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Iwona Kaczmarek
Iwona Kaczmarek
up.wroc.pl üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Challenges for quality in volunteered geographical information
AK Cooper, S Coetzee, I Kaczmarek, DG Kourie, A Iwaniak, T Kubik
AfricaGEO, 2011
Nuevos desafíos para el perfeccionamiento de los procesos de participación ciudadana en la gestión urbana. Retos para la innovación social
DG Castro, VDE Gutierrez, J Kazak, S Szewranski, I Kaczmarek, T Wang
Cuadernos de Gestión 20 (1), 41-64, 2020
A machine learning approach for integration of spatial development plans based on natural language processing
I Kaczmarek, A Iwaniak, A Świetlicka, M Piwowarczyk, A Nadolny
Sustainable Cities and Society 76, 103479, 2022
The Academic SDI—Towards understanding spatial data infrastructures for research and education
S Coetzee, S Steiniger, B Köbben, A Iwaniak, I Kaczmarek, P Rapant, ...
Advances in Cartography and GIScience: Selections from the International …, 2017
Intelligent geoportal for spatial planning
A Iwaniak, I Kaczmarek, T Kubik, J Lukowicz, W Paluszynski, D Kourie, ...
Enriching and improving the quality of linked data with GIS
A Iwaniak, I Kaczmarek, M Strzelecki, J Lukowicz, P Jankowski
Open Geosciences 8 (1), 323-336, 2016
Little Steps Towards Big Goals. Using Linked Data to Develop Next Generation Spatial Data Infrastructures (aka SDI 3.0)
F Harvey, J Jones, S Scheider, A Iwaniak, I Kaczmarek, J Łukowicz, ...
AGILE Digital Editions, 2014
Are rural stakeholder needs compliant with the targets of the Europe 2020 Strategy? Text mining analysis of local action group strategies from two polish regions
M Furmankiewicz, K Janc, I Kaczmarek, I Solecka
University of Hradec Kralove, 2021
Spatial Analysis of Asymmetry in the Development of Tourism Infrastructure in the Borderlands: The Case of the Bystrzyckie and Orlickie Mountains
M Jędruch, M Furmankiewicz, I Kaczmarek
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 9 (8), 470, 2020
New Spatial Planning Data Access Methods Through The Implementation Of The Inspire Directive
I Kaczmarek, A Iwaniak, J Łukowicz
Real Estate Management and Valuation 22 (1), 9-21, 2014
Towards Transit‑Oriented Development for Sustainable Urban Mobility: Insights from a Central European City
M Leśniewski, M Świąder, I Kaczmarek, DG Castro, JA Kamińska, ...
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering 15 (3), 39-53, 2021
A Novel Approach for Publishing Linked Open Geodata from National Registries with the Use of Semantically Annotated Context Dependent Web Pages
A Iwaniak, M Leszczuk, M Strzelecki, F Harvey, I Kaczmarek
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 6 (8), 252, 2017
Volunteered geographical information–the challenges
A Cooper, S Coetzee, D Kourie, I Kaczmarek
PoPositionIT, 2012
Ontology Driven Analysis of Spatio-temporal Phenomena, Aimed At Spatial Planning And Environmental Forecasting
A Iwaniak, J Lukowicz, M Strzelecki, I Kaczmarek
ISPRS-International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and …, 2013
WP A. Iwaniak, I. Kaczmarek, J. Łukowicz, M. Strzelecki, S. Coetzee
ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., 27-36, 2016
Classification of Spatial Objects with the Use of Graph Neural Networks
I Kaczmarek, A Iwaniak, A Świetlicka
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 12 (3), 83, 2023
Supporting spatial data harmonization process with the use of ontologies and Semantic Web technologies
M Strzelecki, A Iwaniak, J Łukowicz, I Kaczmarek
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2013
Modelowanie dynamiki zjawisk w planowaniu przestrzennym z wykorzystaniem ontologii formalnych
K Łukowicz, Iwaniak, Strzelecki
Roczniki Geomatyki, 2014
Semantic metadata in SDI for decision support systems in spatial planning
AI J Łukowicz, I Kaczmarek
Global Geospatial Conference 2012 "Spatially Enabling Government, Industry …, 2012
Transforming text into knowledge graph: Extracting and structuring information from spatial development plans
I Kaczmarek
Open Geosciences 15 (1), 20220513, 2023
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