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Vladimir Dobrev
Vladimir Dobrev
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Professor of Mathematical Physics
inrne.bas.bg üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
All positive energy unitary irreducible representations of extended conformal supersymmetry
VK Dobrev, VB Petkova
Physics Letters B 162 (1-3), 127-132, 1985
Harmonic Analysis on the n-Dimensional Lorentz Group and Its Application to Conformal Quantum Field Theory
VK Dobrev, G Mack, VB Petkova, SG Petrova, IT Todorov
Harmonic analysis on the n-dimensional Lorentz group and its application to …, 1977
Dynamical derivation of vacuum operator-product expansion in Euclidean conformal quantum field theory
VK Dobrev, VB Petkova, SG Petrova, IT Todorov
Physical Review D 13 (4), 887, 1976
Group‐Theoretical Approach to Extended Conformal Supersymmetry: Function Space Realizations and Invariant Differential Operators
VK Dobrev, VB Petkova
Fortschritte der Physik/Progress of Physics 35 (7), 537-572, 1987
Characters of the unitarizable highest weight modules over the N= 2 superconformal algebras
VK Dobrev
Physics Letters B 186 (1), 43-51, 1987
Canonical construction of differential operators intertwining representations of real semisimple Lie groups
VK Dobrev
Reports on mathematical physics 25 (2), 159-181, 1988
Canonical q-deformations of noncompact Lie (super-) algebras
VK Dobrev
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 26 (6), 1317, 1993
On the group-theoretical approach to extended conformal supersymmetry: classification of multiplets
VK Dobrev, VB Petkova
letters in mathematical physics 9, 287-298, 1985
Intertwining operator realization of the AdS/CFT correspondence
VK Dobrev
Nuclear Physics B 553 (3), 559-582, 1999
Lowest weight representations of the Schrödinger algebra and generalized heat/Schrödinger equations
VK Dobrev, HD Doebner, C Mrugalla
Reports on mathematical physics 39 (2), 201-218, 1997
Conformally covariant composite operators in quantum chromodynamics
NS Craigie, VK Dobrev, IT Todorov
Annals of Physics 159 (2), 411-444, 1985
Duality for the matrix quantum group GLp,q(2,C)
VK Dobrev
International Centre for Theoretical Physics, 1992
Positive energy unitary irreducible representations of D= 6 conformal supersymmetry
VK Dobrev
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 35 (33), 7079, 2002
q-difference intertwining operators for Uq (sl (n)): general setting and the case n= 3
VK Dobrev
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 27 (14), 4841, 1994
On the Clebsch-Gordan expansion for the Lorentz group in n dimensions
VK Dobrev, G Mack, VB Petkova, SG Petrova, IT Todorov
Reports on Mathematical Physics 9 (2), 219-246, 1976
Multiplet classification of the reducible elementary representations of real semisimple Lie groups: the SO e (p, q) example
VK Dobrev
letters in mathematical physics 9, 205-211, 1985
Elementary representations and interwining operators for SU (2, 2)-I
VK Dobrev
International Centre for Theoretical Physics, 1983
New q-Minkowski space-time and q-Maxwell equations hierarchy from q-conformal invariance
VK Dobrev
Physics Letters B 341 (2), 133-138, 1994
Singular vectors of quantum group representations for straight Lie algebra roots
VK Dobrev
letters in mathematical physics 22, 251-266, 1991
Elementary representations and intertwining operators for the group SU∗(4)
VK Dobrev, VB Petkova
Reports on Mathematical Physics 13 (2), 233-277, 1978
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