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Hiçbir yerde sunulmuyor: 49
Effects of breakdown voltage on single-event burnout tolerance of high-voltage SiC power MOSFETs
DR Ball, KF Galloway, RA Johnson, ML Alles, AL Sternberg, AF Witulski, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 68 (7), 1430-1435, 2021
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Enhanced charge collection in SiC power MOSFETs demonstrated by pulse-laser two-photon absorption SEE experiments
RA Johnson, AF Witulski, DR Ball, KF Galloway, AL Sternberg, E Zhang, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 66 (7), 1694-1701, 2019
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Unifying concepts for ion-induced leakage current degradation in silicon carbide Schottky power diodes
RA Johnson, AF Witulski, DR Ball, KF Galloway, AL Sternberg, RA Reed, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 67 (1), 135-139, 2019
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Total-ionizing-dose response of highly scaled gate-all-around Si nanowire CMOS transistors
M Gorchichko, EX Zhang, P Wang, S Bonaldo, RD Schrimpf, RA Reed, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 68 (5), 687-696, 2021
Zorunlu olanlar: US Department of Defense
Comparison of total-ionizing-dose effects in bulk and SOI FinFETs at 90 and 295 K
TD Haeffner, RF Keller, R Jiang, BD Sierawski, MW McCurdy, EX Zhang, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 66 (6), 911-917, 2019
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Predicting muon-induced SEU rates for a 28-nm SRAM using protons and heavy ions to calibrate the sensitive volume model
JM Trippe, RA Reed, RA Austin, BD Sierawski, LW Massengill, RA Weller, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 65 (2), 712-718, 2017
Zorunlu olanlar: US Department of Defense
Low-energy ion-induced single-event burnout in gallium oxide Schottky diodes
RM Cadena, DR Ball, EX Zhang, S Islam, A Senarath, MW McCurdy, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 70 (4), 363-369, 2023
Zorunlu olanlar: US Department of Defense
Strong correlation between experiment and simulation for two-photon absorption induced carrier generation
JM Hales, NJH Roche, A Khachatrian, D Mcmorrow, S Buchner, J Warner, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 64 (5), 1133-1136, 2017
Zorunlu olanlar: US Department of Defense
Polarization dependence of pulsed laser-induced SEEs in SOI FinFETs
LD Ryder, KL Ryder, AL Sternberg, JA Kozub, H Gong, EX Zhang, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 67 (1), 38-43, 2019
Zorunlu olanlar: US Department of Defense
Impact of heavy-ion range on single-event effects in silicon carbide power junction barrier Schottky diodes
A Sengupta, DR Ball, AF Witulski, EX Zhang, RD Schrimpf, KF Galloway, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 70 (4), 394-400, 2023
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Pulsed-laser induced single-event transients in InGaAs FinFETs on bulk silicon substrates
H Gong, K Ni, EX Zhang, AL Sternberg, JA Kozub, ML Alles, RA Reed, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 66 (1), 376-383, 2018
Zorunlu olanlar: US Department of Defense
Proton-induced displacement damage and total-ionizing-dose effects on silicon-based MEMS resonators
H Gong, W Liao, EX Zhang, AL Sternberg, MW McCurdy, JL Davidson, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 65 (1), 34-38, 2017
Zorunlu olanlar: US Department of Defense
Analysis of heavy-ion-induced leakage current in SiC power devices
RA Johnson, AF Witulski, DR Ball, KF Galloway, AL Sternberg, RA Reed, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 69 (3), 248-253, 2021
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Impacts of through-silicon vias on total-ionizing-dose effects and low-frequency noise in FinFETs
K Li, EX Zhang, M Gorchichko, PF Wang, M Reaz, SE Zhao, G Hiblot, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 68 (5), 740-747, 2021
Zorunlu olanlar: US Department of Defense
Total-ionizing-dose effects in IGZO thin-film transistors
Z Guo, K Li, X Li, X Luo, EX Zhang, RA Reed, RD Schrimpf, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 70 (8), 2002-2007, 2023
Zorunlu olanlar: US Department of Defense
Automatic fault tree generation from radiation-induced fault models
RA Austin, N Mahadevan, AF Witulski, G Karsai, BD Sierawski, ...
2020 Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS), 1-7, 2020
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
CubeSats and crowd-sourced monitoring for single event effects hardness assurance
BD Sierawski, KM Warren, AL Sternberg, RA Austin, JM Trippe, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 64 (1), 293-300, 2016
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
New insight into single-event radiation failure mechanisms in silicon carbide power Schottky diodes and MOSFETs
AF Witulski, DR Ball, RA Johnson, KF Galloway, AL Sternberg, ML Alles, ...
Materials Science Forum 1004, 1066-1073, 2020
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Effects of energy-deposition variability on soft error rate prediction
SL Weeden-Wright, MP King, NC Hooten, WG Bennett, BD Sierawski, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 62 (5), 2181-2186, 2015
Zorunlu olanlar: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Single-Event Burnout in Vertical β-Ga2O3 Diodes with Pt/PtOx Schottky Contacts and High-k Field-Plate Dielectrics
S Islam, AS Senarath, E Farzana, DR Ball, A Sengupta, NS Hendricks, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2024
Zorunlu olanlar: US Department of Defense
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