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Jangwon Kim
Jangwon Kim
Oracle Health AI
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Alıntı yapanlar
Real-time magnetic resonance imaging and electromagnetic articulography database for speech production research (TC)
S Narayanan, A Toutios, V Ramanarayanan, A Lammert, J Kim, S Lee, ...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 136 (3), 1307-1311, 2014
Automatic intelligibility classification of sentence-level pathological speech
J Kim, N Kumar, A Tsiartas, M Li, SS Narayanan
Computer speech & language 29 (1), 132-144, 2015
Enhanced airway-tissue boundary segmentation for real-time magnetic resonance imaging data
J Kim, N Kumar, S Lee, S Narayanan
10-th International Seminar on Speech Production, 222-225, 2014
Pathological speech processing: State-of-the-art, current challenges, and future directions
R Gupta, T Chaspari, J Kim, N Kumar, D Bone, S Narayanan
2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2016
Classification of cognitive load from speech using an i-vector framework.
M Van Segbroeck, R Travadi, C Vaz, J Kim, MP Black, A Potamianos, ...
INTERSPEECH, 751-755, 2014
Speaker verification based on the fusion of speech acoustics and inverted articulatory signals
M Li, J Kim, A Lammert, PK Ghosh, V Ramanarayanan, S Narayanan
Computer Speech & Language 36, 196-211, 2016
Automatic estimation of Parkinson’s disease severity from diverse speech tasks
J Kim, M Nasir, R Gupta, M Segbroeck, D Bone, M Black, ZI Skordilis, ...
Proc. of INTERSPEECH. Dresden, Germany: ISCA, 914-918, 2015
Automated evaluation of non-native English pronunciation quality: combining knowledge-and data-driven features at multiple time scales
MP Black, D Bone, ZI Skordilis, R Gupta, W Xia, P Papadopoulos, ...
Sixteenth Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication …, 2015
Intelligibility Classification of Pathological Speech Using Fusion of Multiple Subsystems
J Kim, N Kumar, A Tsiartas, M Li, SS Narayanan
Proceedings in Interspeech, 2012
Database of Volumetric and Real-Time Vocal Tract MRI for Speech Science.
T Sorensen, ZI Skordilis, A Toutios, YC Kim, Y Zhu, J Kim, AC Lammert, ...
INTERSPEECH, 645-649, 2017
Vocal tract shaping of emotional speech
SSN Kim, Jangwon, Asterios Toutios, Sungbok Lee
Computer Speech and Language 64, 101100, 2020
An exploratory study of manifolds of emotional speech
J Kim, S Lee, SS Narayanan
Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2010 IEEE International …, 2010
A kinematic study of critical and non-critical articulators in emotional speech production
J Kim, A Toutios, S Lee, SS Narayanan
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 137 (3), 1411-1429, 2015
Co-registration of speech production datasets from electromagnetic articulography and real-time magnetic resonance imaging
J Kim, AC Lammert, PK Ghosh, SS Narayanan
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 135 (2), EL115-EL121, 2014
An Exploratory Study of the Relations Between Perceived Emotion Strength and Articulatory Kinematics.
J Kim, S Lee, S Narayanan
INTERSPEECH, 2961-2964, 2011
Bridging articulation and perception: The C/D model and contrastive emphasis
D Erickson, J Kim, S Kawahara, I Wilson, C Menezes, A Suemitsu, ...
International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2015 527, 2015
Affective Feature Design and Predicting Continuous Affective Dimensions from Music
N Kumar, R Gupta, T Guha, C Vaz, M Van Segbroeck, J Kim, ...
MediaEval Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, 2014
Illustrating the Production of the International Phonetic Alphabet Sounds Using Fast Real-Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
A Toutios, SG Lingala, C Vaz, J Kim, JH Esling, PA Keating, M Gordon, ...
INTERSPEECH, 2428-2432, 2016
USC-EMO-MRI corpus: An emotional speech production database recorded by real-time magnetic resonance imaging
J Kim, A Toutios, YC Kim, Y Zhu, S Lee, S Narayanan
International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP), Cologne, Germany, 226, 2014
USC-EMO-MRI corpus: An emotional speech production database recorded by real-time magnetic resonance imaging
SLSN Jangwon Kim, Asterios Toutios, Yoon-Chul Kim
10-th International Seminar on Speech Production, 226-229, 2014
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