Takip et
Maria Cecibeth Vera Saldarriaga
Maria Cecibeth Vera Saldarriaga
Estudiante de psicología, Universidad Técnica de Manabí
utm.edu.ec üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
A phase 2 study of tofacitinib, an oral Janus kinase inhibitor, in patients with Crohn’s disease
WJ Sandborn, S Ghosh, J Panes, I Vranic, W Wang, W Niezychowski, ...
Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology 12 (9), 1485-1493. e2, 2014
An improved MS2 system for accurate reporting of the mRNA life cycle
E Tutucci, M Vera, J Biswas, J Garcia, R Parker, RH Singer
Nature methods 15 (1), 81-89, 2018
Nurses stressors and psychological distress during the COVID‐19 pandemic: The mediating role of coping and resilience
L Lorente, M Vera, T Peiró
Journal of advanced nursing 77 (3), 1335-1344, 2021
Intracellular mRNA transport and localized translation
S Das, M Vera, V Gandin, RH Singer, E Tutucci
Nature reviews Molecular cell biology 22 (7), 483-504, 2021
How personal resources predict work engagement and self‐rated performance among construction workers: A social cognitive perspective
L Lorente, M Salanova, IM Martínez, M Vera
International Journal of Psychology 49 (3), 200-207, 2014
The role of co-worker and supervisor support in the relationship between job autonomy and work engagement among Portuguese nurses: A multilevel study
M Vera, IM Martínez, L Lorente, MJ Chambel
Social Indicators Research 126, 1143-1156, 2016
The translation elongation factor eEF1A1 couples transcription to translation during heat shock response
M Vera, B Pani, LA Griffiths, C Muchardt, CM Abbott, RH Singer, E Nudler
elife 3, e03164, 2014
Real-life chromoendoscopy for neoplasia detection and characterisation in long-standing IBD
S Carballal, S Maisterra, A López-Serrano, AZ Gimeno-García, MI Vera, ...
Gut 67 (1), 70-78, 2018
Single-cell and single-molecule analysis of gene expression regulation
M Vera, J Biswas, A Senecal, RH Singer, HY Park
Annual review of genetics 50 (1), 267-291, 2016
When the job does not fit: The moderating role of job crafting and meaningful work in the relation between employees’ perceived overqualification and job boredom
I Sánchez-Cardona, M Vera, M Martínez-Lugo, R Rodríguez-Montalbán, ...
Journal of Career Assessment 28 (2), 257-276, 2020
May the force be with you: Looking for resources that build team resilience
M Vera, AM Rodríguez-Sánchez, M Salanova
Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health 32 (2), 119-138, 2017
Thiopurine methyl‐transferase activity and azathioprine metabolite concentrations do not predict clinical outcome in thiopurine‐treated inflammatory bowel disease patients
Y González‐Lama, F Bermejo, A López‐Sanromán, V García‐Sánchez, ...
Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics 34 (5), 544-554, 2011
Mechanisms tailoring the expression of heat shock proteins to proteostasis challenges
LRA Boopathy, S Jacob-Tomas, C Alecki, M Vera
Journal of Biological Chemistry 298 (5), 2022
The predicting role of self-efficacyin the Job Demands-Resources Model: A longitudinal study
M Vera, M Salanova, L Lorente
Studies in Psychology 33 (2), 167-178, 2012
Contribution of nurses to the quality of care in management of inflammatory bowel disease: a synthesis of the evidence
P Hernández-Sampelayo, M Seoane, L Oltra, L Marín, A Torrejón, MI Vera, ...
Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 4 (6), 611-622, 2010
Long-term oral tacrolimus therapy in refractory to infliximab fistulizing Crohn's disease. A Pilot Study
Y González-Lama, L Abreu, MI Vera, M Pastrana, S Tabernero, J Revilla, ...
Inflammatory bowel diseases 11 (1), 8-15, 2005
Patterns of engagement: the relationship between efficacy beliefs and task engagement at the individual versus collective level
M Vera, PM Le Blanc, TW Taris, M Salanova
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 44 (2), 133-144, 2014
Self-efficacy among university faculty: how to develop an adjusted scale
M Vera, M Salanova, B Martín del Río
Anales de psicología, vol. 27, nº 3, 2011, 2011
Effect of adenovirus-mediated RNA interference on endogenous microRNAs in a mouse model of multidrug resistance protein 2 gene silencing
I Narvaiza, O Aparicio, M Vera, N Razquin, S Bortolanza, J Prieto, ...
Journal of virology 80 (24), 12236-12247, 2006
Job-person fit and well-being from a gender perspective
E Cifre, M Vera, AM Rodríguez-Sánchez, MC Pastor
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones 29 (3), 161-168, 2013
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