Characterization of polyploid wheat genomic diversity using a high‐density 90 000 single nucleotide polymorphism array S Wang, D Wong, K Forrest, A Allen, S Chao, BE Huang, M Maccaferri, ... Plant biotechnology journal 12 (6), 787-796, 2014 | 1852 | 2014 |
Genome-wide comparative diversity uncovers multiple targets of selection for improvement in hexaploid wheat landraces and cultivars CR Cavanagh, S Chao, S Wang, BE Huang, S Stephen, S Kiani, K Forrest, ... Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 110 (20), 8057-8062, 2013 | 1123 | 2013 |
Microsatellite-based deletion bin system for the establishment of genetic-physical map relationships in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) P Sourdille, S Singh, T Cadalen, GL Brown-Guedira, G Gay, L Qi, BS Gill, ... Functional & integrative genomics 4, 12-25, 2004 | 646 | 2004 |
Gene-specific markers for the wheat gene Lr34/Yr18/Pm38 which confers resistance to multiple fungal pathogens ES Lagudah, SG Krattinger, S Herrera-Foessel, RP Singh, ... Theoretical and Applied Genetics 119, 889-898, 2009 | 542 | 2009 |
Evaluation of genetic diversity of soybean introductions and North American ancestors using RAPD and SSR markers GL Brown‐Guedira, JA Thompson, RL Nelson, ML Warburton Crop Science 40 (3), 815-823, 2000 | 389 | 2000 |
Markers associated with a QTL for grain yield in wheat under drought FM Kirigwi, M Van Ginkel, G Brown-Guedira, BS Gill, GM Paulsen, ... Molecular Breeding 20, 401-413, 2007 | 345 | 2007 |
Evaluation of genomic prediction methods for Fusarium head blight resistance in wheat J Rutkoski, J Benson, Y Jia, G Brown‐Guedira, JL Jannink, M Sorrells The Plant Genome 5 (2), 2012 | 299 | 2012 |
An accurate DNA marker assay for stem rust resistance gene Sr2 in wheat R Mago, G Brown-Guedira, S Dreisigacker, J Breen, Y Jin, R Singh, ... Theoretical and applied genetics 122, 735-744, 2011 | 254 | 2011 |
Advanced backcross QTL analysis of a hard winter wheat× synthetic wheat population B Narasimhamoorthy, BS Gill, AK Fritz, JC Nelson, GL Brown-Guedira Theoretical and Applied Genetics 112, 787-796, 2006 | 232 | 2006 |
Genome-wide association study reveals novel quantitative trait loci associated with resistance to multiple leaf spot diseases of spring wheat S Gurung, S Mamidi, JM Bonman, M Xiong, G Brown-Guedira, ... PLoS One 9 (9), e108179, 2014 | 219 | 2014 |
Comparing genomic selection and marker-assisted selection for Fusarium head blight resistance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) MP Arruda, AE Lipka, PJ Brown, AM Krill, C Thurber, G Brown-Guedira, ... Molecular Breeding 36, 1-11, 2016 | 211 | 2016 |
Post-anthesis moisture increased Fusarium head blight and deoxynivalenol levels in North Carolina winter wheat C Cowger, J Patton-Özkurt, G Brown-Guedira, L Perugini Phytopathology 99 (4), 320-327, 2009 | 192 | 2009 |
Population genomic analysis of Aegilops tauschii identifies targets for bread wheat improvement K Gaurav, S Arora, P Silva, J Sánchez-Martín, R Horsnell, L Gao, GS Brar, ... Nature biotechnology 40 (3), 422-431, 2022 | 173 | 2022 |
Cytogenetic and molecular mapping of the leaf rust resistance gene Lr39 in wheat WJ Raupp, GL Brown-Guedira, BS Gill Theoretical and applied genetics 102, 347-352, 2001 | 162 | 2001 |
Performance and Mapping of Leaf Rust Resistance Transferred to Wheat from Triticum timopheevii subsp. armeniacum GL Brown-Guedira, S Singh, AK Fritz Phytopathology 93 (7), 784-789, 2003 | 157 | 2003 |
Genome‐wide association mapping of Fusarium head blight resistance in wheat using genotyping‐by‐sequencing MP Arruda, P Brown, G Brown‐Guedira, AM Krill, C Thurber, KR Merrill, ... The Plant Genome 9 (1), plantgenome2015.04.0028, 2016 | 154 | 2016 |
Identification of a candidate gene for a QTL for spikelet number per spike on wheat chromosome arm 7AL by high-resolution genetic mapping S Kuzay, Y Xu, J Zhang, A Katz, S Pearce, Z Su, M Fraser, JA Anderson, ... Theoretical and Applied genetics 132, 2689-2705, 2019 | 152 | 2019 |
Characterization of a major QTL for adult plant resistance to stripe rust in US soft red winter wheat Y Hao, Z Chen, Y Wang, D Bland, J Buck, G Brown-Guedira, J Johnson Theoretical and applied genetics 123, 1401-1411, 2011 | 135 | 2011 |
Pm37, a new broadly effective powdery mildew resistance gene from Triticum timopheevii LD Perugini, JP Murphy, D Marshall, G Brown-Guedira Theoretical and Applied Genetics 116, 417-425, 2008 | 132 | 2008 |
Lr41, Lr39, and a leaf rust resistance gene from Aegilops cylindrica may be allelic and are located on wheat chromosome 2DS S Singh, CD Franks, L Huang, GL Brown-Guedira, DS Marshall, BS Gill, ... Theoretical and applied genetics 108, 586-591, 2004 | 124 | 2004 |