Takip et
César Galindo
César Galindo
Professor, Universidad de los Andes - Colombia.
uniandes.edu.co üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Fermionic modular categories and the 16-fold way
P Bruillard, C Galindo, T Hagge, SH Ng, JY Plavnik, EC Rowell, Z Wang
Journal of Mathematical Physics 58 (4), 2017
On Gauging Symmetry of Modular Categories
SX Cui, C Galindo, JY Plavnik, Z Wang
Communications in Mathematical Physics, Volume 348, Issue 3, pp 1043–1064, 2016
Hopf braces and Yang-Baxter operators
I Angiono, C Galindo, L Vendramin
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 145 (5), 1981-1995, 2017
Simple Hopf algebras and deformations of finite groups
C Galindo, S Natale
Mathematical Research Letters 14 (6), 943–954, 2007
On braided and ribbon unitary fusion categories
C Galindo
Canad. Math. Bull. 57, 506-510, 2014
Generalized and quasi-localizations of braid group representations
C Galindo, SM Hong, EC Rowell
International Mathematics Research Notices 2013 (3), 693-731, 2013
Classification of super-modular categories by rank
P Bruillard, C Galindo, SH Ng, JY Plavnik, EC Rowell, Z Wang
Algebras and Representation Theory 23, 795-809, 2020
Classification of integral modular categories of Frobenius-Perron dimension pq^ 4 and p^ 2q^ 2
P Bruillard, C Galindo, SM Hong, Y Kashina, D Naidu, S Natale, ...
Canadian Mathematical Bulletin (to appear), 2013
On invariants of modular categories beyond modular data
P Bonderson, C Delaney, C Galindo, EC Rowell, A Tran, Z Wang
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 223 (9), 4065-4088, 2019
Coherence for monoidal G-categories and braided G-crossed categories
C Galindo
Journal of Algebra 487, 118-137, 2017
Clifford theory for tensor categories
C Galindo
Journal of the London Mathematical Society 83 (1), 57-78, 2010
Braided zesting and its applications
C Delaney, C Galindo, J Plavnik, EC Rowell, Q Zhang
Communications in Mathematical Physics 386, 1-55, 2021
On the classification of weakly integral modular categories
P Bruillard, C Galindo, SH Ng, JY Plavnik, EC Rowell, Z Wang
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 220 (6), 2364-2388, 2016
Crossed product tensor categories
C Galindo
Journal of Algebra 337 (1), 233-252, 2011
De-equivariantization of Hopf algebras
I Angiono, C Galindo, M Pereira
Algebras and Representation Theory 17, 161-180, 2014
Solutions of the hexagon equation for abelian anyons
C Galindo, NJ Torres
arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.01414, 2016
Clifford theory for graded fusion categories
C Galindo
Israel Journal of Mathematics 192 (2), 841-867, 2012
Categorical fermionic actions and minimal modular extensions
C Galindo, CF Venegas-Ramirez
arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.07097, 2017
Examples of finite-dimensional Hopf algebras with the dual Chevalley property
N Andruskiewitsch, C Galindo, M Müller
Publ. Mat. 61 (2017), 445–474, 2017
Tensor functor between Morita duals of fusion categories
C Galindo, JY Plavnik
Letters in Mathematical Physics, Volume 107, Issue 3, pp 553–590, 2017
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