Body height estimation based on tibia length in different stature groups I Duyar, C Pelin American Journal of Physical Anthropology: The Official Publication of the …, 2003 | 295 | 2003 |
Body height estimation based on dimensions of sacral and coccygeal vertebrae C Pelin, I Duyar, EM Kayahan, R Zagyapan, AM Ağildere, A Erar Journal of Forensic Science 50 (2), JFS2004010-4, 2005 | 130 | 2005 |
A new method of stature estimation for forensic anthropological application I Duyar, CAN Pelin, R Zagyapan Anthropological Science 114 (1), 23-27, 2006 | 100 | 2006 |
Body height estimation from head and face dimensions: a different method C Pelin, R Zağyapan, C Yazıcı, A Kürkçüoğlu Journal of forensic sciences 55 (5), 1326-1330, 2010 | 96 | 2010 |
The relationship between balance, muscles, and anthropomorphic features in young adults R Zagyapan, C Iyem, A Kurkcuoglu, C Pelin, MA Tekindal Anatomy research international 2012, 2012 | 82 | 2012 |
Facial soft tissue thickness in individuals with different occlusion patterns in adult Turkish subjects A Kurkcuoglu, C Pelin, B Ozener, R Zagyapan, Z Sahinoglu, AC Yazıcı Homo 62 (4), 288-297, 2011 | 75 | 2011 |
Estimating body height from ulna length: need of a population-specific formula İ Duyar, C Pelin Eurasian journal of Anthropology 1 (1), 11-17, 2010 | 70 | 2010 |
An unusual course of the radial artery C Pelin, R Zagyapan, N Mas, G Karabay Folia Morphologica 65 (4), 410-413, 2006 | 52 | 2006 |
Anatomic variations of the celiac trunk and hepatic arterial system with digital subtraction angiography R Zagyapan, A Kurkcuoglu, A Bayraktar, C Pelin, C Aytekin Turk J Gastroenterol 25 (1), 104-109, 2014 | 51 | 2014 |
Anthropometric characteristics of young Turkish male athletes C Pelin, A Kürkçüođlu, B Özener, A Canan Yazýcý Collegium antropologicum 33 (4), 1057-1063, 2009 | 50 | 2009 |
Stereological evaluation of volumetric asymmetry in healthy human cerebellum N Gocmen-Mas, C Pelin, S Canan, AC Yazici, R Zagyapan, S Senan, ... Surgical and radiologic anatomy 31 (3), 177-181, 2009 | 46 | 2009 |
Unusual relation of the median nerve with the accessory head of the biceps brachii muscle: an original case report N Mas, C Pelin, R Zagyapan, H Bahar International Journal of Morphology 24 (4), 561-564, 2006 | 46 | 2006 |
Sex differences in fingerprint ridge density in a Turkish young adult population: a sample of Baskent University H Oktem, A Kurkcuoglu, IC Pelin, AC Yazici, G Aktaş, F Altunay Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 32, 34-38, 2015 | 44 | 2015 |
A retrospective study on multiple renal arteries in Turkish population R Zağyapan, C Pelin, A Kürkçüoğlu Anatomy 3 (1), 2009 | 29 | 2009 |
Morphological variation of carotid artery bifurcation level in digital angiography A Kurkcuoglu, C Aytekin, H Oktem, C Pelin Folia Morphologica 74 (2), 206-211, 2015 | 23 | 2015 |
Variation of the branches of external carotid artery A Anıl, HB Turgut, T Peker, C Pelin Gazi Medical Journal 11 (2), 2000 | 22 | 2000 |
Perception of symmetry in aesthetic rhinoplasty patients: anthropometric, demographic, and psychological analysis OL Abbas, A Kurkcuoglu, CD Aytop, C Uysal, C Pelin Perception 46 (10), 1151-1170, 2017 | 21 | 2017 |
Estimation of sex from scapular measurements: use of the bone area as a criterion D Atamtürk, C Pelin, İ Duyar Eurasian Journal of Anthropology 10 (1), 39-45, 2019 | 18 | 2019 |
Attitudes of Turkish university employees and their relatives towards whole body and organ donation H Oktem, C Pelin, A Kurkcuoglu, RV Yildirim, ACY Guvercin Annals of Anatomy-Anatomischer Anzeiger 229, 151426, 2020 | 17 | 2020 |
Prevalence of Chiari type I malformation on cervical magnetic resonance imaging: a retrospective study H Öktem, A Dilli, A Kürkçüoğlu, H Soysal, C YAZICI, C Pelin Anatomy 10 (1), 40-45, 2016 | 14 | 2016 |