Takip et
M Zand
M Zand
UT, Mech Eng
ut.ac.ir üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Static pull-in analysis of electrostatically actuated microbeams using homotopy perturbation method
M Mojahedi, M Moghimi Zand, MT Ahmadian
Applied Mathematical Modelling 34 (4), 1032-1041, 2010
Dynamic pull-in instability of electrostatically actuated beams incorporating Casimir and van der Waals forces
M Moghimi Zand, MT Ahmadian
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2010
Vibrational analysis of electrostatically actuated microstructures considering nonlinear effects
M Moghimi Zand, MT Ahmadian
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 14 (4), 1664-1678, 2009
Application of homotopy analysis method in studying dynamic pull-in instability of microsystems
M Moghimi Zand, MT Ahmadian
Mechanics Research Communications 36 (7), 851-858, 2009
Semi-analytic solutions to nonlinear vibrations of microbeams under suddenly applied voltages
M Moghimi Zand, MT Ahmadian, B Rashidian
Journal of Sound and Vibration 325 (1), 382-396, 2009
Characterization of coupled-domain multi-layer microplates in pull-in phenomenon, vibrations and dynamics
M Moghimi Zand, MT Ahmadian
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 49 (11), 1226-1237, 2007
Wearable electrochemical flexible biosensors: With the focus on affinity biosensors
S Takaloo, M Moghimi Zand
Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research, 2021
Effect of geometric nonlinearity on dynamic pull-in behavior of coupled-domain microstructures based on classical and shear deformation plate theories
SA Tajalli, M Moghimi Zand, MT Ahmadian
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 28 (5), 916-925, 2009
Analytic solutions to the oscillatory behavior and primary resonance of electrostatically actuated microbridges
M Mojahedi, M Moghimi Zand, MT Ahmadian, M Babaei
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 11 (06), 1119-1137, 2011
The dynamic pull-in instability and snap-through behavior of initially curved microbeams
M Moghimi Zand
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 19 (6), 485-491, 2012
Rheotaxis-based sperm separation using a biomimicry microfluidic device
IR Sarbandi, A Lesani, M Moghimi Zand, R Nosrati
Scientific reports 11 (1), 18327, 2021
Quantification of human sperm concentration using machine learning-based spectrophotometry
A Lesani, K Somaieh, M Moghimi Zand, A Mojtaba, J Hassan, ...
Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2020
Effect of input voltage frequency on the distribution of electrical stresses on the cell surface based on single-cell dielectrophoresis analysis
K Dastani, MM Zand, H Kavand, R Javidi, A Hadi, P Renaud
Scientific Reports, 2019
3D Numerical Simulation of Acoustophoretic Motion induced by Boundary-driven Acoustic Streaming In standing Surface Acoustic wave Microfluidics
MS Namnabat, M Moghimi Zand, E Houshfar
Scientific Reports, 2021
Semi-analytic solutions to oscillatory behavior of initially curved micro/nano systems
H Daneshpajooh, M Moghimi Zand
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 29 (9), 3855~3863, 2015
Dynamics and vibrations of particle-sensing MEMS considering thermal and electrostatic actuation
S Siahpour, M Moghimi Zand, M Mousavi
Microsystem Technologies 24 (3), 1545-1552, 2018
Dynamic pull-in and snap-through behavior in micro/nano mechanical memories considering squeeze film damping
I Isaac Hosseini, M Moghimi Zand, M Lotfi
Microsystem Technologies, 2016
Numerical Simulation of Critical Particle Size in Asymmetrical Deterministic Lateral Displacement
B Rezaei, M Moghimi Zand, R Javidi
Journal of Chromatography A, 2021
Analytical solution to nonlinear behavior of electrostatically actuated nanobeams incorporating van der Waals and Casimir forces
A Alipour, M Moghimi Zand, H Daneshpajooh
Scientia Iranica 22 (3), 1322-1329, 2015
Transient behavior and dynamic pull-in instability of electrostatically-actuated fluid-conveying microbeams
M Lotfi, M Moghimi Zand, II Hosseini, M Baghani, R Dargazany
Microsystem Technologies 23 (12), 6015-6023, 2017
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