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Marc Ziegele
Marc Ziegele
Professor of Communication Research, Department of Social Sciences, Heinrich Heine
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Alıntı yapanlar
The interplay of intrinsic need satisfaction and Facebook specific motives in explaining addictive behavior on Facebook
PK Masur, L Reinecke, M Ziegele, O Quiring
Computers in Human Behavior 39, 376-386, 2014
What creates interactivity in online news discussions? An exploratory analysis of discussion factors in user comments on news items
M Ziegele, T Breiner, O Quiring
Journal of Communication 64 (6), 1111-1138, 2014
A cross-cultural perspective on the privacy calculus
S Trepte, L Reinecke, NB Ellison, O Quiring, MZ Yao, M Ziegele
Social Media+ Society 3 (1), 2056305116688035, 2017
Binge-watching and psychological well-being: Media use between lack of control and perceived autonomy
VC Granow, L Reinecke, M Ziegele
Communication Research Reports 35 (5), 392-401, 2018
The dynamics of online news discussions: Effects of news articles and reader comments on users’ involvement, willingness to participate, and the civility of their contributions
M Ziegele, M Weber, O Quiring, T Breiner
Information, Communication & Society 21 (10), 1419-1435, 2018
Concepts, causes and consequences of trust in news media–a literature review and framework
N Fawzi, N Steindl, M Obermaier, F Prochazka, D Arlt, B Blöbaum, ...
Annals of the International Communication Association 45 (2), 154-174, 2021
The digital outcry: What incites participation behavior in an online firestorm?
M Johnen, M Jungblut, M Ziegele
New Media & Society 20 (9), 3140-3160, 2018
Nutzerkommentare als Anschlusskommunikation
M Ziegele
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2016
Erosion des Vertrauens zwischen Medien und Publikum?
T Schultz, N Jackob, M Ziegele, O Quiring, C Schemer
Media Perspektiven, 246-272, 2017
Not funny? The effects of factual versus sarcastic journalistic responses to uncivil user comments
M Ziegele, PB Jost
Communication research 47 (6), 891-920, 2020
Blaming the Victim: The Effects of Extraversion and Information Disclosure on Guilt Attributions in Cyberbullying
M Weber, M Ziegele, A Schnauber
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking., 2013
Comments and credibility: how critical user comments decrease perceived news article credibility
TK Naab, D Heinbach, M Ziegele, MT Grasberger
Journalism studies 21 (6), 783-801, 2020
Linking news value theory with online deliberation: How news factors and illustration factors in news articles affect the deliberative quality of user discussions in SNS …
M Ziegele, O Quiring, K Esau, D Friess
Communication Research 47 (6), 860-890, 2020
Example, please! Comparing the effects of single customer reviews and aggregate review scores on online shoppers' product evaluations
M Ziegele, M Weber
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 14 (2), 103-114, 2015
Conceptualizing Online Discussion Value. A Multidimensional Framework for Analyzing User Comments on Mass-Media Websites.
M Ziegele, O Quiring
Communication Yearbook 37, 125–153, 2013
Online user comments across news and other content formats: Multidisciplinary perspectives, new directions
M Ziegele, N Springer, P Jost, S Wright
SCM Studies in Communication and Media 6 (4), 315-332, 2017
Collective civic moderation for deliberation? Exploring the links between citizens’ organized engagement in comment sections and the deliberative quality of online discussions
D Friess, M Ziegele, D Heinbach
Political Communication 38 (5), 624-646, 2021
No place for negative emotions? The effects of message valence, communication channel, and social distance on users’ willingness to respond to SNS status updates
M Ziegele, L Reinecke
Computers in Human Behavior 75, 704-713, 2017
Lonely together? Identifying the determinants of collective corrective action against uncivil comments
M Ziegele, TK Naab, P Jost
New Media & Society 22 (5), 731-751, 2020
Medienvertrauen im Zeitalter der Polarisierung
N Jackob, T Schultz, I Jakobs, M Ziegele, O Quiring, C Schemer
Media Perspektiven 5 (2019), 210-220, 2019
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