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Richter, Nicole Franziska
Richter, Nicole Franziska
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
European management research using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM).
NF Richter, G Cepeda, JL Roldán, CM Ringle
Elsevier Science, 2016
A critical look at the use of SEM in international business research
NF Richter, RR Sinkovics, CM Ringle, C Schlägel
International Marketing Review, 2016
When predictors of outcomes are necessary: Guidelines for the combined use of PLS-SEM and NCA
NF Richter, S Schubring, S Hauff, CM Ringle, M Sarstedt
Industrial management & data systems 120 (12), 2243-2267, 2020
Situational job characteristics and job satisfaction: The moderating role of national culture
S Hauff, NF Richter, T Tressin
International business review 24 (4), 710-723, 2015
Partial least squares Strukturgleichungsmodellierung: eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung
JF Hair, GTM Hult, CM Ringle, M Sarstedt, NF Richter, S Hauff
Vahlen, 2017
Job satisfaction in aging workforces: an analysis of the USA, Japan and Germany
D Drabe, S Hauff, NF Richter
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 26 (6), 783-805, 2015
Cultural intelligence, global mindset, and cross-cultural competencies: A systematic review using bibliometric methods
N Yari, E Lankut, I Alon, NF Richter
European Journal of International Management 14 (2), 210-250, 2020
Motivational configurations of cultural intelligence, social integration, and performance in global virtual teams
NF Richter, J Martin, SV Hansen, V Taras, I Alon
Journal of Business Research 129, 351-367, 2021
Using cultural archetypes in cross-cultural management studies
NF Richter, S Hauff, C Schlaegel, S Gudergan, CM Ringle, M Gunkel
Journal of International Management 22 (1), 63-83, 2016
Power distance and its moderating role in the relationship between situational job characteristics and job satisfaction: An empirical analysis using different cultural measures
S Hauff, N Richter
Cross cultural management 22 (1), 68-89, 2015
The use of partial least squares structural equation modeling and complementary methods in international management research
NF Richter, S Hauff, CM Ringle, SP Gudergan
Management International Review 62 (4), 449-470, 2022
Cultural intelligence and work-related outcomes: A meta-analytic examination of joint effects and incremental predictive validity
C Schlaegel, NF Richter, V Taras
Journal of World Business 56 (4), 101209, 2021
Necessary conditions in international business research–Advancing the field with a new perspective on causality and data analysis
NF Richter, S Hauff
Journal of World Business 57 (5), 101310, 2022
Strategic implications for (non-equity) alliance performance
SP Gudergan, T Devinney, NF Richter, RS Ellis
Long Range Planning 45 (5-6), 451-476, 2012
Causal analysis of the internationalization and performance relationship based on neural networks—advocating the transnational structure
JN Garbe, NF Richter
Journal of international management 15 (4), 413-431, 2009
Importance and performance in PLS-SEM and NCA: Introducing the combined importance-performance map analysis (cIPMA)
S Hauff, NF Richter, M Sarstedt, CM Ringle
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 78, 103723, 2024
The customer loyalty cascade and its impact on profitability in financial services
AK Hegner-Kakar, NF Richter, CM Ringle
Partial least squares structural equation modeling: Recent advances in …, 2018
How to apply necessary condition analysis in PLS-SEM
NF Richter, S Hauff, CM Ringle, M Sarstedt, AE Kolev, S Schubring
Partial least squares path modeling: Basic concepts, methodological issues …, 2023
A critical perspective on the measurement of performance in the empirical multinationality and performance literature
NF Richter, R Schmidt, TJ Ladwig, F Wulhorst
Critical perspectives on international business 13 (2), 94-118, 2017
The expanded model of cultural intelligence and its explanatory power in the context of expatriation intention
NF Richter, C Schlaegel, MV Bakel, RL Engle
European journal of international management 14 (2), 381-419, 2020
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