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Luís Moreira de Sousa
Luís Moreira de Sousa
GeoInformatics Scientist, ISRIC - World Soil Information
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
SoilGrids 2.0: producing soil information for the globe with quantified spatial uncertainty, SOIL, 7, 217–240
L Poggio, LM De Sousa, NH Batjes, GBM Heuvelink, B Kempen, ...
Global mapping of soil salinity change
K Ivushkin, H Bartholomeus, AK Bregt, A Pulatov, B Kempen, L De Sousa
Remote sensing of environment 231, 111260, 2019
Standardised and transparent model descriptions for agent-based models: Current status and prospects
HW Birgit Müller, Stefano Balbi, Carsten M. Buchmann
Environmental Modelling & Software 55, 156–163, 2014
Towards the optimal fusion of high-resolution Digital Elevation Models for detailed urban flood assessment
JP Leitão, LM De Sousa
Journal of Hydrology 561, 651-661, 2018
GIS-based Life Cycle Assessment of urban building stocks retrofitting-a bottom-up framework applied to Luxembourg
A Mastrucci, E Popovici, A Marvuglia, L De Sousa, E Benetto, U Leopold
EnviroInfo and ICT for Sustainability 2015, 47-56, 2015
Identifying the best locations to install flow control devices in sewer networks to enable in-sewer storage
L João P., JP Carbajal, J Rieckermann, NE Simões, AS Marques, ...
Journal of Hydrology, 371-383, 2018
iGUESS - A web based system integrating Urban Energy Planning and Assessment Modelling for multi-scale spatial decision making
L de Sousa, C Eykamp, U Leopold, O Baume, C Braun
Procedings of the International Congress on Environmental Modelling and …, 2012
Assessing the accuracy of hexagonal versus square tilled grids in preserving DEM surface flow directions
L de Sousa, F Nery, R Sousa, J Matos
Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy …, 2006
Copper peak
J Laherrére, L de Sousa
The oildrum Europe 6307, 1-27, 2010
Global mapping of volumetric water retention at 100, 330 and 15 000 cm suction using the WoSIS database
ME Turek, L Poggio, NH Batjes, RA Armindo, QJ van Lier, L de Sousa, ...
International Soil and Water Conservation Research 11 (2), 225-239, 2023
HexASCII: A file format for cartographical hexagonal rasters
LM de Sousa, JP Leitão
Transactions in GIS, 2017
Towards a framework for geospatial tangible user interfaces in collaborative urban planning
V Maquil, U Leopold, LM de Sousa, E Tobias, L Schwartz
Journal of Geographical Systems, 2018
Comparison of FOSS4G Supported Equal-Area Projections Using Discrete Distortion Indicatrices
LPBK Luís Moreira de Sousa
ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 8 (8), 2019
New implementation of OGC Web Processing Service in Python programming language. PyWPS-4 and issues we are facing with processing of large raster data using OGC WPS
J Čepický, LM de Sousa
Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., 927-930, 2016
Comparative analysis of workbenches to support DSMLs: Discussion with non-trivial Model-Driven Development needs
A Ribeiro, L de Sousa, AR da Silva
2016 4th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software …, 2016
A Domain Specific Language for Spatial Simulation Scenarios
LM de Sousa, AR Silva
GeoInformatica 20 (1), 2016
Computational infrastructure of SoilGrids 2.0
LM De Sousa, L Poggio, G Dawes, B Kempen, R van Den Bosch
International Symposium on Environmental Software Systems, 24-31, 2020
A geospatial tangible user interface to support stakeholder participation in urban planning
V Maquil, L de Sousa, U Leopold, E Tobias
1st International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory …, 2015
Providing quality-assessed and standardised soil data to support global mapping and modelling (WoSIS snapshot 2023)
NH Batjes, L Calisto, LM de Sousa
Earth System Science Data 16 (10), 4735-4765, 2024
Metodologias de Processamento de dados SRTM para a produção de Modelos Digitais de Direcções de Escoamento
L Sousa, F Nery, J Matos
VIII Congresso da Água. Figueira da Foz, Portugal, 2006
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