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Subasish Das
Subasish Das
Assistant Professor, Texas State University
txstate.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Global burden of cardiovascular diseases and risks, 1990-2022
GA Mensah, V Fuster, CJL Murray, GA Roth, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 82 (25), 2350-2473, 2023
Global burden of 288 causes of death and life expectancy decomposition in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the …
M Naghavi, KL Ong, A Aali, HS Ababneh, YH Abate, C Abbafati, ...
The Lancet 403 (10440), 2100-2132, 2024
Global burden and strength of evidence for 88 risk factors in 204 countries and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease …
M Brauer, GA Roth, AY Aravkin, P Zheng, KH Abate, YH Abate, C Abbafati, ...
The Lancet 403 (10440), 2162-2203, 2024
Global, regional, and national burden of disorders affecting the nervous system, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021
JD Steinmetz, KM Seeher, N Schiess, E Nichols, B Cao, C Servili, ...
The Lancet Neurology 23 (4), 344-381, 2024
Burden of disease scenarios for 204 countries and territories, 2022–2050: a forecasting analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021
SE Vollset, HS Ababneh, YH Abate, C Abbafati, R Abbasgholizadeh, ...
The Lancet 403 (10440), 2204-2256, 2024
Physics-guided, physics-informed, and physics-encoded neural networks and operators in scientific computing: Fluid and solid mechanics
SA Faroughi, NM Pawar, C Fernandes, M Raissi, S Das, NK Kalantari, ...
Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering 24 (4), 040802, 2024
Association knowledge for fatal run-off-road crashes by multiple correspondence analysis
S Das, X Sun
IATSS Research 39 (2), 146-155, 2016
Investigation on the wrong way driving crash patterns using multiple correspondence analysis
S Das, R Avelar, K Dixon, X Sun
Accident Analysis & Prevention 111, 43-55, 2018
Patterns of rainy weather crashes: Applying rules mining
S Das, A Dutta, X Sun
Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 12 (9), 1083-1105, 2020
Factor association with multiple correspondence analysis in vehicle–pedestrian crashes
S Das, X Sun
Transportation Research Record 2519 (1), 95-103, 2015
Characterizing public emotions and sentiments in COVID-19 environment: A case study of India
S Das, A Dutta
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment 31 (1-4), 154-167, 2021
Mining patterns of autonomous vehicle crashes involving vulnerable road users to understand the associated factors
B Kutela, S Das, B Dadashova
Accident Analysis & Prevention 165, 106473, 2022
Factors influencing the patterns of wrong-way driving crashes on freeway exit ramps and median crossovers: Exploration using ‘Eclat’association rules to promote safety
S Das, A Dutta, M Jalayer, A Bibeka, L Wu
International journal of transportation science and technology 7 (2), 114-123, 2018
Supervised association rules mining on pedestrian crashes in urban areas: identifying patterns for appropriate countermeasures
S Das, A Dutta, R Avelar, K Dixon, X Sun, M Jalayer
International Journal of Urban Sciences 23 (1), 30-48, 2019
Text mining and topic modeling of compendiums of papers from transportation research board annual meetings
S Das, X Sun, A Dutta
Transportation Research Record 2552 (1), 48-56, 2016
Work from home in the post-COVID world
X Kong, A Zhang, X Xiao, S Das, Y Zhang
Case Studies on Transport Policy 10 (2), 1118-1131, 2022
Automated vehicle collisions in California: Applying Bayesian latent class model
S Das, A Dutta, I Tsapakis
IATSS research 44 (4), 300-308, 2020
Sharing the road with autonomous vehicles: A qualitative analysis of the perceptions of pedestrians and bicyclists
MT Rahman, K Dey, S Das, M Sherfinski
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 78, 433-445, 2021
Extracting patterns from Twitter to promote biking
S Das, A Dutta, G Medina, L Minjares-Kyle, Z Elgart
IATSS research 43 (1), 51-59, 2019
Estimating likelihood of future crashes for crash-prone drivers
S Das, X Sun, F Wang, C Leboeuf
Journal of traffic and transportation engineering (English edition) 2 (3 …, 2015
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