Takip et
Chang-Yau Hoon
Chang-Yau Hoon
Diğer adlar云昌耀, CY Hoon
Professor, Institute of Asian Studies, Universiti Brunei Darussalam
ubd.edu.bn üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Assimilation, multiculturalism, hybridity: The dilemmas of the ethnic Chinese in post-Suharto Indonesia
CY Hoon
Asian Ethnicity 7 (2), 149-166, 2006
Chinese identity in post-Suharto Indonesia: Culture, politics and media
CY Hoon
Sussex Academic Press (imprint of Liverpool University Press), 2008
Putting religion into multiculturalism: Conceptualising religious multiculturalism in Indonesia
CY Hoon
Asian Studies Review 41 (3), 476-493, 2017
Revisiting the Asian values argument used by Asian political leaders and its validity
CY Hoon
Indonesian Quarterly 32 (2), 154, 2004
Politics of multicultural education in post-Suharto Indonesia: a study of the Chinese minority
TY Harjatanaya, CY Hoon
Compare: a journal of comparative and international education, 2020
Young people's attitudes towards inter-ethnic and inter-religious socializing, courtship and marriage in Indonesia
L Parker, CY Hoon, Raihani
South East Asia Research 22 (4), 467-486, 2014
Multicultural citizenship education in Indonesia: The case of a Chinese Christian school
CY Hoon
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 44 (3), 490-510, 2013
Identitas tionghoa pasca Suharto: Budaya, politik dan media
CY Hoon
Yayasan Nabil dan LP3ES, 2012
Mapping ‘Chinese’Christian schools in Indonesia: Ethnicity, class and religion
CY Hoon
Asia Pacific Education Review 12, 403-411, 2011
Reassessing Chinese Indonesian stereotypes: two decades after Reformasi
E Kuntjara, CY Hoon
South East Asia Research 28 (2), 199-216, 2020
Chinese Indonesians reassessed: History, religion and belonging
SM Sai, CY Hoon
Routledge, 2012
Between evangelism and multiculturalism: The dynamics of Protestant Christianity in Indonesia
CY Hoon
Social Compass 60 (4), 457-470, 2013
More than a cultural celebration: The politics of Chinese New Year in post-Suharto Indonesia
CY Hoon
Chinese Southern Diaspora Studies 3, 90, 2009
Reconceptualising ethnic Chinese identity in post-Suharto Indonesia
CY Hoon
University of Western Australia, 2007
Secularity, religion and the possibilities for religious citizenship
L Parker, CY Hoon
Asian Journal of Social Science 41 (2), 150-174, 2013
God and discipline: Religious education and character building in a Christian school in Jakarta
CY Hoon
South East Asia Research 22 (4), 505-524, 2014
Mapping Chineseness on the landscape of Christian churches in Indonesia
CY Hoon
Asian Ethnicity 17 (2), 228-247, 2016
Religious aspirations among urban Christians in contemporary Indonesia
CY Hoon
International Sociology 31 (4), 413-431, 2016
‘A hundred flowers bloom’: the re-emergence of the Chinese press in post-Suharto Indonesia
C Hoon
Media and the Chinese diaspora, 105-132, 2009
The politics of Mandarin fever in contemporary Indonesia: Resinicization, economic impetus, and China’s soft power
CY Hoon, E Kuntjara
Asian Survey 59 (3), 573-594, 2019
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