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Barbara A. Mitchell
Barbara A. Mitchell
Professor of Sociology & Gerontology, Simon Fraser University
sfu.ca üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The boomerang age: Transitions to adulthood in families
BA Mitchell
NJ: Aldine Transaction/Routledge, 2006
The family environment and leaving the parental home
BA Mitchell, AV Wister, TK Burch
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 605-613, 1989
The empty nest syndrome in midlife families: A multimethod exploration of parental gender differences and cultural dynamics
BA Mitchell, LD Lovegreen
Journal of family issues 30 (12), 1651-1670, 2009
" Boomerang kids" and midlife parental marital satisfaction
BA Mitchell, EM Gee
Family Relations, 442-448, 1996
Life course theory
BA Mitchell
The international encyclopedia of marriage and family relationships, 1051-1055, 2003
Too close for comfort? Parental assessments of" boomerang kid" living arrangements
BA Mitchell
Canadian Journal of Sociology/Cahiers canadiens de sociologie, 21-46, 1998
The ethnic and family nexus of homeleaving and returning among Canadian young adults
BA Mitchell, AV Wister, EM Gee
Canadian Journal of Sociology/Cahiers canadiens de sociologie, 543-575, 2004
Social determinants of health for older women in Canada: Does rural–urban residency matter?
D Wanless, BA Mitchell, AV Wister
Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 29 (2), 233-247, 2010
Family structure and leaving the nest: A social resource perspective
BA Mitchell
Sociological Perspectives 37 (4), 651-671, 1994
Family matters: An introduction to family sociology in Canada
BA Mitchell
Canadian Scholars’ Press, 2021
Unanticipated consequences: A comparison of expected and actual retirement timing among older women
L Zimmerman, B Mitchell, A Wister, G Gutman
Journal of Women & Aging 12 (1-2), 109-128, 2000
The boomerang age from childhood to adulthood: Emergent trends and issues for aging families
BA Mitchell
Canadian Studies in Population [ARCHIVES] 33 (2), 155-178, 2006
Multimorbidity, health and aging in Canada and Australia: a tale of two countries
A Wister, H Kendig, B Mitchell, I Fyffe, V Loh
BMC geriatrics 16, 1-13, 2016
Midlife challenge or welcome departure? Cultural and family-related expectations of empty nest transitions
BA Mitchell, AV Wister
The International Journal of Aging and Human Development 81 (4), 260-280, 2015
Changing courses: The pendulum of family transitions in comparative perspective
BA Mitchell
Journal of comparative family studies 37 (3), 325-343, 2006
Development and validation of a multi-domain multimorbidity resilience index for an older population: results from the baseline Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging
A Wister, S Lear, N Schuurman, D MacKey, B Mitchell, T Cosco, I Fyffe
BMC geriatrics 18, 1-13, 2018
Development and concurrent validity of a composite social isolation index for older adults using the CLSA
A Wister, T Cosco, B Mitchell, V Menec, I Fyffe
Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 38 (2), 180-192, 2019
Returning to the parental ‘nest’: Exploring a changing Canadian life course
EM Gee, BA Mitchell, AV Wister
Canadian Studies in Population [ARCHIVES], 121-144, 1995
Health behaviors and multimorbidity resilience among older adults using the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging
A Wister, T Cosco, B Mitchell, I Fyffe
International psychogeriatrics 32 (1), 119-133, 2020
Intergenerational exchanges and perceptions of support within “boomerang kid” family environments
JE Veevers, BA Mitchell
The International Journal of Aging and Human Development 46 (2), 91-108, 1998
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