Dongsha Atoll: A potential thermal refuge for reef-building corals in the South China Sea KS Tkachenko, K Soong Marine environmental research 127, 112-125, 2017 | 73 | 2017 |
Dynamics of a coral reef community after mass mortality of branching Acropora corals and an outbreak of anemones KS Tkachenko, BJ Wu, LS Fang, TY Fan Marine Biology 151, 185-194, 2007 | 70 | 2007 |
The northernmost coral frontier of the Maldives: the coral reefs of Ihavandippolu Atoll under long-term environmental change KS Tkachenko Marine Environmental Research 82, 40-48, 2012 | 42 | 2012 |
Influence of anthropogenic pressure and seasonal upwelling on coral reefs in Nha Trang Bay (Central Vietnam) KS Tkachenko, TA Britayev, NH Huan, MV Pereladov, YY Latypov Marine Ecology 37 (5), 1131-1146, 2016 | 38 | 2016 |
Extensive coral reef decline in Nha Trang Bay, Vietnam: Acanthaster planci outbreak: the final event in a sequence of chronic disturbances KS Tkachenko, NH Huan, NH Thanh, TA Britayev Marine and Freshwater Research 72 (2), 186-199, 2020 | 34 | 2020 |
Impact of repetitive thermal anomalies on survival and development of mass reef‐building corals in the M aldives KS Tkachenko Marine Ecology 36 (3), 292-304, 2015 | 28 | 2015 |
Ecological status of coral reefs in the Spratly Islands, South China Sea (East Sea) and its relation to thermal anomalies KS Tkachenko, DT Hoang, HN Dang Estuarine, coastal and shelf Science 238, 106722, 2020 | 24 | 2020 |
Coral reefs in the face of ecological threats of the 21st century KS Tkachenko Biology Bulletin Reviews 7 (1), 64-83, 2017 | 17 | 2017 |
Concurrent effect of crown‐of‐thorns starfish outbreak and thermal anomaly of 2020 on coral reef communities of the Spratly Islands (South China Sea) KS Tkachenko, DT Hoang Marine Ecology 43 (4), e12717, 2022 | 16 | 2022 |
An evaluation of the analysis system of video transects used to sample subtidal epibiota KS Tkachenko Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology 318 (1), 1-9, 2005 | 14 | 2005 |
Distribution of Sessile Invertebrates in a Rocky Sublittoral Community off Rimsky‐Korsakov Islands (Sea of Japan) KS Tkachenko, AV Zhirmunsky Marine ecology 23 (3), 253-267, 2002 | 14 | 2002 |
Protection of habitat types: a case study of the effectiveness of a small marine reserve and impacts of different habitats on the diversity and abundance of coral reef fishes KS Tkachenko, K Soong Zool. Stud 49 (2), 195-210, 2010 | 11 | 2010 |
Coral reef collapse in South-Central Vietnam: a consequence of multiple negative effects KS Tkachenko, VV Dung, VT Ha, NH Huan Aquatic Ecology 57 (1), 65-83, 2023 | 10 | 2023 |
The influence of repetitive thermal stresses on the dominance of reef-building Acropora spp. (Scleractinia) on coral reefs of the Maldive Islands KS Tkachenko Russian Journal of Marine Biology 40, 286-294, 2014 | 8 | 2014 |
Coral symbiotic communities from different environments of an isolated atoll: reef lagoon versus forereef KS Tkachenko, K Soong, YV Deart, TA Britayev Invertebrate Zoology 19, 78-90, 2022 | 5 | 2022 |
The status of coral communities in three marine national parks of Vietnam KS Tkachenko The Scientific Records of the Russian State Hydro-Meteorological University …, 2018 | 5 | 2018 |
Unusually high abundance of the actiniarian Anemonia manjano Carlgren, 1900 outcompeting scleractinians in central Vietnam KS Tkachenko, TA Britayev Marine Biodiversity 46 (3), 545-546, 2016 | 5 | 2016 |
Ecological status of coral communities in the island area of the Nha Trang Bay (Vietnam) KS Tkachenko Russian Journal of Ecology 46, 456-462, 2015 | 5 | 2015 |
Degradation of coral reefs under complex impact of natural and anthropogenic factors with Nha Trang Bay (Vietnam) as an example KS Tkachenko Biology Bulletin Reviews 13 (5), 442-459, 2023 | 4 | 2023 |
Phase shift from a stony-coral to a soft-coral community on a coral reef: a case study of an alternative state KS Tkachenko, VV Dung, VT Ha Marine Biology Research 18 (9-10), 544-554, 2022 | 4 | 2022 |