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Christian GERMAIN
Christian GERMAIN
ims-bordeaux.fr üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Fiber orientation measurements in composite materials
R Blanc, C Germain, JP Da Costa, P Baylou, M Cataldi
Composites Part A: applied science and manufacturing 37 (2), 197-206, 2006
Microstructure reconstruction of fibrous C/C composites from X-ray microtomography
J Martín-Herrero, C Germain
Carbon 45 (6), 1242-1253, 2007
Seismic fault preserving diffusion
O Lavialle, S Pop, C Germain, M Donias, S Guillon, N Keskes, ...
Journal of applied geophysics 61 (2), 132-141, 2007
Structural features of pyrocarbon atomistic models constructed from transmission electron microscopy images
JM Leyssale, JP Da Costa, C Germain, P Weisbecker, GL Vignoles
Carbon 50 (12), 4388-4400, 2012
Spectral–Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images Using ICA and Edge-Preserving Filter via an Ensemble Strategy
J Xia, L Bombrun, T Adalı, Y Berthoumieu, C Germain
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54 (8), 4971-4982, 2016
Nanoscale structure and texture of highly anisotropic pyrocarbons revisited with transmission electron microscopy, image processing, neutron diffraction and atomistic modeling
B Farbos, P Weisbecker, HE Fischer, JP Da Costa, M Lalanne, G Chollon, ...
Carbon 80, 472-489, 2014
Comparison of SIFT Encoded and Deep Learning Features for the Classification and Detection of Esca Disease in Bordeaux Vineyards
F Rançon, L Bombrun, B Keresztes, C Germain
Remote Sensing 11 (1), 1, 2019
Retrieval of Forest Stand Age From SAR Image Texture for Varying Distance and Orientation Values of the Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix
I Champion, C Germain, JP Da Costa, A Alborini, P Dubois-Fernandez
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, IEEE 11 (1), 5-9, 2014
Delineation of vine parcels by segmentation of high resolution remote sensed images
JP Da Costa, F Michelet, C Germain, O Lavialle, G Grenier
Precision Agriculture 8 (1-2), 95-110, 2007
Supervised classification of very high resolution optical images using wavelet-based textural features
O Regniers, L Bombrun, V Lafon, C Germain
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54 (6), 3722-3735, 2016
Early estimation of vineyard yield: site specific counting of berries by using a smartphone
M Grossetete, Y Berthoumieu, JP Da Costa, C Germain, O Lavialle, ...
International Conference of Agricultural Engineering—CIGR-AgEng, 2012
Generative Adversarial Network for Pansharpening with Spectral and Spatial Discriminators
A Gastineau, JF Aujol, Y Berthoumieu, C Germain
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60, 1-11, 2021
An image-guided atomistic reconstruction of pyrolytic carbons
JM Leyssale, JP Da Costa, C Germain, P Weisbecker, GL Vignoles
Applied Physics Letters 95 (23), 231912, 2009
Simplified marching cubes: An efficient discretization scheme for simulations of deposition/ablation in complex media
GL Vignoles, M Donias, C Mulat, C Germain, JF Delesse
Computational Materials Science 50 (3), 893-902, 2011
Multiscale estimation of vector field anisotropy application to texture characterization
C Germain, JP Da Costa, O Lavialle, P Baylou
Signal Processing 83 (7), 1487-1503, 2003
Estimating local multiple orientations
F Michelet, JP Da Costa, O Lavialle, Y Berthoumieu, P Baylou, C Germain
Signal Processing 87 (7), 1655-1669, 2007
Texture Synthesis Using the Structure Tensor
A Akl, C Yaacoub, M Donias, JP Da Costa, C Germain
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 24 (11), 4082-4095, 2015
Row detection in high resolution remote sensing images of vine fields
W Bobillet, JP Da Costa, C Germain, O Lavialle, G Grenier
Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Precision Agriculture, 81-87, 2003
Near infrared hyperspectral dataset of healthy and infected apple tree leaves images for the early detection of apple scab disease
M Nouri, N Gorretta, P Vaysse, M Giraud, C Germain, B Keresztes, ...
Data in brief 16, 967-971, 2018
A time-dependent atomistic reconstruction of severe irradiation damage and associated property changes in nuclear graphite
B Farbos, H Freeman, T Hardcastle, JP Da Costa, R Brydson, AJ Scott, ...
Carbon 120, 111-120, 2017
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