Takip et
Cüneyt GÜLER
Cüneyt GÜLER
Department of Geological Engineering, Mersin University, Mersin, Turkey
mersin.edu.tr üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Evaluation of graphical and multivariate statistical methods for classification of water chemistry data
C Güler, GD Thyne, JE McCray, AK Turner
Hydrogeology Journal 10 (4), 455-474, 2002
Hydrologic and geologic factors controlling surface and groundwater chemistry in Indian Wells-Owens Valley area, southeastern California, USA
C Güler, GD Thyne
Journal of Hydrology 285 (1-4), 177-198, 2004
Assessment of the impact of anthropogenic activities on the groundwater hydrology and chemistry in Tarsus coastal plain (Mersin, SE Turkey) using fuzzy clustering, multivariate …
C Güler, MA Kurt, M Alpaslan, C Akbulut
Journal of Hydrology 414, 435-451, 2012
Sequential analysis of hydrochemical data for watershed characterization
G Thyne, C Güler, E Poeter
Groundwater 42 (5), 711-723, 2004
A review of GIS-integrated statistical techniques for groundwater quality evaluation and protection
D Machiwal, V Cloutier, C Güler, N Kazakis
Environmental Earth Sciences 77 (19), 681, 2018
Delineation of hydrochemical facies distribution in a regional groundwater system by means of fuzzy c‐means clustering
C Güler, GD Thyne
Water Resources Research 40 (12), Article Number: W12503, 2004
Evaluation of maximum contaminant levels in Turkish bottled drinking waters utilizing parameters reported on manufacturer's labeling and government-issued production licenses
C Güler
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 20 (3-4), 262-272, 2007
Mineral content of 70 bottled water brands sold on the Turkish market: assessment of their compliance with current regulations
C Güler, M Alpaslan
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 22 (7-8), 728-737, 2009
Hydrogeochemical evolution of groundwater in a Mediterranean coastal aquifer, Mersin-Erdemli basin (Turkey)
Z Demirel, C Güler
Environmental Geology 49 (3), 477-487, 2006
Characterization of Turkish bottled waters using pattern recognition methods
C Güler
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 86 (1), 86-94, 2007
Identification of suitable future municipal solid waste disposal sites for the Metropolitan Mersin (SE Turkey) using AHP and GIS techniques
Ü Yıldırım, C Güler
Environmental Earth Sciences 75 (2), Article Number: 101, 2016
Assessment of groundwater vulnerability to nonpoint source pollution in a Mediterranean coastal zone (Mersin, Turkey) under conflicting land use practices
C Güler, MA Kurt, RN Korkut
Ocean & Coastal Management 71, 141-152, 2013
Analyzing spatial and temporal evolution of groundwater salinization through Multivariate Statistical Analysis and Hydrogeochemical Facies Evolution-Diagram
A Parisi, MR Alfio, G Balacco, C Güler, MD Fidelibus
Science of The Total Environment 862, 160697, 2023
Processes governing alkaline groundwater chemistry within a fractured rock (ophiolitic mélange) aquifer underlying a seasonally inhabited headwater area in the Aladağlar Range …
C Güler, GD Thyne, H Tağa, Ü Yıldırım
Geofluids 2017, Article ID: 3153924, 2017
Deciphering factors controlling trace element distribution in the soils of Karaduvar industrial-agricultural area (Mersin, SE Turkey)
C Güler, M Alpaslan, MA Kurt, A Temel
Environmental Earth Sciences 60, 203-218, 2010
Factors controlling arsenic and selected potentially toxic elements in stream sediment–soil and groundwater–surface water systems of a hydrologically modified semi-closed basin …
M Çeliker, S Türkmen, C Güler, MA Kurt
Journal of Hydrology 569, 167-187, 2019
Modelling of the Discharge Response to Climate Change under RCP8.5 Scenario in the Alata River Basin (Mersin, SE Turkey)
Ü Yıldırım, C Güler, B Önol, M Rode, S Jomaa
Water 13 (4), 483, 2021
Spatial distribution patterns and temporal trends of heavy-metal concentrations in a petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated site: Karaduvar coastal aquifer (Mersin, SE Turkey)
C Güler, V Kaplan, C Akbulut
Environmental Earth Sciences 70 (2), 943-962, 2013
Site characterization and monitoring of natural attenuation indicator parameters in a fuel contaminated coastal aquifer: Karaduvar (Mersin, SE Turkey)
C Güler
Environmental Earth Sciences 59 (3), 631-643, 2009
Statistical clustering of major solutes: use as a tracer for evaluating interbasin groundwater flow into Indian Wells Valley, California
C Güler, GD Thyne
Environmental & Engineering Geoscience 12 (1), 53-65, 2006
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