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UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta
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Alıntı yapanlar
Maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality among pregnant women with and without COVID-19 infection: the INTERCOVID multinational cohort study
J Villar, S Ariff, RB Gunier, R Thiruvengadam, S Rauch, A Kholin, ...
JAMA pediatrics 175 (8), 817-826, 2021
Preeclampsia and COVID-19: results from the INTERCOVID prospective longitudinal study
AT Papageorghiou, P Deruelle, RB Gunier, S Rauch, PK García-May, ...
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 225 (3), 289. e1-289. e17, 2021
Pregnancy outcomes and vaccine effectiveness during the period of omicron as the variant of concern, INTERCOVID-2022: a multinational, observational study
J Villar, CPS Conti, RB Gunier, S Ariff, R Craik, PI Cavoretto, S Rauch, ...
The Lancet 401 (10375), 447-457, 2023
Pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja karyawan
PS Depitra, H Soegoto
Majalah Ilmiah UNIKOM 16 (2), 185-188, 2018
Telemedicine, cost effectiveness, and patients satisfaction: a systematic review.
JT Atmojo, WT Sudaryanto, A Widiyanto, Ernawati, D Arradini
Diabetes mellitus, maternal adiposity, and insulin-dependent gestational diabetes are associated with COVID-19 in pregnancy: the INTERCOVID study
B Eskenazi, S Rauch, E Iurlaro, RB Gunier, A Rego, MG Gravett, ...
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 227 (1), 74. e1-74. e16, 2022
Effects of prenatal exposure to maternal COVID-19 and perinatal care on neonatal outcome: results from the INTERCOVID Multinational Cohort Study
F Giuliani, D Oros, RB Gunier, S Deantoni, S Rauch, R Casale, R Nieto, ...
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 227 (3), 488. e1-488. e17, 2022
Penerapan hand hygiene perawat di ruang rawat inap rumah sakit
E Ernawati, AT Rachmi, S Wiyanto
Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya 28 (1), 89-94, 2014
Analysis of the role of experience, ability and motivation on employee performance
EA Sinambela, E Ernawati
Journal of Social Science Studies (JOS3) 1 (2), 69-74, 2021
Implementasi Metode String Matching Untuk Pencarian Berita Utama Pada Portal Berita Berbasis Android (Studi Kasus: Harian Rakyat Bengkulu)
E Ernawati, A Johar, S Setiawan
Pseudocode 6 (1), 77-82, 2019
Productivity paradox? The impact of office redesign on employee productivity
EN Yunus, E Ernawati
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 67 (9 …, 2018
Peran Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan
JDR Sari, M Giatman, E Ernawati
Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Pendidikan 5 (3), 329-333, 2021
Paikem (pembelajaran aktif, inovatif, kreatif, efektif dan menyenangkan)
S Asari, SD Pratiwi, TF Ariza, H Indapratiwi, CA Putriningtyas, F Vebriyanti, ...
DedikasiMU: Journal of Community Service 3 (4), 1139-1148, 2021
Manajemen kesiswaan terhadap hasil belajar
M Putri, M Giatman, E Ernawati
JRTI (Jurnal Riset Tindakan Indonesia) 6 (2), 119-125, 2021
Creative economy development efforts in culinary business
AR Putra, E Ernawati, J Jahroni, TS Anjanarko, E Retnowati
Journal of Social Science Studies (JOS3) 2 (1), 21-26, 2022
Pengembangan keunggulan kompetitif UMKM melalui strategi orientasi pasar dan inovasi produk
E Ernawati, R Mardikaningsih, D Darmawan, EA Sinambela
Jurnal Industri Kreatif dan Kewirausahaan 5 (2), 2022
Rancang Bangun Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Kenaikan Jabatan Pegawai Dengan Metode Profile Matching (Studi Kasus: Kementerian Agama Kantor Wilayah DKI Jakarta)
E Ernawati, NA Hidayah, E Fetrina
Studia Informatika: Jurnal Sistem Informasi 10 (2), 2017
Penerapan teknik komunikasi terapeutik oleh perawat pada pasien
P Sasmito
Jurnal Kesehatan 11 (2), 98-104, 2018
Manajemen pembelajaran pada masa pandemi covid-19 berbasis blended learning
FM Adri, M Giatman, E Ernawati
JRTI (Jurnal Riset Tindakan Indonesia) 6 (1), 110-118, 2021
Program peningkatan kesehatan remaja melalui posyandu remaja
D Ertiana, AI Septyvia, AUN Utami, E Ernawati, Y Yualiarti
Journal of Community Engagement and Empowerment 3 (1), 2021
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