Takip et
Soheila Dastborhan
Soheila Dastborhan
Ph.D. in Crop Physiology, Tabriz University
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Influence of seed priming and water stress on selected physiological traits of borage
S Dastborhan, K Ghassemi-Golezani
Folia Horticulturae 27 (2), 151-159, 2015
Changes in essential oil content of dill (Anethum graveolens) organs under salinity stress
K Ghassemi-Golezani, S Zehtab-Salmasi, S Dastborhan
Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 5 (14), 3142-3145, 2011
Changes in growth, chlorophyll content and grain yield of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) in response to water stress, chemical and biological fertilizers and …
F Yeganehpoor, SZ Salmasi, JS Kolvanagh, KG Golezani, S Dastborhan
Seed priming and field performance of borage (Borago officinalis L.) under different irrigation treatments.
K Ghassemi-Golezani, S Dastborhan, S Zehtab-Salmasi
Effect of biofertilizers and different amounts of nitrogen on yield of flower and essential oil and nitrogen use efficiency of German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.)
S Dastborhan, S Zehtab-Salmasi, S Nasrollahzadeh, AR Tavassoli
Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research 27 (2), 290-305, 2011
Evaluation of some morphological traits and oil content of coriander seeds in response to bio-fertilizer and salicylic acid under water stress
F Yeganehpoor, S Zehtab-Salmasi, J Shafagh-Kolvanagh, ...
J. Biodiver. Environ. Sci 10, 140-149, 2017
The effect of water stress, salicylic acid and bio-fertilizer on quality of leaf and seed essential oil, and oil components of coriander
F Yeganehpoor, S Zehtab-salmasi, K Ghassemi-Golezani, ...
Net Journal of Agricultural Science 5 (2), 38-47, 2017
Effect of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria and nitrogen fertilizer on yield and essential oil of German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.)
S Dastborhan, S Zehtab-Salmasi, S Nasrollahzadeh, AR Tavassoli
International Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants IMAPS2010 and …, 2011
Changes in morphology and grain weight of borage (Boragoofficinalis L.) in response to seed priming and water limitation.
S Dastborhan, K Ghassemi-Golezani, S Zehtab-Salmasi
Sequential Changes in Antioxidant Potential of Oakleaf Lettuce Seedlings Caused by Nano-TiO2 Treatment
R Jurkow, A Kalisz, D Húska, A Sękara, S Dastborhan
Nanomaterials 11 (5), 1171, 2021
Morphological, physiological, and biochemical responses of plants to drought and oxidative stresses
S Dastborhan, A Kalisz, S Kordi, BA Lajayer, M Pessarakli
Handbook of plant and crop physiology, 517-541, 2021
The impact of Nitrokara and salicylic acid on proline content and essential oil composition of coriander under different water supply
F Yeganehpoor, S Zehtab-Salmasi, K Ghassemi-Golezani, ...
Amer J Essential Oils Nat Prod 5, 32-40, 2017
Influence of water deficit and nitrogen supply on grain yield and yield components of safflower
K Ghassemi-Golezani, R Maghferati, S ZEHTABSALMASI, S Dastborhan
Adv. Biores 7, 132-136, 2016
Evaluation of grain yield and protein content of barley in response to nitrogen and weed interference
J Shafagh Kolvanagh, S Zehtab Salmasi, S Nasrollahzadeh, ...
Journal of Agricultural Science and Sustainable Production 25 (4), 119-134, 2016
Effect of some plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and nitrogen fertilizer on morphological characteristics of German chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.)
S Dastborhan, S Zehtab-Salmasi, S Nasrollahzadeh, AR Tavassoli
Journal of Agroecology 2 (4), 565-573, 2010
Allelopathic effects of some annual and perennial weed species on germination and seedling growth of soybean
J Shafagh-Kalvanag, A Javanshir, S Zehtab-Salmasi, M Moghaddam, ...
Agricultural Science 18, 73-80, 2008
Can application of nitrogen fertilizers and salicylic acid improve growth and fruit yield of coriander under water deficit?
F Yeganehpoor, J Shafagh-Kolvanagh, K Ghassemi-Golezani, ...
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Hortorum Cultus 18 (3), 87–97-87–97, 2019
Evaluation of Morphological Traits, Yield Components and Essential Oil Content of Dragon’s Head (Lallemantia iberica Fischer & CA Meyer) under Weed Interference Periods
J Shafagh-Kolvanagh, A Azadmard-Taleshmikaeel, Y Raei, ...
Journal of Agricultural Science and Sustainable Production 28 (2), 135-150, 2018
Assessment of Grain Yield Correlation with some Morphological and physiological traits, yield components and Essential oil in Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.).
F Yeganehpoor, S Zehtab-Salmasi, J Shafagh-Kolvangh, ...
Advances in Bioresearch 8 (3), 2017
Evaluation of nitrogen and harvest time interaction on yield, quantity and quality of essential oil of four cultivars of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.)
F Moayedi, S Kordi, AA Mehrabi, S Dastborhan
Journal Of Horticultural Science 35 (4), 561-577, 2022
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