A remarkable spectral feature of the Schrödinger Hamiltonian of the harmonic oscillator perturbed by an attractive δ′-interaction centred at the origin: double degeneracy and … S Albeverio, S Fassari, F Rinaldi
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46 (38), 385305, 2013
62 2013 On the spectrum of the Schrdinger Hamiltonian of the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator perturbed by two identical attractive point interactions S Fassari, F Rinaldi
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44 2012 The Hamiltonian of the harmonic oscillator with an attractive δ′-interaction centred at the origin as approximated by the one with a triple of attractive δ-interactions S Albeverio, S Fassari, F Rinaldi
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41 2016 On the spectrum of the Schrödinger Hamiltonian with a particular configuration of three one-dimensional point interactions S Fassari, F Rinaldi
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32 2009 The discrete spectrum of the spinless one-dimensional Salpeter Hamiltonian perturbed by δ-interactions* S Albeverio, S Fassari, F Rinaldi
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31 2015 Spectral properties of a symmetric three-dimensional quantum dot with a pair of identical attractive δ-impurities symmetrically situated around the origin II S Albeverio, S Fassari, F Rinaldi
23 2016 Spectral properties of a symmetric three-dimensional quantum dot with a pair of identical attractive δ-impurities symmetrically situated around the origin S Albeverio, S Fassari, F Rinaldi
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23 2016 Level crossings of eigenvalues of the Schrödinger Hamiltonian of the isotropic harmonic oscillator perturbed by a central point interaction in different dimensions S Fassari, M Gadella, ML Glasser, LM Nieto, F Rinaldi
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14 2018 The Birman-Schwinger operator for a parabolic quantum well in a zero-thickness layer in the presence of a two-dimensional attractive Gaussian impurity S Albeverio, S Fassari, M Gadella, LM Nieto, F Rinaldi
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12 2019 Spectral properties of the two-dimensional Schrödinger Hamiltonian with various solvable confinements in the presence of a central point perturbation S Fassari, M Gadella, ML Glasser, LM Nieto, F Rinaldi
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12 2019 On the spectrum of the one-dimensional Schrödinger Hamiltonian perturbed by an attractive Gaussian potential S Fassari, M Gadella Urquiza, LM Nieto Calzada, F Rinaldi
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7 2020 On the behaviour of the two-dimensional Hamiltonian-{\Delta}+ λ [\delta (ěc {x}+{ěc {x}} _ {0})+\delta (ěc {x}-{ěc {x}} _ {0})] as the distance between the two centres vanishes S Fassari, I Popov, F Rinaldi
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6 2020 Exact calculation of the trace of the Birman-Schwinger operator of the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator perturbed by an attractive Gaussian potential S Fassari, F Rinaldi
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6 2019 The behaviour of the three-dimensional Hamiltonian−∆+ λ [δ (x+ x0)+ δ (x− x0)] as the distance between the two centres vanishes S Albeverio, S Fassari, F Rinaldi
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6 * 2017 The Schrödinger particle on the half-line with an attractive -interaction: bound states and resonances S Fassari, M Gadella, LM Nieto, F Rinaldi
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