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Peter D. Ørberg Jensen
Peter D. Ørberg Jensen
Copenhagen Business School, Dept. of Strategy and Innovation
cbs.dk üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The economic geography of offshoring: the fit between activities and local context
PDØ Jensen, T Pedersen
Journal of Management Studies 48 (2), 352-372, 2011
A learning perspective on the offshoring of advanced services
PDØ Jensen
Journal of International Management 15 (2), 181-193, 2009
Offshoring and international competitiveness: Antecedents of offshoring advanced tasks
PDØ Jensen, T Pedersen
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 40, 313-328, 2012
The organizational design of offshoring: Taking stock and moving forward
PDØ Jensen, MM Larsen, T Pedersen
Journal of International Management 19 (4), 315-323, 2013
A passage to India: A dual case study of activities, processes and resources in offshore outsourcing of advanced services
PDØ Jensen
Journal of World Business 47 (2), 311-326, 2012
Global sourcing of services: Risk, process, and collaborative architecture
PDØ Jensen, B Petersen
Global Strategy Journal 3 (1), 67-87, 2013
Value creation logics and internationalization of service firms
PDØ Jensen, B Petersen
International Marketing Review 31 (6), 557-575, 2014
Exploring layers of complexity in offshoring research and practice
L Bals, PD Ørberg Jensen, MM Larsen, T Pedersen
The offshoring challenge: Strategic design and innovation for tomorrow’s …, 2013
A co-evolutionary perspective on the drivers of international sourcing of pharmaceutical R&D to India
SJ Haakonsson, PDØ Jensen, SM Mudambi
Journal of Economic Geography 13 (4), 677-700, 2013
Economic nationalism and internationalization of services: Review and research agenda
HG Rammal, EL Rose, PN Ghauri, PDØ Jensen, M Kipping, B Petersen, ...
Journal of World Business 57 (3), 101314, 2022
Services in international business studies: A replication and extension of Merchant and Gaur (2008)
DH Blagoeva, PDØ Jensen, H Merchant
Management International Review 60, 427-457, 2020
Global sourcing of services versus manufacturing activities: is it any different?
PD Ørberg Jensen, B Petersen
The Service Industries Journal 32 (4), 591-604, 2012
Offshoring of Advanced and High-Value Technical Services: Antecedents, Process Dynamics and Firm-Level Impacts'
PDØ Jensen, ...
PhD dissertation, Copenhagen: Department of Intercultural Communication and …, 2009
Build-operate-transfer outsourcing contracts in services – boon or bane to emerging market firms?
PDØ Jensen, B Petersen
Journal of International Management, 2013
Advanced service offshore outsourcing: Exploring the determinants of capability development in emerging market firms
K Brandl, PDØ Jensen, MJ Lind
Global Strategy Journal 8 (2), 324-350, 2018
The globalization of high-value activities: Why do firms offshore advanced tasks?
PD Ørberg Jensen, T Pedersen
Reshaping the Boundaries of the Firm in an Era of Global Interdependence, 3-27, 2010
Beyond job losses: The net effects of offshoring and inshoring on employment in the Danish economy
PDØ Jensen, JF Kirkegaard, NS Laugesen
Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal 2 (2), 123-144, 2009
Globalization of Innovation: The Moderating Role of Project-level Investment Strategy and Country Type in Location Choicee for R&D-related FDI
E Choquette, SJ Haakonsson, PDØ Jensen, SF Nielsen
Transnational Corporations Journal 28 (2), 2021
Do expectations match reality when firms consider the risks of offshoring? A comparison of risk assessment by firms with and without offshoring experience
PDØ Jensen, T Pedersen, B Petersen
The Offshoring Challenge: Strategic Design and Innovation for Tomorrow’s …, 2013
Offshoring of advanced and complex tasks
PØ Jensen, T Pedersen
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