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Tomas Thundiyil
Tomas Thundiyil
cmich.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Alienation and its correlates: A meta-analysis
DS Chiaburu, T Thundiyil, J Wang
European Management Journal 32 (1), 24-36, 2014
Examining procrastination across multiple goal stages: a longitudinal study of temporal motivation theory
P Steel, F Svartdal, T Thundiyil, T Brothen
Frontiers in psychology 9, 327, 2018
“Embedded” at hire? Predicting the voluntary and involuntary turnover of new employees
AL Rubenstein, JD Kammeyer‐Mueller, M Wang, TG Thundiyil
Journal of Organizational Behavior 40 (3), 342-359, 2019
Cynical about change? A preliminary meta-analysis and future research agenda
TG Thundiyil, DS Chiaburu, IS Oh, GC Banks, AC Peng
The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 51 (4), 429-450, 2015
Joint effects of creative self-efficacy, positive and negative affect on creative performance
TG Thundiyil, DS Chiaburu, N Li, DT Wagner
Chinese Management Studies 10 (4), 726-745, 2016
The comparative effects of supervisor helping motives on newcomer adjustment and socialization outcomes.
AL Rubenstein, JD Kammeyer-Mueller, TG Thundiyil
Journal of Applied Psychology 105 (12), 1466, 2020
Curvilinear relationships between role clarity and supervisor satisfaction
X Zheng, T Thundiyil, R Klinger, AT Hinrichs
Journal of Managerial Psychology 31 (1), 110-126, 2016
Cynical about change? A meta-analysis of organizational cynicism correlates
T Thundiyil, DS Chiaburu, GC Banks, AC Peng
Academy of Management Proceedings 2014 (1), 13106, 2014
Integrity and Learning: Enhancing Workability and Student Performance Outcomes, 2012
SC Isberg, T Thundiyil, R Owen
Decentralization in Blockchain: Reconsidering Change Management Theories
S Vendette, TG Thundiyil
American Journal of Management, 2023
Employee alignment: A process for understanding individual changeability
T Thundiyil
What Predicts Individuals' Disidentification? The Joint Effect of Fearful Attachment and Social and Economic Exchanges
DS Chiaburu, I Cho, T Thundiyil
Journal of Organizational Psychology 17 (2), 111, 2017
Richard W. Woodman: Creativity and Change
TG Thundiyil, MR Manning
Springer Books, 1461-1479, 2017
Emotional support potential: regulatory focus and competence predictors
DS Chiaburu, TG Thundiyil, GJ Muñoz
Industrial and Commercial Training 45 (5), 293-302, 2013
The curious case of the curvilinear relationship between role clarity and supervisor satisfaction
Z Xingshan, T Thundiyil, R Klinger, A Hinrichs
Academy of Management Proceedings 2013, 16923-16923, 2013
Integrity and Learning: Enhancing Workability and Student Performance Outcomes
SC Isberg, T Thundiyil, RH Owen
Mays Business School Research Paper, 2012
The Development and Utility of a True Collective Goal Orientation Measure
COL Porter, TG Thundiyil, APJ Ellis
Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014
Woodman, Richard W.: Creativity and Change
T Thundiyil, MR Manning
The Palgrave Handbook of Organizational Change Thinkers, 1925-1944, 2021
Motivation of Newcomer Socialization: Integrating Multiple Perspectives
J Chen, H Cooper Thomas, JA Gruman, AL Rubenstein, A Saks, ...
Academy of Management Proceedings 2018 (1), 14846, 2018
Instrumental Hostility: A Moderated Mediation Model Testing Status and Abusive Supervision
A Jacobsen, A Cooper, X Zheng, T Thundiyil
Academy of Management Proceedings 2018 (1), 14442, 2018
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