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Americus Reed II
Americus Reed II
Professor of Marketing
wharton.upenn.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The self-importance of moral identity.
K Aquino, A Reed II
Journal of personality and social psychology 83 (6), 1423, 2002
Testing a social-cognitive model of moral behavior: the interactive influence of situations and moral identity centrality.
K Aquino, D Freeman, A Reed II, VKG Lim, W Felps
Journal of personality and social psychology 97 (1), 123, 2009
Moral identity and the expanding circle of moral regard toward out-groups.
A Reed II, KF Aquino
Journal of personality and social psychology 84 (6), 1270, 2003
Identity-based consumer behavior
A Reed II, MR Forehand, S Puntoni, L Warlop
International Journal of Research in Marketing 29 (4), 310-321, 2012
Moral identity and judgments of charitable behaviors
A Reed, K Aquino, E Levy
Journal of marketing 71 (1), 178-193, 2007
Identity salience and the influence of differential activation of the social self-schema on advertising response.
MR Forehand, R Deshpandé, A Reed II
Journal of Applied psychology 87 (6), 1086, 2002
A grotesque and dark beauty: How moral identity and mechanisms of moral disengagement influence cognitive and emotional reactions to war
K Aquino, A Reed II, S Thau, D Freeman
Journal of experimental social psychology 43 (3), 385-392, 2007
Activating the self-importance of consumer selves: Exploring identity salience effects on judgments
A Reed
Journal of consumer research 31 (2), 286-295, 2004
Social identity as a useful perspective for self‐concept–based consumer research
A Reed
Psychology & Marketing 19 (3), 235-266, 2002
A., Lim, VK, & Felps, W.(2009). Testing a social-cognitive model of moral behavior: the interactive influence of situations and moral identity centrality
K Aquino, D Freeman, II Reed
Journal of personality and social psychology 97 (1), 123-141, 2014
Identity congruency effects on donations
J Shang, A Reed, R Croson
Journal of Marketing Research 45 (3), 351-361, 2008
Tip of the hat, wag of the finger: How moral decoupling enables consumers to admire and admonish
A Bhattacharjee, JZ Berman, A Reed
Journal of Consumer Research 39 (6), 1167-1184, 2013
A multiple pathway anchoring and adjustment (MPAA) model of attitude generation and recruitment
JB Cohen, A Reed
Journal of Consumer Research 33 (1), 1-15, 2006
Moral identity and psychological distance: The case of adolescent parental socialization
SA Hardy, A Bhattacharjee, A Reed II, K Aquino
Journal of adolescence 33 (1), 111-123, 2010
Playing it safe: Susceptibility to normative influence and protective self-presentation
DB Wooten, A Reed
Journal of consumer research 31 (3), 551-556, 2004
Sticky priors: The perseverance of identity effects on judgment
LE Bolton, A Reed
Journal of Marketing Research 41 (4), 397-410, 2004
Informational influence and the ambiguity of product experience: Order effects on the weighting of evidence
DB Wooten, A Reed II
Journal of consumer psychology 7 (1), 79-99, 1998
I don’t want the money, I just want your time: How moral identity overcomes the aversion to giving time to prosocial causes.
A Reed II, A Kay, S Finnel, K Aquino, E Levy
Journal of personality and social psychology 110 (3), 435, 2016
Moral identity
J Boegershausen, K Aquino, A Reed II
Current Opinion in Psychology 6, 162-166, 2015
How does drug and supplement marketing affect a healthy lifestyle?
LE Bolton, A Reed, KG Volpp, K Armstrong
Journal of Consumer Research 34 (5), 713-726, 2008
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