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John Alexander Cortés Romero
John Alexander Cortés Romero
unal.edu.co üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Sliding modes after the first decade of the 21st century
L Fridman, J Moreno, R Iriarte
Springer 412, 113-149, 2011
Algebraic identification and estimation methods in feedback control systems
H Sira-Ramírez, CG Rodríguez, JC Romero, AL Juárez
John Wiley & Sons, 2014
AC electric motors control: advanced design techniques and applications
F Giri
John Wiley & Sons, 2013
A robust linear field-oriented voltage control for the induction motor: experimental results
H Sira-Ramírez, F González-Montañez, JA Cortés-Romero, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 60 (8), 3025-3033, 2012
Synchronization of chaotic oscillators by means of generalized proportional integral observers
A Luviano-Juarez, J Cortes-Romero, H Sira-Ramirez
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 20 (05), 1509-1517, 2010
Control lineal robusto de sistemas no lineales diferencialmente planos
H Sira-Ramirez, A Luviano-Juárez, J Cortés-Romero
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial RIAI 8 (1), 14-28, 2011
Generalized proportional integral control for periodic signals under active disturbance rejection approach
J Cortés-Romero, GA Ramos, H Coral-Enriquez
ISA transactions 53 (6), 1901-1909, 2014
Robust input–output sliding mode control of the buck converter
H Sira-Ramírez, A Luviano-Juárez, J Cortés-Romero
Control Engineering Practice 21 (5), 671-678, 2013
A robust two-stage active disturbance rejection control for the stabilization of a riderless bicycle
M Baquero-Suárez, J Cortés-Romero, J Arcos-Legarda, H Coral-Enriquez
Multibody System Dynamics 45, 7-35, 2019
Rejection of varying-frequency periodic load disturbances in wind-turbines through active disturbance rejection-based control
H Coral-Enriquez, J Cortés-Romero, SA Dorado-Rojas
Renewable energy 141, 217-235, 2019
Algebraic identification and discontinuous control for trajectory tracking in a perturbed 1-DOF suspension system
C Garcia-Rodriguez, JA Cortés-Romero, H Sira-Ramirez
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 56 (9), 3665-3674, 2009
Sliding mode control assisted by GPI observers for tracking tasks of a nonlinear multivariable Twin-Rotor aerodynamical system
H Rojas-Cubides, J Cortés-Romero, H Coral-Enriquez, H Rojas-Cubides
Control Engineering Practice 88, 1-15, 2019
Spatial observer-based repetitive controller: An active disturbance rejection approach
GA Ramos, J Cortés-Romero, H Coral-Enriquez
Control Engineering Practice 42, 1-11, 2015
Robust GPI controller for trajectory tracking for induction motors
JA Cortes-Romero, A Luviano-Juarez, H Sira-Ramirez
2009 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, 1-6, 2009
Trajectory tracking control of a mobile robot through a flatness-based exact feedforward linearization scheme
A Luviano-Juárez, J Cortés-Romero, H Sira-Ramírez
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 137 (5), 051001, 2015
Robust active disturbance rejection control for LVRT capability enhancement of DFIG-based wind turbines
A Beltran-Pulido, J Cortes-Romero, H Coral-Enriquez
Control Engineering Practice 77, 174-189, 2018
Active disturbance rejection control based on generalized proportional integral observer to control a bipedal robot with five degrees of freedom
J Arcos-Legarda, J Cortes-Romero, A Tovar
2016 American Control Conference (ACC), 3928-3933, 2016
Algebraic estimation and active disturbance rejection in the control of flat systems
J Cortés-Romero, A Jimenez-Triana, H Coral-Enriquez, H Sira-Ramírez
Control Engineering Practice 61, 173-182, 2017
Robust Active Disturbance Rejection Control Approach to Maximize Energy Capture in Variable‐Speed Wind Turbines
H Coral-Enriquez, J Cortés-Romero, GA Ramos
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2013 (1), 396740, 2013
Ultramodelos globales y el control por rechazo activo de perturbaciones en sistemas no lineales diferencialmente planos
H Sira Ramírez, J Linares Flores, A Luviano Juárez, J Cortés Romero
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial 12 (2), 133-144, 2015
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