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Safwati Ibrahim
Safwati Ibrahim
Associate Professor of Statistics, Universiti Malaysia Perlis
unimap.edu.my üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Investigation of the effect temperature on photovoltaic (PV) panel output performance
AR Amelia, YM Irwan, WZ Leow, M Irwanto, I Safwati, M Zhafarina
Int. J. Adv. Sci. Eng. Inf. Technol 6 (5), 682-688, 2016
Indoor test performance of PV panel through water cooling method
YM Irwan, WZ Leow, M Irwanto, AR Amelia, N Gomesh, I Safwati
Energy Procedia 79, 604-611, 2015
Stand-alone photovoltaic (SAPV) system assessment using PVSYST software
YM Irwan, AR Amelia, M Irwanto, WZ Leow, N Gomesh, I Safwati
Energy Procedia 79, 596-603, 2015
Linear regression model in estimating solar radiation in Perlis
S Ibrahim, I Daut, YM Irwan, M Irwanto, N Gomesh, Z Farhana
Energy Procedia 18, 1402-1412, 2012
Cooling on photovoltaic panel using forced air convection induced by DC fan
AR Amelia, YM Irwan, M Irwanto, WZ Leow, N Gomesh, I Safwati, ...
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 6 (2), 526, 2016
Technologies of solar tracking systems: A review
AR Amelia, YM Irwan, I Safwati, WZ Leow, MH Mat, MSA Rahim
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 767 (1), 012052, 2020
Outlier Detection in a Circular Regression Model Using COVRATIO Statistic
S Ibrahim, A Rambli, AG Hussin, I Mohamed
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 42 (10), 2272-2280, 2013
Comparison of solar panel cooling system by using dc brushless fan and dc water
YM Irwan, WZ Leow, M Irwanto, M Fareq, SIS Hassan, I Safwati, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 622 (1), 012001, 2015
Analysis simulation of the photovoltaic output performance
M Irwanto, YM Irwan, I Safwati, WZ Leow, N Gomesh
2014 IEEE 8th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference …, 2014
Relationship between the solar radiation and surface temperature in Perlis
I Daut, MI Yusoff, S Ibrahim, M Irwanto, G Nsurface
Advanced Materials Research 512, 143-147, 2012
Analysis Air Cooling Mechanism for Photovoltaic Panel by Solar Simulator.
YM Irwan, WZ Leow, M Irwanto, AR Amelia, N Gomesh, I Safwati
International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708) 5 (4), 2015
Investigation of solar panel performance based on different wind velocity using ANSYS
WZ Leow, YM Irwan, M Asri, M Irwanto, AR Amelia, Z Syafiqah, I Safwati
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 1 (3), 456-463, 2016
A new technique of photovoltaic/wind hybrid system in Perlis
YM Irwan, I Daut, I Safwati, M Irwanto, N Gomesh, M Fitra
Energy Procedia 36, 492-501, 2013
Influence of wind speed on the performance of photovoltaic panel
LW Zhe, YM Irwan, M Irwanto, AR Amelia, I Safwati
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 15 (1), 62, 2019
Outlier detection in multiple circular regression model using DFFITc statistic
N Alkasadi, S Ibrahim, A Abuzaid, MI Yusoff
Sains Malaysiana, 2019
Effect of water cooling temperature on photovoltaic panel performance by using computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
LW Zhe, MI Yusoff, AA Razak, MI Misrun, S Ibrahim, MI Fahmi, AS Rosmi
Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences 56 (1 …, 2019
Investigation of solar panel performance based on different wind velocity using ANSYS software
LW Zhe, MIB Yusoff, MI Misrun, ABA Razak, S Ibrahim, NSB Zhubir
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 1 (3), 456, 2016
Simulation study on photovoltaic panel temperature under different solar radiation using computational fluid dynamic method
WZ Leow, YM Irwan, I Safwati, M Irwanto, AR Amelia, Z Syafiqah, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1432 (1), 012052, 2020
Temperature distribution of three-dimensional photovoltaic panel by using finite element simulation
WZ Leow, YM Irwan, M Irwanto, M Isa, AR Amelia, I Safwati
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information …, 2016
A case study of coffee sachets production defect analysis using pareto analysis, P-control chart and Ishikawa diagram
NI Idris, TC Sin, S Ibrahim, M FadzliRamli, R Ahmad
Intelligent Manufacturing and Mechatronics: Proceedings of SympoSIMM 2020 …, 2021
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