee satisfaction: A test of model across five samples
LM Lapierre, PE Spector, TD Allen, S Poelmans, CL Cooper, ...
Journal of vocational behavior 73 (1), 92-106, 2008
Flexible work arrangements availability and their relationship with work‐to‐family conflict, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions: A comparison of three country clusters
AD Masuda, SAY Poelmans, TD Allen, PE Spector, LM Lapierre, ...
Applied psychology 61 (1), 1-29, 2012
Comparing the influence of traumatic and organizational stressors on the psychological health of police, fire, and ambulance officers.
P Brough
International journal of stress management 11 (3), 227, 2004
Work/family conflict, psychological well‐being, satisfaction and social support: A longitudinal study in New Zealand
MP O’Driscoll, P Brough, TJ Kalliath
Equal opportunities international 23 (1/2), 36-56, 2004
The ability of ‘family friendly’organizational resources to predict work–family conflict and job and family satisfaction
P Brough, MP O'Driscoll, TJ Kalliath
Stress and Health: Journal of the International Society for the …, 2005
Flexible work arrangements, work engagement, turnover intentions and psychological health
C Timms, P Brough, M O'Driscoll, T Kalliath, OL Siu, C Sit, D Lo
Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources 53 (1), 83-103, 2015
Fight, flight or freeze: Common responses for follower coping with toxic leadership
V Webster, P Brough, K Daly
Stress and health 32 (4), 346-354, 2016
Work–family enrichment and satisfaction: The mediating role of self-efficacy and work–life balance
XW Chan, T Kalliath, P Brough, OL Siu, MP O’Driscoll, C Timms
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 27 (15), 1755-1776, 2016
Review of International handbook of work and health psychology.
P Brough
John Wiley & Sons, 2012
Managing occupational stress in a high-risk industry: Measuring the job demands of correctional officers
P Brough, J Williams
Criminal justice and Behavior 34 (4), 555-567, 2007
Organizational interventions for balancing work and home demands: An overview
P Brough, MP O'Driscoll
Work & Stress 24 (3), 280-297, 2010
Work–life balance: Definitions, causes, and consequences
P Brough, C Timms, XW Chan, A Hawkes, L Rasmussen
Handbook of socioeconomic determinants of occupational health: From macro …, 2022
Evaluating the influence of the type of social support on job satisfaction and work related psychological well-being
P Brough, J Pears
International Journal of Organisational Behaviour 8 (2), 472-485, 2004
Achieving work–life balance: Current theoretical and practice issues
SAY Poelmans, T Kalliath, P Brough
Journal of Management & Organization 14 (3), 227-238, 2008
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