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Fredrik Carlsson
Fredrik Carlsson
economics.gu.se üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Do hypothetical and actual marginal willingness to pay differ in choice experiments?: Application to the valuation of the environment
F Carlsson, P Martinsson
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 41 (2), 179-192, 2001
Using choice experiments for non-market valuation
F Alpizar, F Carlsson, P Martinsson
Working papers in economics/Göteborg University, Dept. of Economics; no. 52, 2001
How much do we care about absolute versus relative income and consumption?
F Alpizar, F Carlsson, O Johansson-Stenman
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 56 (3), 405-421, 2005
Anonymity, reciprocity, and conformity: Evidence from voluntary contributions to a national park in Costa Rica
F Alpizar, F Carlsson, O Johansson-Stenman
Journal of Public Economics 92 (5-6), 1047-1060, 2008
Economic freedom and growth: Decomposing the effects
F Carlsson, S Lundström
Public choice 112 (3), 335-344, 2002
Valuing wetland attributes: an application of choice experiments
F Carlsson, P Frykblom, C Liljenstolpe
Ecological economics 47 (1), 95-103, 2003
Design techniques for stated preference methods in health economics
F Carlsson, P Martinsson
Health economics 12 (4), 281-294, 2003
Measuring future grandparents' preferences for equality and relative standing
O Johansson‐Stenman, F Carlsson, D Daruvala
The economic journal 112 (479), 362-383, 2002
Using cheap talk as a test of validity in choice experiments
F Carlsson, P Frykblom, CJ Lagerkvist
Economics letters 89 (2), 147-152, 2005
Do you enjoy having more than others? Survey evidence of positional goods
F Carlsson, O Johansson‐Stenman, P Martinsson
Economica 74 (296), 586-598, 2007
Willingness to pay for improved air quality in Sweden
F Carlsson, O Johansson-Stenman
Applied Economics 32 (6), 661-669, 2000
Are people inequality‐averse, or just risk‐averse?
F Carlsson, D Daruvala, O Johansson‐Stenman
Economica 72 (287), 375-396, 2005
Consumer willingness to pay for farm animal welfare: mobile abattoirs versus transportation to slaughter
F Carlsson, P Frykblom, CJ Lagerkvist
European Review of Agricultural Economics 34 (3), 321-344, 2007
Choice experiments
TP Holmes, WL Adamowicz, F Carlsson
A primer on nonmarket valuation, 133-186, 2017
Farmers' preferences for crop variety traits: Lessons for on-farm conservation and technology adoption
S Asrat, M Yesuf, F Carlsson, E Wale
Ecological Economics 69 (12), 2394-2401, 2010
The use of green nudges as an environmental policy instrument
F Carlsson, C Gravert, O Johansson-Stenman, V Kurz
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 15 (2), 216-237, 2021
Does it matter when a power outage occurs?—A choice experiment study on the willingness to pay to avoid power outages
F Carlsson, P Martinsson
Energy economics 30 (3), 1232-1245, 2008
The first time is the hardest: A test of ordering effects in choice experiments
F Carlsson, MR Mørkbak, SB Olsen
Journal of Choice Modelling 5 (2), 19-37, 2012
Dealing with ignored attributes in choice experiments on valuation of Sweden’s environmental quality objectives
F Carlsson, M Kataria, E Lampi
Environmental and resource economics 47, 65-89, 2010
Swedish consumer preferences for animal welfare and biotech: A choice experiment
D Viske, CJ Lagerkvist, F Carlsson
AgBioForum, 2006
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