Kamu erişimi zorunlu olan makaleler - Rosario Del Rey (ORCID: 0000-0002-1907-5489)Daha fazla bilgi edinin
Hiçbir yerde sunulmuyor: 8
Homophobic bullying and cyberbullying: Study of a silenced problem
P Elipe, M de la Oliva Muñoz, R Del Rey
Journal of homosexuality 65 (5), 672-686, 2018
Zorunlu olanlar: Government of Spain
Bullying: The impact of teacher management and trait emotional intelligence
JA Casas, R Ortega‐Ruiz, R Del Rey
British journal of educational psychology 85 (3), 407-423, 2015
Zorunlu olanlar: Government of Spain
Exploring which factors contribute to teens' participation in sexting
JA Casas, M Ojeda, P Elipe, R Del Rey
Computers in Human Behavior 100, 60-69, 2019
Zorunlu olanlar: Government of Spain
Towards the construct of cyberconvivencia/Hacia el constructo ciberconvivencia
R Ortega-Ruiz, JA Casas, R Del Rey
Journal for the Study of Education and Development 37 (3), 602-628, 2014
Zorunlu olanlar: Government of Spain
Maternal and paternal parenting styles in adolescence and its relationship with resilience, attachment and bullying involvement
O Gomez-Ortiz, R Del Rey, EM Romera
Anales de Psicología 31 (3), 979, 2015
Zorunlu olanlar: Government of Spain
Does online jealousy lead to online control in dating adolescents? The moderation role of moral disengagement and socio-emotional competence
ML Rodríguez-deArriba, A Nocentini, E Menesini, R Del Rey, ...
Youth & Society 55 (4), 652-672, 2023
Zorunlu olanlar: Government of Spain
Nonconsensual sexting: are the moral processes the same if boys or girls appear in the forwarded content?
M Ojeda, EM Romera, R Del Rey
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 27 (2), 111-118, 2024
Zorunlu olanlar: Government of Spain
Bullying, cyberbullying, and sexual harassment aggression in Spanish adolescents: common and differential risk factors
V Sánchez-Jiménez, ML Rodríguez-deArriba, N Muñoz-Fernández, ...
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma 32 (9), 1221-1236, 2023
Zorunlu olanlar: Banking Foundation "la Caixa", Government of Spain
Bir yerde sunuluyor: 20
Los estilos educativos paternos y maternos en la adolescencia y su relación con la resiliencia, el apego y la implicación en acoso escolar
O Gómez-Ortiz, R Del Rey, EM Romera, R Ortega-Ruiz
Anales de Psicología/Annals of Psychology 31 (3), 979-989, 2015
Zorunlu olanlar: Government of Spain
Parenting practices as risk or preventive factors for adolescent involvement in cyberbullying: Contribution of children and parent gender
O Gómez-Ortiz, EM Romera, R Ortega-Ruiz, R Del Rey
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (12), 2664, 2018
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission, Government of Spain
Sexting among adolescents: the emotional impact and influence of the need for popularity
R Del Rey, M Ojeda, J Casas, JA Mora-Merchán, P Elipe
Frontiers in psychology 10, 1828, 2019
Zorunlu olanlar: Government of Spain
Valoración del alumnado de primaria sobre convivencia escolar: El valor de la red de iguales
F Còrdoba Alcaide, R Del Rey Alamillo, JA Casas Bolaños, R Ortega Ruiz
Psicoperspectivas 15 (2), 78-89, 2016
Zorunlu olanlar: Government of Spain
Longitudinal relationships between sexting and involvement in both bullying and cyberbullying
M Ojeda, R Del Rey, SC Hunter
Journal of adolescence 77, 81-89, 2019
Zorunlu olanlar: Government of Spain
Asegúrate: An intervention program against cyberbullying based on teachers’ commitment and on design of its instructional materials
R Del Rey, R Ortega-Ruiz, JA Casas
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (3), 434, 2019
Zorunlu olanlar: Government of Spain
Lines of action for sexting prevention and intervention: A systematic review
M Ojeda, R Del Rey
Archives of sexual behavior 51 (3), 1659-1687, 2022
Zorunlu olanlar: Government of Spain
How much do adolescents cybergossip? Scale development and validation in Spain and Colombia
EM Romera, M Herrera-López, JA Casas, RO Ruiz, R Del Rey
Frontiers in Psychology 9, 2018
Zorunlu olanlar: Government of Spain
Parental supervision and victims of cyberbullying: Influence of the use of social networks and online extimacy
JM Martín-Criado, JA Casas, R Ortega-Ruiz, R Del Rey
Revista de Psicodidáctica (English ed.) 26 (2), 160-167, 2021
Zorunlu olanlar: Government of Spain
Adolescents’ Sexy Self-Presentation on Instagram: An Investigation of Their Posting Behavior Using a Prototype Willingness Model Perspective
J Van Ouytsel, M Walrave, M Ojeda, R Del Rey, K Ponnet
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (21), 8106, 2020
Zorunlu olanlar: Research Foundation (Flanders), Government of Spain
Validation of the sexting behavior and motives questionnaire (SBM-Q)
R Del Rey, M Ojeda, JA Casas
Psicothema 33 (2), 287, 2021
Zorunlu olanlar: Government of Spain
Homophobic verbal and bullying victimization: overlap and emotional impact
P Elipe, DL Espelage, R Del Rey
Sexuality research and social policy 19 (3), 1178-1189, 2022
Zorunlu olanlar: Government of Spain
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