Takip et
Zunaib Ali
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
A comprehensive review on inverter topologies and control strategies for grid connected photovoltaic system
K Zeb, W Uddin, MA Khan, Z Ali, MU Ali, N Christofides, HJ Kim
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94, 1120-1141, 2018
Three-phase phase-locked loop synchronization algorithms for grid-connected renewable energy systems: A review
Z Ali, N Christofides, L Hadjidemetriou, E Kyriakides, Y Yang, F Blaabjerg
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90, 434-452, 2018
Indirect field-oriented control of induction motor drive based on adaptive fuzzy logic controller
K Zeb, Z Ali, K Saleem, W Uddin, MA Javed, N Christofides
Electrical Engineering Journal, 1-13, 2016
Enhancement of flexibility in multi-energy microgrids considering voltage and congestion improvement: Robust thermal comfort against reserve calls
SM Kazemi-Razi, HA Abyaneh, H Nafisi, Z Ali, M Marzband
Sustainable Cities and Society 74, 103160, 2021
Design of an Advanced PLL for Accurate Phase Angle Extraction Under Grid Voltage HIHs and DC Offset
Z Ali, N Christofides, L Hadjidemetriou, E Kyriakides
IET Power Electronics 11 (6), 995-1008, 2018
Online reduced complexity parameter estimation technique for equivalent circuit model of lithium-ion battery
K Saleem, K Mehran, Z Ali
Electric Power Systems Research 185, 106356, 2020
Micro market based optimisation framework for decentralised management of distributed flexibility assets
A Paladin, R Das, Y Wang, Z Ali, R Kotter, G Putrus, R Turri
Renewable Energy 163, 1595-1611, 2021
Autonomous energy management system with self-healing capabilities for green buildings (microgrids)
MS Jonban, L Romeral, A Akbarimajd, Z Ali, SS Ghazimirsaeid, ...
Journal of Building Engineering 34, 101604, 2021
Diversifying the role of distributed generation grid-side converters for improving the power quality of distribution networks using advanced control techniques
Z Ali, N Christofides, L Hadjidemetriou, E Kyriakides
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 55 (4), 4110-4123, 2019
A new MAF based αβEPMAFPLL for grid connected RES with improved performance under grid faults
Z Ali, N Christofides, L Hadjidemetriou, E Kyriakides
Electric Power Systems Research 154, 130-139, 2018
Multi-functional distributed generation control scheme for improving the grid power quality
Z Ali, N Christofides, L Hadjidemetriou, E Kyriakides
IET Power Electronics 12 (1), 30-43, 2018
Performance evaluation and benchmarking of PLL algorithms for grid‐connected RES applications
Z Ali, N Christofides, K Saleem, A Polycarpou, K Mehran
IET Renewable Power Generation 14 (1), 52-62, 2020
An advanced current controller with reduced complexity and improved performance under abnormal grid conditions
Z Ali, N Christofides, L Hadjidemetriou, E Kyriakides
2017 IEEE Manchester PowerTech, 1-6, 2017
A single-phase synchronization technique for grid-connected energy storage system under faulty grid conditions
K Saleem, Z Ali, K Mehran
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 36 (10), 12019-12032, 2021
Performance enhancement of MAF based PLL with phase error compensation in the pre-filtering stage
Z Ali, N Christofides, L Hadjidemetriou, E Kyriakides
2017 IEEE Manchester PowerTech, 1-6, 2017
A computationally efficient current controller for simultaneous injection of both positive and negative sequences
Z Ali, N Chritofides, L Hadjidemetriou, E Kyriakides
2017 19th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'17 …, 2017
Photovoltaic reactive power compensation scheme: An investigation for the Cyprus distribution grid
Z Ali, N Christofides, L Hadjidemetriou, E Kyriakides
2018 IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), 1-6, 2018
Generalized method for harmonic elimination in two and three level voltage sourced converters
Z Ali, N Christofides, M Tahir, K Saleem, M Gul, SR ul Hasnain, B Khan
2015 International Conference on Emerging Technologies (ICET), 1-6, 2015
Multiobjective optimized smart charge controller for electric vehicle applications
Z Ali, G Putrus, M Marzband, HR Gholinejad, K Saleem, B Subudhi
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 58 (5), 5602-5615, 2022
On beneficial Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) services
E Bentley, G Putrus, G Lacey, R Kotter, Y Wang, R Das, Z Ali, ...
2021 9th International Conference on Modern Power Systems (MPS), 1-6, 2021
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