Kamu erişimi zorunlu olan makaleler - Stylianos (Stelios) SomarakisDaha fazla bilgi edinin
Hiçbir yerde sunulmuyor: 1
Modelling small pelagic fish potential spawning habitats: eggs vs spawners and in situ vs satellite data
E Schismenou, S Tsoukali, M Giannoulaki, S Somarakis
Hydrobiologia 788, 17-32, 2017
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
Bir yerde sunuluyor: 12
Energy acquisition and allocation to egg production in relation to fish reproductive strategies
RS McBride, S Somarakis, GR Fitzhugh, A Albert, NA Yaragina, ...
Fish and Fisheries 16 (1), 23-57, 2015
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
Indications of a climate effect on Mediterranean fisheries
E Tzanatos, DE Raitsos, G Triantafyllou, S Somarakis, AA Tsonis
Climatic Change 122, 41-54, 2014
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
Habitat selection response of small pelagic fish in different environments. Two examples from the oligotrophic Mediterranean Sea
A Bonanno, M Giannoulaki, M Barra, G Basilone, A Machias, S Genovese, ...
PLoS One 9 (7), e101498, 2014
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
Seasonal changes in otolith increment width trajectories and the effect of temperature on the daily growth rate of young sardines
E Schismenou, M Palmer, M Giannoulaki, I Alvarez, K Tsiaras, ...
Fisheries Oceanography 25 (4), 362-372, 2016
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
Variation in life-history traits of European anchovy along a latitudinal gradient: a bioenergetics modelling approach
M Huret, K Tsiaras, U Daewel, MD Skogen, P Gatti, P Petitgas, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 617, 95-112, 2019
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
Disentangling the effects of inherent otolith growth and model-simulated ecosystem parameters on the daily growth rate of young anchovies
E Schismenou, M Giannoulaki, K Tsiaras, E Lefkaditou, G Triantafyllou, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 515, 227-237, 2014
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
Drivers of the north Aegean Sea ecosystem (Eastern Mediterranean) through time: insights from multidecadal retrospective analysis and future simulations
K Tsagarakis, S Libralato, M Giannoulaki, K Touloumis, S Somarakis, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 919793, 2022
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
A three dimensional, full life cycle, anchovy and sardine model for the North Aegean Sea (Eastern Mediterranean): Validation, sensitivity and climatic scenario simulations
A Gkanasos, E Schismenou, K Tsiaras, S Somarakis, M Giannoulaki, ...
Mediterranean Marine Science 22 (3), 653-668, 2021
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
Investigating growth and reproduction of the Mediterranean swordfish Xiphias gladius through a full life cycle bioenergetics model
Y Hatzonikolakis, K Tsiaras, G Tserpes, S Somarakis, MAS John, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 680, 51-77, 2021
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
The “MEDiterranean international acoustic survey”: An introduction
M Giannoulaki, J Zwolinski, AC Gucu, A De Felice, S Somarakis
Mediterranean Marine Science 22 (4), 747-750, 2021
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Copyright© 2021 Mediterranean Marine Science
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
Otolith microstructure and growth of sardine larvae (Sardina pilchardus, Walbaum 1792) in the North Aegean Sea (eastern Mediterranean Sea).
Ε Schismenou, M Giannoulaki, K Tsiaras, G Triantafyllou, S Somarakis
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
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