Takip et
Giampiero Ruani
Giampiero Ruani
Deputy Director, CNR-ISMN Bologna - Italy
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Structural and electronic properties of organo-halide lead perovskites: a combined IR-spectroscopy and ab initio molecular dynamics investigation
E Mosconi, C Quarti, T Ivanovska, G Ruani, F De Angelis
Physical chemistry chemical physics 16 (30), 16137-16144, 2014
A transparent organic transistor structure for bidirectional stimulation and recording of primary neurons
V Benfenati, S Toffanin, S Bonetti, G Turatti, A Pistone, M Chiappalone, ...
Nature materials 12 (7), 672-680, 2013
Micro-and nanopatterning of spin-transition compounds into logical structures
M Cavallini, I Bergenti, S Milita, G Ruani, I Salitros, ZR Qu, ...
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed 47, 8596-8600, 2008
Location of the low-energy state in a polythiophene oligomer by two-photon absorption spectroscopy: α-sexithienyl
N Periasamy, R Danieli, G Ruani, R Zamboni, C Taliani
Physical review letters 68 (7), 919, 1992
Graphene oxide doped polysulfone membrane adsorbers for the removal of organic contaminants from water
M Zambianchi, M Durso, A Liscio, E Treossi, C Bettini, ML Capobianco, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 326, 130-140, 2017
Infrared photoinduced absorption in the YBa2Cu3O7− y high Tc superconducting system
C Taliani, R Zamboni, G Ruani, FC Matacotta, KI Pokhodnya
Solid state communications 66 (5), 487-490, 1988
Third-order optical nonlinearity in polycondensed thiophene-based polymers and polysilane polymers
L Yang, R Dorsinville, QZ Wang, WK Zou, PP Ho, NL Yang, RR Alfano, ...
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 6 (4), 753-756, 1989
Location of charge transfer states in α-sexithienyl determined by the electroabsorption technique
LM Blinov, SP Palto, G Ruani, C Taliani, AA Tevosov, SG Yudin, ...
Chemical physics letters 232 (4), 401-406, 1995
Jahn-Teller dynamics in charge-ordered manganites from Raman spectroscopy
V Dediu, C Ferdeghini, FC Matacotta, P Nozar, G Ruani
Physical Review Letters 84 (19), 4489, 2000
Thin deposits and patterning of room-temperature-switchable one-dimensional spin-crossover compounds
M Cavallini, I Bergenti, S Milita, JC Kengne, D Gentili, G Ruani, I Salitros, ...
Langmuir 27 (7), 4076-4081, 2011
Multi-modal sensing in spin crossover compounds
D Gentili, N Demitri, B Schäfer, F Liscio, I Bergenti, G Ruani, M Ruben, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 3 (30), 7836-7844, 2015
Nanoimprint lithography for organic electronics
CC Cedeno, J Seekamp, AP Kam, T Hoffmann, S Zankovych, CMS Torres, ...
Microelectronic Engineering 61, 25-31, 2002
Weak intrinsic charge transfer complexes: A new route for developing wide spectrum organic photovoltaic cells
G Ruani, C Fontanini, M Murgia, C Taliani
The Journal of chemical physics 116 (4), 1713-1719, 2002
Nonlinear-optical response in polythiophene films using four-wave mixing techniques
R Dorsinville, L Yang, RR Alfano, R Zamboni, R Danieli, G Ruani, ...
Optics letters 14 (23), 1321-1323, 1989
Light-induced oxygen incision of C60
C Taliani, G Ruani, R Zamboni, R Danieli, S Rossini, VN Denisov, ...
Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, 220-222, 1993
Solid-state dye PV cells using inverse opal TiO2 films
PR Somani, C Dionigi, M Murgia, D Palles, P Nozar, G Ruani
Solar energy materials and solar cells 87 (1-4), 513-519, 2005
Evidence of strong electron-phonon coupling from infrared excited Raman scattering in the YBa2Cu3O7-y superconducting system
R Zamboni, G Ruani, AJ Pal, C Taliani
Solid state communications 70 (8), 813-816, 1989
Spin polarised electrodes for organic light emitting diodes
I Bergenti, V Dediu, E Arisi, T Mertelj, M Murgia, A Riminucci, G Ruani, ...
Organic electronics 5 (6), 309-314, 2004
Vibrational response of methylammonium lead iodide: from cation dynamics to phonon–phonon interactions
T Ivanovska, C Quarti, G Grancini, A Petrozza, F De Angelis, A Milani, ...
ChemSusChem 9 (20), 2994-3004, 2016
Biofunctional silk/neuron interfaces
V Benfenati, K Stahl, C Gomis‐Perez, S Toffanin, A Sagnella, R Torp, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 22 (9), 1871-1884, 2012
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