Takip et
Ali Ghasemzadeh, PhD. PE
Ali Ghasemzadeh, PhD. PE
Cruise AI Inc.
uwyo.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The impacts of heavy rain on speed and headway Behaviors: An investigation using the SHRP2 naturalistic driving study data
MM Ahmed, A Ghasemzadeh
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 91, 371-384, 2018
Analyzing the effect of fog weather conditions on driver lane-keeping performance using the SHRP2 naturalistic driving study data
A Das, A Ghasemzadeh, MM Ahmed
Journal of Safety Research, 2019
Investigating factors affecting severity of large truck-involved crashes: Comparison of the SVM and random parameter logit model
A Hosseinzadeh, A Moeinaddini, A Ghasemzadeh
Journal of safety research 77, 151-160, 2021
Utilizing naturalistic driving data for in-depth analysis of driver lane-keeping behavior in rain: Non-parametric MARS and parametric logistic regression modeling approaches
A Ghasemzadeh, MM Ahmed
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 90, 379-392, 2018
Drivers’ lane-keeping ability in heavy rain: Preliminary investigation using SHRP 2 naturalistic driving study data
A Ghasemzadeh, MM Ahmed
Transportation research record 2663 (1), 99-108, 2017
Parametric ordinal logistic regression and non-parametric decision tree approaches for assessing the impact of weather conditions on driver speed selection using naturalistic …
A Ghasemzadeh, BE Hammit, MM Ahmed, RK Young
Transportation research record 2672 (12), 137-147, 2018
Using trajectory-level SHRP2 naturalistic driving data for investigating driver lane-keeping ability in fog: An association rules mining approach
A Das, MM Ahmed, A Ghasemzadeh
Accident Analysis & Prevention 129, 250-262, 2019
Exploring factors contributing to injury severity at work zones considering adverse weather conditions
A Ghasemzadeh, MM Ahmed
IATSS research 43 (3), 131-138, 2019
Investigating the impact of fog on freeway speed selection using the SHRP2 naturalistic driving study data
MN Khan, A Ghasemzadeh, MM Ahmed
Transportation research record 2672 (16), 93-104, 2018
Driver performance and behavior in adverse weather conditions: An investigation using the SHRP2 naturalistic driving study data—Phase 2
M Ahmed, A Ghasemzadeh, BE Hammit, N Khan, A Das, E Ali, R Young, ...
Wyoming. Dept. of Transportation, 2018
Evaluation of weather-related freeway car-following behavior using the SHRP2 naturalistic driving study database
BE Hammit, A Ghasemzadeh, RM James, MM Ahmed, RK Young
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 59, 244-259, 2018
Quantifying regional heterogeneity effect on drivers’ speeding behavior using SHRP2 naturalistic driving data: A multilevel modeling approach
A Ghasemzadeh, MM Ahmed
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 106, 29-40, 2019
Complementary methodologies to identify weather conditions in naturalistic driving study trips: Lessons learned from the SHRP2 naturalistic driving study & roadway information …
A Ghasemzadeh, BE Hammit, MM Ahmed, H Eldeeb
Safety Science 119, 21-28, 2019
Implementation of SHRP2 Results within the Wyoming Connected Vehicle Variable Speed Limit System
MM Ahmed, PERK Young, PEA Ghasemzadeh, B Hammit, E Ali, MN Khan, ...
US Department of Transportation, 2017
Complementary parametric probit regression and nonparametric classification tree modeling approaches to analyze factors affecting severity of work zone weather-related crashes
A Ghasemzadeh, MM Ahmed
Journal of Modern Transportation, 1-12, 2018
Exploring the impacts of adverse weather conditions on speed and headway behaviors using the SHRP2 naturalistic driving study data
MM Ahmed, A Ghasemzadeh
Transportation Research Board 96th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2017
A tree-based ordered probit approach to identify factors affecting work zone weather-related crashes severity in North Carolina using the highway safety information system dataset
A Ghasemzadeh, MM Ahmed
Transportation Research Board 96th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2017
Crash characteristics and injury severity at work zones considering adverse weather conditions in Washington using SHRP 2 roadway information database
A Ghasemzadeh, MM Ahmed
Transportation Research Board 95th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2016
A probit-decision tree approach to analyze effects of adverse weather conditions on work zone crash severity using second strategic highway research program roadway information …
A Ghasemzadeh, MM Ahmed
Transportation Research Board 96th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2017
Unlocking new potentials of SHRP2 naturalistic driving study data: complementary methodologies to supplement real-time weather conditions and effective frameworks for data …
A Ghasemzadeh, BE Hammit, MM Ahmed, H Eldeeb
Safety Science 119, 2019
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