Takip et
GR Odette
GR Odette
engineering.ucsb.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Recent developments in irradiation-resistant steels
GR Odette, MJ Alinger, BD Wirth
Annu. Rev. Mater. Res. 38 (1), 471-503, 2008
On the role of alloy composition and processing parameters in nanocluster formation and dispersion strengthening in nanostuctured ferritic alloys
MJ Alinger, GR Odette, DT Hoelzer
Acta Materialia 57 (2), 392-406, 2009
Recent progress in understanding reactor pressure vessel steel embrittlement
GR Odette, GE Lucas
Radiation effects and defects in solids 144 (1-4), 189-231, 1998
Embrittlement of nuclear reactor pressure vessels
GR Odette, GE Lucas
Jom 53, 18-22, 2001
Ferritic/martensitic steels–overview of recent results
RL Klueh, DS Gelles, S Jitsukawa, A Kimura, GR Odette, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 307, 455-465, 2002
Primary damage formation in bcc iron
RE Stoller, GR Odette, BD Wirth
Journal of Nuclear Materials 251, 49-60, 1997
On the dominant mechanism of irradiation embrittlement of reactor pressure vessel steels
GR Odette
Scripta metallurgica 17 (10), 1183-1188, 1983
Influence of particle dispersions on the high-temperature strength of ferritic alloys
DT Hoelzer, J Bentley, MA Sokolov, MK Miller, GR Odette, MJ Alinger
Journal of Nuclear Materials 367, 166-172, 2007
Status of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel development
N Baluc, DS Gelles, S Jitsukawa, A Kimura, RL Klueh, GR Odette, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 367, 33-41, 2007
Irradiation-tolerant nanostructured ferritic alloys: Transforming helium from a liability to an asset
GR Odette, DT Hoelzer
Jom 62, 84-92, 2010
Development of next generation tempered and ODS reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels for fusion energy applications
SJ Zinkle, JL Boutard, DT Hoelzer, A Kimura, R Lindau, GR Odette, ...
Nuclear Fusion 57 (9), 092005, 2017
The development and stability of Y–Ti–O nanoclusters in mechanically alloyed Fe–Cr based ferritic alloys
MJ Alinger, GR Odette, DT Hoelzer
Journal of Nuclear Materials 329, 382-386, 2004
Recent progress of R&D activities on reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels
Q Huang, N Baluc, Y Dai, S Jitsukawa, A Kimura, J Konys, RJ Kurtz, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 442 (1-3), S2-S8, 2013
Dislocation loop structure, energy and mobility of self-interstitial atom clusters in bcc iron
BD Wirth, GR Odette, D Maroudas, GE Lucas
Journal of nuclear materials 276 (1-3), 33-40, 2000
Precipitation in neutron-irradiated Fe–Cu and Fe–Cu–Mn model alloys: a comparison of APT and SANS data
MK Miller, BD Wirth, GR Odette
Materials Science and Engineering: A 353 (1-2), 133-139, 2003
Development of an extensive database of mechanical and physical properties for reduced-activation martensitic steel F82H
S Jitsukawa, M Tamura, B Van der Schaaf, RL Klueh, A Alamo, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 307, 179-186, 2002
Recent progress in developing and qualifying nanostructured ferritic alloys for advanced fission and fusion applications
GR Odette
Jom 66, 2427-2441, 2014
α′ precipitation in neutron-irradiated Fe–Cr alloys
M Bachhav, GR Odette, EA Marquis
Scripta Materialia 74, 48-51, 2014
Ductile reinforcement toughening of γ-TiAl: effects of debonding and ductility
HE Deve, AG Evans, GR Odette, R Mehrabian, ML Emiliani, RJ Hecht
Acta metallurgica et materialia 38 (8), 1491-1502, 1990
Energetics of formation and migration of self-interstitials and self-interstitial clusters in α-iron
BD Wirth, GR Odette, D Maroudas, GE Lucas
Journal of nuclear materials 244 (3), 185-194, 1997
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