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A. Arda Özacar
A. Arda Özacar
Geological Engineering Department Middle East Technical University
metu.edu.tr üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Segmented African lithosphere beneath the Anatolian region inferred from teleseismic P-wave tomography
C Berk Biryol, SL Beck, G Zandt, AA Özacar
Geophysical Journal International 184 (3), 1037-1057, 2011
Extensional neotectonic regime through the NE edge of the outer Isparta Angle, SW Turkey: new field and seismic data
A Koçyiğit, A Özacar
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 12 (1), 67-90, 2003
Crustal seismic anisotropy in central Tibet: Implications for deformational style and flow in the crust
AA Ozacar, G Zandt
Geophysical Research Letters 31 (23), 2004
Detecting the limit of slab break-off in central Turkey: new high-resolution Pn tomography results
CR Gans, SL Beck, G Zandt, CB Biryol, AA Ozacar
Geophysical Journal International 179 (3), 1566-1572, 2009
Upper mantle discontinuity structure beneath East Anatolian Plateau (Turkey) from receiver functions
AA Ozacar, H Gilbert, G Zandt
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 269 (3-4), 427-435, 2008
3-D crustal structure along the North Anatolian Fault Zone in north-central Anatolia revealed by local earthquake tomography
S Yolsal-Cevikbilen, CB Biryol, S Beck, G Zandt, T Taymaz, HE Adiyaman, ...
Geophysical Journal International 188 (3), 819-849, 2012
The 2002 Denali fault and 2001 Kunlun fault earthquakes: complex rupture processes of two large strike-slip events
AA Ozacar, SL Beck
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 94 (6B), S278-S292, 2004
Subduction termination through progressive slab deformation across Eastern Mediterranean subduction zones from updated P-wave tomography beneath Anatolia
DE Portner, JR Delph, CB Biryol, SL Beck, G Zandt, AA Özacar, E Sandvol, ...
Geosphere 14 (3), 907-925, 2018
Structure of the crust and African slab beneath the central Anatolian plateau from receiver functions: New insights on isostatic compensation and slab dynamics
B Abgarmi, JR Delph, AA Ozacar, SL Beck, G Zandt, E Sandvol, N Turkelli, ...
Geosphere 13 (6), 1774-1787, 2017
Crustal structure and seismic anisotropy near the San Andreas Fault at Parkfield, California
AA Ozacar, G Zandt
Geophysical Journal International 178 (2), 1098-1104, 2009
The effects of subduction termination on the continental lithosphere: Linking volcanism, deformation, surface uplift, and slab tearing in central Anatolia
JR Delph, B Abgarmi, KM Ward, SL Beck, AA Özacar, G Zandt, E Sandvol, ...
Geosphere 13 (6), 1788-1805, 2017
Origin and interactions of fluids circulating over the Amik Basin (Hatay, Turkey) and relationships with the hydrologic, geologic and tectonic settings
G Yuce, F Italiano, W D'Alessandro, TH Yalcin, DU Yasin, AH Gulbay, ...
Chemical Geology 388, 23-39, 2014
Shear wave splitting along a nascent plate boundary: the North Anatolian Fault Zone
CB Biryol, G Zandt, SL Beck, AA Ozacar, HE Adiyaman, CR Gans
Geophysical Journal International 181 (3), 1201-1213, 2010
Seismic images of crustal variations beneath the East Anatolian Plateau (Turkey) from teleseismic receiver functions
AA Özacar, G Zandt, H Gilbert, SL Beck
Paleomagnetic evidence for upper plate response to a STEP fault, SW Anatolia
N Kaymakcı, C Langereis, M Özkaptan, AA Özacar, E Gülyüz, B Uzel, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 498, 101-115, 2018
The 2017 July 20 Mw 6.6 Bodrum–Kos earthquake illuminates active faulting in the Gulf of Gökova, SW Turkey
E Karasözen, E Nissen, P Büyükakpınar, MD Cambaz, M Kahraman, ...
Geophysical Journal International 214 (1), 185-199, 2018
The June 6, 2000, Orta (Çankırı, Turkey) earthquake: sourced from a new antithetic sinistral strike-slip structure of the North Anatolian Fault System, the Dodurga Fault Zone
A Koçyiğit, B ROJAY, M Cihan, A ÖZACAR
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 10 (2), 69-82, 2001
Crustal velocity structure of Central and Eastern Turkey from ambient noise tomography
LM Warren, SL Beck, CB Biryol, G Zandt, AA Özacar, Y Yang
Geophysical Journal International 194 (3), 1941-1954, 2013
The site effects in Izmir Bay of October 30 2020, M7. 0 Samos earthquake
KO Cetin, S Altun, A Askan, M Akgün, A Sezer, C Kıncal, ÖC Özdağ, ...
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 152, 107051, 2022
Probabilistic seismic‐hazard assessment for East Anatolian fault zone using planar fault source models
Z Gülerce, S Tanvir Shah, A Menekşe, A Arda Özacar, N Kaymakci, ...
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 107 (5), 2353-2366, 2017
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