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Andrey Altynnikov
Andrey Altynnikov
St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University
etu.ru üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Structural properties of barium strontium titanate films grown under different technological conditions
AV Tumarkin, VI Al’myashev, SV Razumov, MM Gaidukov, AG Gagarin, ...
Physics of the Solid State 57, 553-557, 2015
Effect of annealing in oxygen atmosphere on structure and microwave properties of multilayered tunable (Ba, Sr) TiO3 capacitors
A Tumarkin, A Gagarin, A Altynnikov, M Gaidukov, A Odinets, S Razumov, ...
Thin Solid Films 593, 189-192, 2015
Effect of ultraviolet radiation on slow-relaxation processes in ferroelectric capacitance structures
PK Petrov, N Alford, A Kozyrev, M Gaidukov, A Altynnikov, A Vasilevskiy, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 107 (8), 2010
High tunable BaSnxTi1-xO3 thin films for microwave applications
AV Tumarkin, VM Stozharov, AG Altynnikov, AG Gagarin, SV Razumov, ...
Integrated Ferroelectrics 173 (1), 140-146, 2016
Influence of metal-ferroelectric contacts on the space charge formation in ferroelectric thin film capacitors
AB Kozyrev, MM Gaĭdukov, AG Gagarin, AG Altynnikov, SV Razumov, ...
Technical Physics Letters 35, 585-588, 2009
Suppression of slow capacitance relaxation phenomenon in Pt/Ba0. 3Sr0. 7TiO3/Pt thin film ferroelectric structures by annealing in oxygen atmosphere
AG Altynnikov, AG Gagarin, MM Gaidukov, AV Tumarkin, PK Petrov, ...
Applied physics letters 104 (4), 2014
Microwave losses in metal-ferroelectric-metal thin-film capacitors
MM Gaĭdukov, AG Gagarin, AB Kozyrev, SV Razumov, AV Tumarkin, ...
Technical Physics Letters 34, 565-567, 2008
Characterization of the properties of barium–strontium titanate films and controlled elements based on them in the frequency range of 1–60 GHz
AG Altynnikov, AG Gagarin, AV Tumarkin, IV Kotel’nikov
Technical Physics Letters 45, 540-543, 2019
Evaluation of the space charge trap energy levels in the ferroelectric films
A Kozyrev, M Gaidukov, A Gagarin, A Altynnikov, V Osadchy, A Tumarkin, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 106 (1), 2009
A Tunable Beamforming Ferroelectric Lens for Millimeter Wavelength Ranges
R Platonov, A Altynnikov, A Kozyrev
Coatings 10 (2), 180, 2020
Ferroelectric varactor on diamond for elevated power microwave applications
A Tumarkin, S Razumov, A Gagarin, A Altynnikov, A Mikhailov, R Platonov, ...
IEEE Electron Device Letters 37 (6), 762-765, 2016
Electrodeless measurement technique of complex dielectric permittivity of high-K dielectric films in the millimeter wavelength range
IV Kotelnikov, AG Altynnikov, AK Mikhailov, VV Medvedeva, AB Kozyrev
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M 52, 161-167, 2016
Injected charge as a cause of the slow dielectric relaxation in thin film Pt/(Ba, Sr) TiO3/Cu structures
T Samoilova, M Gaidukov, A Tumarkin, A Gagarin, A Altynnikov, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 115 (20), 2014
Влияние температуры осаждения на структурные и электрофизические свойства тонких пленок титаната бария-стронция
АВ Тумаркин, АК Михайлов, АГ Алтынников
Письма в Журнал технической физики 34 (18), 14-19, 2008
Heterostructures “Ferroelectric film/Silicon Carbide” for high power microwave applications
A Tumarkin, A Gagarin, M Zlygostov, E Sapego, A Altynnikov
Coatings 10 (3), 247, 2020
Effect of deposition temperature on the structure and electrical properties of thin barium strontium titanate films
AV Tumarkin, AK Mikhailov, AG Altynnikov
Technical Physics Letters 34, 776-778, 2008
Ferroelectric BaSrTiO3 films structured by an intermediate annealing during the deposition
A Tumarkin, S Razumov, A Odinets, A Gagarin, A Altynnikov, A Kozyrev
Integrated Ferroelectrics 173 (1), 38-45, 2016
Estimation of ferroelectric material properties and phase-shifter design key parameters influence on its figure of merit for optimization of development process
A Gagarin, R Platonov, T Legkova, A Altynnikov
Crystals 11 (5), 538, 2021
An Adaptation of the Split-Cylinder Resonator Method for Measuring the Microwave Properties of Thin Ferroelectric Films in a “Thin Film—Substrate” Structure
A Gagarin, D Tsyganova, A Altynnikov, A Komlev, R Platonov
Sensors 24 (3), 2024
Thin film ferroelectric structures on diamond for high power microwave applications
AV Tumarkin, SV Razumov, AG Gagarin, AG Altynnikov, AK Mikhailov, ...
Diamond and Related Materials 75, 176-180, 2017
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