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Usman Irshad
Usman Irshad
Associate Professor Environmental Sciences COMSATS University Islamabad
cuiatd.edu.pk üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
From soil to plant, the journey of P through trophic relationships and ectomycorrhizal association
A Becquer, J Trap, U Irshad, MA Ali, P Claude
Frontiers in plant science 5, 548, 2014
Grazing by nematodes on rhizosphere bacteria enhances nitrate and phosphorus availability to Pinus pinaster seedlings
U Irshad, C Villenave, A Brauman, C Plassard
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43 (10), 2121-2126, 2011
Allium cepa assay based comparative study of selected vegetables and the chromosomal aberrations due to heavy metal accumulation
M Sabeen, Q Mahmood, ZA Bhatti, M Irshad, M Bilal, MT Hayat, U Irshad, ...
Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 27 (5), 1368-1374, 2020
Phosphorus acquisition from phytate depends on efficient bacterial grazing, irrespective of the mycorrhizal status of Pinus pinaster
U Irshad, A Brauman, C Villenave, C Plassard
Plant and Soil 358, 155-168, 2012
Biodegradation of malathion by Bacillus licheniformis strain ML-1
TN Sara Khan, Habiba Zaffar, Usman Irshad, Raza Ahmad, Abdul Rehman Khan ...
Archives of Biological Sciences 68 (1), 51-59, 2016
Melatonin and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria alleviate the cadmium and arsenic stresses and increase the growth of Spinacia oleracea L.
M Asif, A Pervez, U Irshad, Q Mehmood, R Ahmad
Plant, Soil & Environment 66 (5), 2020
Analysis of ecological attributes of bacterial phosphorus solubilizers, native to pine forests of Lower Himalaya
RN Waseem Hayat, Hina Aman, Usman Irshad, Muhammad Azeem, Akhtar Iqbal
Applied Soil Ecology 112, 51-59, 2017
Isolation and screening of rhizobia for improving growth and nodulation of lentil (Lens culinaris Medic) seedlings under axenic conditions
M Zafar-ul-Hye, ZA Zahir, SM Shahzad, U Irshad, M Arshad
Soil Environ 26 (1), 81-91, 2007
Metabolic profiling to elucidate genetic elements due to salt stress
R Ahmad, S Jamil, M Shahzad, C Zörb, U Irshad, N Khan, M Younas, ...
CLEAN–Soil, Air, Water 45 (12), 1600574, 2017
Genetic transformation of sugarcane variety HSF-240 with marker gene GUS
SA Khan, Z Hanif, U Irshad, R Ahmad, M Yasin, MF Chaudhary, A Afroz, ...
Int J Agric Biol 15 (6), 1258-1264, 2013
Bacterial subspecies variation and nematode grazing change P dynamics in the wheat rhizosphere
U Irshad, E Yergeau
Frontiers in microbiology 9, 1990, 2018
Combination of melatonin and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria improved the growth of Spinacia oleracea L. under the arsenic and cadmium stresses
M Asif, R Ahmad, A Pervez, DA Al Farraj, MS Elshikh, M Shahzad, ...
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 127, 102097, 2023
Novel P-Solubilizers from calcium bound phosphate rich pine forest of Lower Himalaya
R Nazir, W Hayat, P Rehman, A Iqbal, U Irshad
Geomicrobiology Journal 34 (2), 119-129, 2017
Changes in availability of plant nutrients during composting of cow manure with poplar leaf litter
Z Anwar, M Irshad, M Bilal, U Irshad, F Hafeez, G Owens
Compost Science & Utilization 25 (4), 242-250, 2017
Optimizing chili production in drought stress: combining Zn-quantum dot biochar and proline for improved growth and yield
M Hareem, S Danish, M Pervez, U Irshad, S Fahad, K Dawar, SA Alharbi, ...
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 6627, 2024
Removal of Antibiotic Resistance Genes, Class 1 Integrase Gene and Escherichia coli Indicator Gene in a Microalgae-Based Wastewater Treatment System
AB Inuwa, Q Mahmood, J Iqbal, E Widemann, S Shafiq, M Irshad, U Irshad, ...
Antibiotics 11 (11), 1531, 2022
Identification and inoculation of fungal strains from Cedrus deodara rhizosphere involve in growth and alleviation of high nitrogen stress
HMA Jamil, A Ahmed, U Irshad, AA Al-Ghamdi, MS Elshikh, IA Alaraidh, ...
Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 27 (1), 524-534, 2020
Biodegradation of organophosphorus insecticides by indigenous soil bacterium isolated from agricultural contaminated soil
S Munir, M Khalid, M Bilal, U Irshad, MM Shah, J Hussain, TA Naqvi
Minerva Biotecnol 28 (3), 146-152, 2016
Richness of rhizosphere organisms affects plant P nutrition according to P source and mobility
J Trap, PM Ranoarisoa, U Irshad, C Plassard
Agriculture 11 (2), 157, 2021
The fate of lead (Pb) in multitrophic interactions among bacteria, fungi, and bacterivorous soil nematodes
N Iqbal, S Ahmed, A Pervez, R Nazir, X Tang, U Irshad
CLEAN–Soil, Air, Water 48 (11), 2000307, 2020
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