Takip et
Ernesto Brugnoli Olivera
Ernesto Brugnoli Olivera
Profesor Adjunto Oceanografía y Ecología Marina-Facultad de Ciencias-Universidad de la República
fcien.edu.uy üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Golden mussel Limnoperna fortunei (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) distribution in the main hydrographical basins of Uruguay: update and predictions
E Brugnoli, J Clemente, L Boccardi, A Borthagaray, F Scarabino
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 77, 235-244, 2005
Ecosystem health of Montevideo coastal zone: A multi approach using some different benthic indicators to improve a ten-year-ago assessment
P Muniz, N Venturini, M Hutton, N Kandratavicius, A Pita, E Brugnoli, ...
Journal of Sea Research 65 (1), 38-50, 2011
A multi-molecular marker assessment of organic pollution in shore sediments from the Río de la Plata Estuary, SW Atlantic
N Venturini, MC Bícego, S Taniguchi, ST Sasaki, F García-Rodríguez, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 91 (2), 461-475, 2015
Benthic trophic status of sediments in a metropolitan area (Rio de la Plata estuary): Linkages with natural and human pressures
N Venturini, AL Pita, E Brugnoli, F García-Rodríguez, L Burone, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 112, 139-152, 2012
Climate vulnerability, impacts and adaptation in Central and South America coastal areas
GJ Nagy, O Gutiérrez, E Brugnoli, JE Verocai, M Gómez-Erache, ...
Regional Studies in Marine Science 29, 100683, 2019
Assessing the ecological quality status of a temperate urban estuary by means of benthic biotic indices
M Hutton, N Venturini, F García-Rodríguez, E Brugnoli, P Muniz
Marine pollution bulletin 91 (2), 441-453, 2015
Community structure of eastern Pacific reef fishes (Gulf of Papagayo, Costa Rica)
A Dominici-Arosemena, E Brugnoli-Olivera, J Cortés, H Molina-Ureña, ...
Tecnociencia 7 (2), 19-41, 2005
Macrofaunal patterns and animal–sediment relationships in Uruguayan estuaries and coastal lagoons (Atlantic coast of South America)
L Giménez, N Venturini, N Kandratavicius, M Hutton, A Lanfranconi, ...
Journal of Sea Research 87, 46-55, 2014
Integrated assessment of contaminants and monitoring of an urbanized temperate harbor (Montevideo, Uruguay): a 12-year comparison
P Muniz, N Venturini, CC Martins, AB Munshi, F García-Rodríguez, ...
Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 63, 311-330, 2015
Benthic invasive pests in Uruguay: A new problem or an old one recently perceived?
P Muniz, J Clemente, E Brugnoli
Marine Pollution Bulletin 50 (9), 1014-1018, 2005
A multiproxy study between the Río de la Plata and the adjacent South-western Atlantic inner shelf to assess the sediment footprint of river vs. marineinfluence
L Burone, L Ortega, P Franco-Fraguas, M Mahiques, F García-Rodriguez, ...
Continental shelf research 55, 141-154, 2013
Phytoplankton distribution and production along a wide environmental gradient in the South-West Atlantic off Uruguay
D Calliari, E Brugnoli, G Ferrari, D Vizziano
Hydrobiologia 620, 47-61, 2009
New record of the alien mollusc Rapana venosa (Valenciennes 1846) in the Uruguayan coastal zone of Río de la Plata
A Lanfranconi, M Hutton, E Brugnoli, P Muniz
Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences 4 (2), 216-221, 2009
Assessing multimetric trophic state variability during an ENSO event in a large estuary (Río de la Plata, South America)
E Brugnoli, P Muniz, N Venturini, B Brena, A Rodríguez, ...
Regional Studies in Marine Science 28, 100565, 2019
Warm-phase ENSO events modulate the continental freshwater input and the trophic state of sediments in a large South American estuary
F García-Rodríguez, E Brugnoli, P Muniz, N Venturini, L Burone, M Hutton, ...
Marine and Freshwater Research 65 (1), 1-11, 2013
Antecedentes y nuevos aportes al conocimiento de la estructura y dinámica del Embalse Salto Grande
G Chalar, L De León, E Brugnoli, J Clemente, M Paradiso
El agua en Sudamérica: de la Limnología a la Gestión en Sudamérica, A …, 2002
Performance of biotic indices in naturally stressed estuarine environments on the Southwestern Atlantic coast (Uruguay): a multiple scale approach
P Muniz, M Hutton, N Kandratavicius, A Lanfranconi, E Brugnoli, ...
Ecological Indicators 19, 89-97, 2012
InBUy database of Invasive and Alien Species (IAS) in Uruguay: a useful tool to confront this threat to biodiversity
S Masciadri, E Brugnoli, P Muniz
Biota Neotropica 10, 205-213, 2010
Evaluating the role of predatory fish controlling the invasion of the Asian golden mussel Limnoperna fortunei in a subtropical river
I González‐Bergonzoni, I Silva, F Teixeira de Mello, A D'Anatro, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 57 (4), 717-728, 2020
Heavy metals and As in surface sediments of the north coast of the Río de la Plata estuary: spatial variations in pollution status and adverse biological risk
P Muniz, A Marrero, E Brugnoli, N Kandratavicius, M Rodríguez, C Bueno, ...
Regional Studies in Marine Science 28, 100625, 2019
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