Guidelines for the good practice of surface wave analysis: a product of the InterPACIFIC project S Foti, F Hollender, F Garofalo, D Albarello, M Asten, PY Bard, C Comina, ... Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 16, 2367-2420, 2018 | 540 | 2018 |
Application of surface-wave methods for seismic site characterization S Foti, S Parolai, D Albarello, M Picozzi Surveys in geophysics 32, 777-825, 2011 | 314 | 2011 |
Ambient noise measurements for preliminary site-effects characterization in the urban area of Florence, Italy V D’Amico, M Picozzi, F Baliva, D Albarello Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 98 (3), 1373-1388, 2008 | 160 | 2008 |
Theoretical HVSR curves from full wavefield modelling of ambient vibrations in a weakly dissipative layered Earth E Lunedei, D Albarello Geophysical Journal International 181 (2), 1093-1108, 2010 | 156 | 2010 |
Combining genetic and linearized algorithms for a two-step joint inversion of Rayleigh wave dispersion and H/V spectral ratio curves M Picozzi, D Albarello Geophysical Journal International 169 (1), 189-200, 2007 | 144 | 2007 |
Evolution of the Tyrrhenian basin and surrounding regions as a result of the Africa-Eurasia convergence E Mantovani, D Albarello, C Tamburelli, D Babbucci Journal of Geodynamics 21 (1), 35-72, 1996 | 141 | 1996 |
Detection of space and time heterogeneity in the completeness of a seismic catalog by a statistical approach: an application to the Italian area D Albarello, R Camassi, A Rebez Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 91 (6), 1694-1703, 2001 | 136 | 2001 |
The attenuation of seismic intensity in Italy, Part II: Modeling and validation C Pasolini, D Albarello, P Gasperini, V D’Amico, B Lolli Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 98 (2), 692-708, 2008 | 126 | 2008 |
The contribution of the ambient vibration prospecting in seismic microzoning: an example from the area damaged by the April 6, 2009 L’Aquila (Italy) earthquake D Albarello, C Cesi, V Eulilli, F Guerrini, E Lunedei, E Paolucci, D Pileggi, ... Boll. Geof. Teor. Appl 52, 513-538, 2011 | 100 | 2011 |
On the seismic noise wavefield in a weakly dissipative layered Earth E Lunedei, D Albarello Geophysical Journal International 177 (3), 1001-1014, 2009 | 99 | 2009 |
Carte di pericolosità sismica del territorio nazionale D Albarello, V Bosi, F Bramerini, A Lucantoni, G Naso, L Peruzza, ... Quaderni di geofisica 12 (7), 2000 | 95 | 2000 |
Plate convergence, crustal delamination, extrusion tectonics and minimization of shortening work as main controlling factors of the recent Mediterranean deformation pattern E Mantovani, D Albarello, C Tamburelli, D Babbucci, M Viti Annals of Geophysics 40 (3), 1997 | 93 | 1997 |
Testing probabilistic seismic hazard estimates by comparison with observations: An example in Italy D Albarello, V D'Amico Geophysical Journal International 175 (3), 1088-1094, 2008 | 90 | 2008 |
Seismic hazard estimates using ill-defined macroseismic data at site D Albarello, M Mucciarelli pure and applied geophysics 159, 1289-1304, 2002 | 88 | 2002 |
Deformation pattern in the central Mediterranean and behavior of the African/Adriatic promontory E Mantovani, D Babbucci, D Albarello, M Mucciarelli Tectonophysics 179 (1-2), 63-79, 1990 | 87 | 1990 |
Estimates of site seismicity rates using ill-defined macroseismic data L Magri, M Mucciarelli, D Albarello pure and applied geophysics 143, 617-632, 1994 | 86 | 1994 |
Statistical analysis of noise horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios (HVSR) M Picozzi, S Parolai, D Albarello Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 95 (5), 1779-1786, 2005 | 85 | 2005 |
Nubia-Eurasia kinematics: an alternative interpretation from Mediterranean and North Atlantic evidence E Mantovani, M Viti, D Babbucci, D Albarello Annals of Geophysics 50 (3), 2007 | 82 | 2007 |
Trench-Arc-BackArc systems in the Mediterranean area: examples of extrusion tectonics E Mantovani, D Albarello, D Babbucci, C Tamburelli, M Viti Journal of the Virtual Explorer 8, 131-147, 2002 | 80 | 2002 |
Africa-Eurasia kinematics: main constraints and uncertainties D Albarello, E Mantovani, D Babbucci, C Tamburelli Tectonophysics 243 (1-2), 25-36, 1995 | 79 | 1995 |